
Songs from Secret powers

Here is songs from my fanfiction Secret powers.

StupitPizza_Da_20 · Televisi
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5 Chs

We are friends (Not alone)

Blaze: I didn't realized how far we came

And we're not turn back

So let's keep ourselves on line

I am ready for our next luck

We are friends

Who are ready for the light

In the middle of the night

We are friends

Even when it all are upside down

We are never alone

We can make the most of our time

Even if we don't see each other

We keep ourselves on line

Let's see what the future holds

Both: We are friends

Who is ready for the light

In the middle of the night

Even when the darkness is forever

We can make it trough

'Cause we are friends

Luna: I thought that i was forever alone

But you showed otherwise

Yes, we are friends

Both: We are friends

Even when it all are upside down

We are never alone (alone)

* Second song singed by Luna.

* Forth song in my fanfiction.