
Son Of Erebus 2

This is the second book in the series Son Of Erebus, it’s is a basic continuation of the first book. Let me know what you think!!

King_RomanX · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Beginning of the End

I took a look around and saw the barren landscape that surrounded us, I was standing side by side with each and every god and goddess known to mankind. I began sizing up our massive opponent, I could barely see his face or even knew if he had one. I was looking at the world's largest storm, It looked like a storm, and a hurricane all into one. I began to look closer to see if I could see anything else, then I saw his true form. He's a grisly monster with a hundred dragons' heads, each head had rows of massive sharp teeth, and each head had beady red eyes.

"Zuuuuuess!" He boomed.

It sounded like a massive bolt of lightning hitting the ground, his voice was deep and rugged.

"Are you ready Son of Darkness?" Ares asked.

He had a smug look on his face, he probably thought that I'd run home to my mommy.

"Tsk.." I spat, I jumped off of Argos and marched forward.

I slammed my hands against the cold, rain soaked earth and began to summon my undead armies.

"Ohh spirits of the great underworld, I ask you to please give me your help one more time, help me in this fight I beg of you!" I screamed, my voice shaky.

Once I lifted my head I was surrounded by a massive army of greek and roman soldiers, I even recognized some of their transparent faces.

"These are the dead from the other battle field.." I said quietly.

"Indeed. Each person that died on the other battlefront will be transported here, to help us." He said. "Given the dire situation I decided to be nice." Hades said with a boney grin.

I began to feel pain and sadness, my comrades were already fighting and dying.

"Damn it all." I spat.

I rose to my feet, my dead comrades around me, I began to scream,

"My Soldiers, Rage! My Soldiers, Scream! My Soldiers, Fight! This Moment! This Battle! Humanity's Continued Survival Depends On It! So Once More, For Humanity's Sake... Dedicate Your Hearts!"

I had always dreamed of making a speech like this, but now that I was I hated every second of it, but I needed to rally my troops in the bleak battle.

"If you have the courage to fight this damned monster then I have the courage to fight alongside you. If we dont fight we can't win! We must FIGHT!!" I screamed.

"ADVANCE!!!!" I screamed.


A large battle cry echoed through the air,

"FIGHT!!" I screamed as I launched myself in the air, massive black wings appeared at my back.

I rapidly swung my sword and dagger, severing at least three heads. But just like the hydra they grew back instantly, before I could react he swatted me out of the air like a pesky fly. I was slammed into the ground right at his feet, it felt like my body had just died. I could feel every ounce of pain in every inch of my body, I tried to stand on my feet but I fell back. I could just barely see the gods and my men fighting side by side just barely stopping the massive monsters movements. I could feel each and every raindrop that was against my skin, it stung against my dirty skin. Each second I lay immobile I could feel the rain turn to small ice pellets, they began to pierce my skin. Before I got to my feet I was covered in shallow, bloody holes, my mind was still foggy but I began to summon all the power I could muster. I thrust my sword into the air, and my power surged. I began to scream,


Seconds later a large ray of pure darkness erupted from my body, the ray was so powerful that the rain stopped falling, the wind froze and the pain in my body stopped. I pointed my sword at the main mass of dragon heads, causing roughly at least thirty heads to completely disintegrate. I began to walk forward, massive amounts of hatred, power and bloodlust flowing from my body. All I could hear from the massive monster was a hearty laugh.

"Ha..ha.. Well done puny demigod. Your burst of power has nearly killed my birth form.. So out of respect for you getting serious.. I too will become my most powerful."

His voice boomed, mere second later we were looking at a huge winged monster, whose head "brushed the stars", human in form above the waist, with snake coils below, and fire flashing from his eyes.

"Now come child of darkness!" He boomed.

I could see the immense power radiating from him, for a brief moment I hesitated. But I remembered my comrades fighting on the other side of this war. I instantly steeled my nerves and went to battle.

