
Son of Tony Stark

Reborn as Son of Tony stark in MCU

Hanish_Ram · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 10

"Hey, old man!" As soon as the press conference was over, Mark ran up to Tony backstage with a displeased expression. "Why don't I remember authorizing Stark Industries to produce Baymax, and I don't recall mentioning that I wanted to talk about my business today."

Seeing Mark's angry face, Tony rolled his eyes a few times and replied, "Actually, it was a spur-of-the-moment decision."

As soon as he spoke, a dangerous look appeared in Mark's expression. Tony quickly said, "Don't worry, let me explain!"

It's no wonder that Tony was so afraid of Mark getting angry. Although the father and son usually spent little time together, some incidents still made Tony's hair stand on end in retrospect.

He still remembered when Mark was six years old, Tony had complained that the magnetic levitation bicycle Mark made was of little use and worthless. As a result, Mark secretly replaced the shower gel in the bathroom with hardened foam, trapping Tony in the bathroom all night. The next day, when the foam lost its effectiveness and Tony escaped, he was about to find Mark to settle the score. Mark's words formed a deep psychological scar on him: "Daddy, I wanted to take a few photos as a souvenir and put you on display. I didn't expect the formula to be so effective; it lasted all night."

Because of this memorable experience, seeing Mark's darkening face at the door, Tony immediately explained, "Although I made a last-minute decision to have you show up in front of the national media, think about it. As my son, the future heir to Stark Industries, it's impossible to escape the media spotlight from the moment you returned to me. You're fourteen now and will be an adult in a few years. I'm helping you build momentum. You're an extremely talented genius, and when you take over, being in the spotlight won't hinder you."

"But I want to develop quietly and avoid the spotlight. Being as popular as you might get me kidnapped to make weapons. Besides, who wants to manage Stark Industries? I'm obsessed with knowledge, not company affairs. I think you should consider Pepper as the heir while you're still healthy."

Pepper blushed at Mark's words. Tony reacted fiercely and blushed, saying loudly, "You're too young to be thinking about this! Is this something you should worry about?

Regarding Baymax's authorization, I plan to set up a company in your name to handle all the technologies and inventions you've accumulated over the years. The company will be 100% controlled by you and will only handle matters related to you. Negotiations for Baymax's licensing fees will occur after the company's formation. I promise you won't get shortchanged."

"Fine, I accept your explanation. I won't be embarrassed for the sake of the money. But let's not make this a habit. If you dare to make decisions without consulting me again, be careful I don't pour my latest super spicy mix on your underwear."

Tony trembled, feeling lucky he had managed to smooth things over. "Don't worry, there will be no next time, I promise!"

At that moment, Tony saw Obadiah Stane walking towards him with a stern expression and was overjoyed. "Oh, Obadiah is here. Looking serious, he must have something important to discuss. Mark, you stay with Pepper. I need to talk business."

Using Obadiah as an excuse to escape, Tony wiped the sweat off his forehead and greeted Obadiah. "Uncle Obi, what can I do for you?"

"What you did just now was really good, Tony," Obadiah said insincerely.

"I think so too," Tony replied.

"Tony, how far do you think Stark Industries' stock price will fall tomorrow?" Obadiah's face darkened even as Tony remained dismissive.

"An optimistic estimate is 40 points."

"That's the least," Obadiah said, lighting a cigar to calm down.


"Tony, we are a weapon manufacturer!"

"Obi, I don't want us to be known just for killing people."

"This is our job. We are arms dealers; we make weapons."

"Not anymore. I've announced that Stark Industries will enter the medical field. We'll become a more profitable and greater company."

"Are you talking about the inflatable doll Mark made? Come on, Tony, who would believe something invented by a fourteen-year-old can save Stark Industries' stock price?"

"Then let's talk about the Arc Reactor. I am very optimistic about the new energy field."

"Please, Tony. The Arc Reactor is just a gimmick. It was built to silence the media and politicians."

Obadiah pointed to the middle of the exhibition hall, where the prototype Arc Reactor made by Howard Stark was displayed.

"But it succeeded," Tony insisted.

"Yes, but it was a scientific project. Its commercial benefits are nonexistent. We knew before it was built that Arc Reactor technology is a dead end, right?"


"I'm right. How long have we been unable to make a breakthrough with this technology? It's been 30 years."

"Can you stop hiding your thoughts? Tell me who told you I made a breakthrough. Was it Pepper or Rhodey?"

"Leave it alone, Tony. I want to know."

"Was it Pepper or Rhodey?"

"Well, it was Rhodey."

Hearing the answer, Tony unbuttoned his shirt and showed the Arc Reactor on his chest to Obadiah. "It works."

"Okay, okay." Seeing what he wanted, Obadiah smiled greedily. He took Tony's shoulder affectionately. "Listen to me, Tony. We're on the same team, understand? As long as we work together, there's nothing we can't do, just like me and your father back then."

"Sorry, Obi. I didn't discuss it with you in advance..."

"Tony, Tony." Obadiah stopped Tony from explaining further. "Listen to me, there will be no more [preparation, aiming, ignition] things, do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, these things are the same route my father took back then."

"Yes, Tony. Try to keep a low profile, and let me take care of the next steps."


"That guy definitely has a problem."

"What?" Pepper was puzzled by Mark's sudden outburst.

"I mean that old man, Obadiah. If something happens to Tony, he's definitely involved." Seeing Obadiah talking to Tony with a supposedly kind demeanor, Mark decided to warn Pepper in advance.

Mark knew that in Tony's accident, Obadiah was behind the scenes. But he had no evidence. Only his knowledge from his previous life's familiarity with the plot could not be used as a reason to accuse Obadiah, so the best way was to plant a seed of doubt in Pepper's heart and influence Tony's thinking through her.

"The entire company knows about Tony's itinerary. Only you, as the secretary, and Obadiah, as the vice chairman, had access. Since the terrorists could ambush Tony accurately, it must have been one of you who leaked the information. I believe it wasn't you, Pepper, so it can only be him."

"Could it really be him?" Pepper also became suspicious after hearing Mark's analysis. Although she had no evidence to prove her innocence, she knew she had never betrayed Tony. If Mark's analysis was correct, then Obadiah...

"Okay, Pepper, don't dwell on it. It's just my personal speculation, so don't tell anyone. And I want to ask you for a favor..."

Seeing Mark suddenly looking embarrassed, Pepper chuckled, "Come on, tell me what's going on. I'll help if I can."

"As you know, I've saved a lot of money over the years from Dad. I want you to find a reliable financial company and help me invest all my money in Stark Industries' stock tomorrow."

"No problem." Pepper agreed without hesitation.

"Aren't you going to persuade me otherwise?" Mark was curious about how readily Pepper agreed. He had tens of billions in deposits, and anyone could see that Stark's stock would fall sharply tomorrow. A normal person wouldn't agree with his contrarian move.

"I believe in Tony and your abilities. Don't forget you promised me a special version of Baymax before."

"Don't worry, the pink custom model, plus the cute voice, will be ready by tomorrow. I've thought of a name: King Kong Barbie!"

"...I think I'll name it myself."
