
Songs from Secret powers

Here is songs from my fanfiction Secret powers.

StupitPizza_Da_20 · TV
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5 Chs

Another side

I never felt this

I thought that i never regret

The things i done

Now i'm another truck inside

I felt something about you

What ignited in me.

You were there

You picked me up

And showed another way

You helped me to see greater road

I will find the way to save you

Like you, i will be there

I promise to not let you down

This time!

I will be there

I will pick you up

You showed another side of me

This is another way!

This is my other side!

Nothing is gonna stop me

We are friends and always be

You trusted me and gave an helping hand

It will not be easy but you will trust me again

You showed another way

And another side of me!

I will show my another side to you!

(Another side)

Another siiddee!

* Second solo song.

* Third song singed by Luna.

* Fifth song in my fanfiction.