I wasn't sure how long I had been fighting, but I was cut up, bloody and my body was broken. I was mentally and physically exhausted, and my power was reaching its limit. But the massive monster was enjoying himself, his laughter boomed like thunder across the sky. The gods were constantly in his face, blasting what they could at the monster's face. I had to get back into the fight, I was out of options and time. I began to pray to my father.

"Please father I need your power.." I begged.

"You can have it all my precious son." His words echoed into my head.

My power began to surge again, I could feel my body rapidly healing. My eyes and mouth began to glow night black, I could feel the massive form of my father beginning to grow. Before I knew it I was in the center of a massive pure black figure, the figure had four arms and white bodily marks up and down his body. Each hand held a massive blade glowing pure blood red,

"Now we have a worthy fight!" Typhoon boomed.

I swung my right side at him, and he was sent back. I had to keep it up, but my body felt like it was on fire, and getting stabbed at the same time. It felt like my body was disintegrating at the cellular level, my power was off the charts but i had no idea how long i could keep this up. I began trying to find someone to help me, I could see the gods looking kind of jealous. The look on Ares face was enough to tell me shit was about to get really bloody. In an instant I was standing side by side again with each and every god and goddess, they radiated power, they oozed confidence. They had grown to a massive size, and each had four arms as I did, I knew we'd have a fighting chance now.

"We were saving this for a rainy day." Zeus said.

I turned to look at the typhoon, who had a small look of concern on his face. The gods and I began working instantly, we began using combination attacks, we'd never worked together before but now we worked together in perfect harmony. Our bodies and minds connected on every attack we made, after mere moments we had Typhoons on the defensive. He slithered back and I could feel his magical energy growing, it was going to be a massive attack, I could feel it. Before I knew it a massive storm came out of nowhere showering us with lightning, rain, and huge chunks of earth.

"I will hunt you and your family down for generations, son of darkness! I will find every one of your wretched bloodlines and slaughter them! This I promise you!" The monster boomed.

It got so bad that I could barely see the typhoon, I knew I had to end this now before he had the chance to attack. I lifted my four massive arms high above my head and lunged forward, I managed to slam them down directly on the back of his massive skull. A massive crack echoed through the air, I had killed the father of all monsters. I paused for a few seconds, but I realized that was a huge mistake. I could see massive orbs beginning to glow from his dead body, I saw that each orb had a greek monster inside it. I knew what this was, it was the rebirth of each monster that I had slaughtered and vanquished over my time. I could see the hydra, and the minotaur. It felt like I was moving in slow motion as I raced to stop the orbs,

"Nooooo!" I screamed as I saw the orbs flow out of reach.

Then they shot across the sky, way too fast for me to even see, I could barely see the green aftermath they left behind. I fell to my knees, back in my normal body.

"DAMN IT!!" I screamed, it was followed by silence.

I should have known that something like this would happen, they didn't call him the father of monsters for nothing. I punched the dirt with my fist, rage causing my mind to blur.

"Send me to the battlefield.." I said quietly.

I was running on pure adrenaline, my body ached and bled but once I reached the front I saw that we were on the verge of victory. I summoned all the power I could and sent it at the enemy, a massive wave of pure darkness launched out of my hands. All the remaining enemies began to retreat as they saw me on the upper field,

"The demon of darkness is here!" One screamed.

I could see why they began to run, I knew how I looked. I was covered in blood and I was bleeding rage and bloodlust, my body began to give out as the cries of victory began to fill my ears. I collapsed in the dirt with a smile on my face.


Authors Note: I have absolutely no clue of where to take this series from here. I am open to feedback and suggestions, my original plan was to make this a one book 1,000 chapter series. But that plan was scrapped, I still love to add more and continue it on but I will need time to plan my next few moves. I couldn't possibly abandon this, but I will be taking a break to work on my other book, Sins Of Humanity. If you'd like to leave comments and some suggestions or some kind of feedback I'd love to hear it. Till Next Time!