
Son Of Erebus 2

This is the second book in the series Son Of Erebus, it’s is a basic continuation of the first book. Let me know what you think!!

King_RomanX · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Dawn of the Final Battle

I spent the rest of the night planning with Emma and Foxy, who happened to be the leaders of the Ares and Athena cabins. We'd sent out numerous scouting missions. We'd finally come up with a plan that might work, we'd have a standard army against an army face off on a field. We'd set up traps that separated the giant brothers from their army, then I'd pick two people who I'd allow to fight my siblings. Two people who excel in combat, and have a ruthless streak. It would be needed to fight the giants and be able to deal with my siblings. While I'd be with the gods fighting typhoons, that thought scared me. I'd be fighting the king of all monsters, I began to shake. I knew the typhoon hadn't been released yet, so we still had some time. I had to stay focused, so I knew we had the plan all set in stone. I summoned the leaders of the AMF, to see if they had any altercations. The Romans decided that they'd also place their two strongest fighters with the giants, it would be six on two in that instance. The centaurus said they provide support, run messages and supply lines. The woodland spirits said they'd enforce the traps and make sure they aren't seen. I was in the middle of the discussion when I was informed that a harpy was here to see me, I immediately felt sick. I haven't been liked by the harpies, but I went to him anyway.

"Hello… We… The Harpies…. Would like to offer our assistance…. In this fight…. By the will of Lord Zues…." He stammered slowly.

The harpy was a blue feathered male with a scar on his face, it seemed he had trouble speaking english. I knew we'd need all the help we could get so I told him to follow me, I filled him in on the plan and he said the harpies would come from the sky, and do what needed to be done. I told him that was great, and that we'd be in touch for a in person meeting to discuss the full version soon, and with that he was off. I walked back and said,

"So now we have the full support of most of the mythological community."

"Agreed, but even still this will not be a battle easily won." Chester said through the iris message.

Chester was a roman demigod in place of the usual leader, she was away dealing with her own issues.

"Agreed, but I do believe we will win, as sad as it is to say we'd lose most of our troops." I countered. The group nodded in agreement,

"Which is why we must finish this now, so we don't lose any more people." I finished.

Again murmurs of agreement flowed from each Iris message. I knew talking to the goddess of messages would come in handy, she allowed us to use her rainbow message board as long as we talked about beating the giants.

"We need more time to find a battlefield ideal for our plan. And we also need to finalize the strategy, Well be in touch. Camp Demigod out." I said as I shut off the water.

I began looking over and drawing plans and thinking, my mind so preoccupied that I didn't hear Borus come in.

"You know you won't even be on the battlefield so why are you worried about strategy?" He asked,

"I'm the battlefield commander, I have to be." I replied.

"You should be more worried about Typhoon." He said,

"I am, I'll have the gods by my side so I should be ok right?" I replied shakily.

"The gods could barely defeat him last time, you're the difference maker this time around." He said.

'I know!" I barked.

He paused, "I know I'm going to be in the middle of it, I know it doesn't look that good for us if we can't beat the typhoon! If the gods and I don't stop him it's all over!" I screamed.

I was scared for the first time in forever, I was shaking, my heart was pounding and I was sweating at the thought of battle. I knew I had to calm myself, I planned on giving the war effort as much time as I could until I was called away to fight the god of monsters. I turned away from Borus and went back to my work, I had to stay focused. I decided to turn on the news, see what was up with the outside world. I flicked on channel five and my heart dropped. A massive storm was headed across north america, but it wasn't a storm. Typhoon was released, and I had no idea. I could feel the life draining from my body, it was only a matter of time now before the gods called me. I had to make sure everyone knew the strategy and everyone knew why I wouldn't be on the field. I summoned everyone from the camp and rapidly explained the plan, they seemed to get it with relative ease.

"Unfortunately I will be unable to be on the field of battle…" I paused, shocked murmurs erupted from the gathered crowd.

Emma and Marco rush forward, "Why?" Emma asked. Marco looked just as concerned.

"I will be fighting alongside the gods, against the mother of all monsters..Typhoon.."

The crowd dropped into dead silence, I looked Emma in her eyes. I could see that she wanted to cry, then she began to hit me.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!...." She yelled.

Then she began to slow down and her voice became drenched in sadness, "Why?" She asked, sobbing.

"Your why, all of you are. I'll fight a thousand Typhoons for you all. The amount of pain you've gone through and endured on my behalf is unmeasurable. It's time to pay you all back." I said,

I heard murmurs of protest and cries for me not to go. But i knew i had too, I knew it was only a matter of time before the god summoned me.

"Now leave me. I need to discuss the strategy with the AMF leaders." I said,

after a moment of silence they left, only Emma and Marco remained. Marco placed his hand on my shoulder, and then he left too. Emma just stood there, her eyes still wet from the tears. I looked her deep in her eyes and saw she was scared,

"Hey it's ok. I'll be fine." I said, placing my hand on her cheek.

"It's not ok.. The likelihood of you coming back is.." She stopped when I kissed her on her lips.

"I will come back, no matter what," I said.

I began to tell her the dreams I wanted with her. As I kept talking her eyes exploded with joy, and more sadness.

"Come back to me…" She cried softly.

"I promise I will." I said.

I kissed her forehead and said,

"I can feel them calling me. It's time." I said calmly.

She reluctantly let go of me and stood back. I placed my hand on her cheek and said

"I leave everything to you. I have trust that you will win on this battlefield while I win on another."

I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath and when I exhaled I could feel myself getting rapidly transported to Olympus. I looked around and saw I was standing side by side with the gods, beach ready in their chariots. While I was atop a massive Argos, I was dressed and prepared for battle. I was in a long black robe, with all black undergarments, my blades were sheathed at my sides and I was wearing a helmet that had the face of a crow. I saw Zues and he said

"Are you ready, child of Darkness?" I didn't even say a word, I just looked at the lord of the skies with a look that said

"I'm ready to kick some ass." He just looked at me and smiled, he snapped his fingers and before we knew it we were standing in the middle of a massive storm.

I was staring down the father of all monsters, Typhoon.