
Chapter 29 Bullfighting

​After Medusa finished introducing herself to the kids, she asked them to do any form of art so that she could see where their artistic range was at. She said that they were allowed to do anything having to do with art, be it drawing, sculpting, painting, and even playing music. Medusa wanted to see it all, and help them improve in the areas she thought they needed help on.

After teaching a demigod with anger issues, teaching these bunch of demigods wasnt so difficult.

After Medusa was done going around and seeing all of the kids work on their projects, she went up to Lucian and gave him a small glare. "Thank you for interrupting my introduction." Lucian rolled his eyes. "They seemed to be scared of you, I only did that to ease their fear and trust you more." Medusa wasn't really mad as she knew why he did that.

"Are your friends not back yet?" Lucian shook his head. "Shouldn't they have arrived with all of the other kids?" Lucian nodded his head. "They should have, which makes me believe something happened. Its weird that both Annabeth and Percy have yet to arrive."

Just as Lucian said that, he heard a loud boom come from outside. The floor even shook a little at the mere sound of the boom.

Lucian quickly went out the door and looked toward the sound, and what he saw made him pull out his sword. Two bronze metal bulls came charging into the camp, they were able to bypass the border. As they were running they were breathing fire in the path in front of them, making them look rather demonic. The two sharp horns on their heads made it look like it wanted some new ornaments of human heads.

Medusa also came outside to see what all the commotion was about, and joined Lucian at his side. She also saw the bulls running toward them, and knew this was a bad situation.

"Mother, stay here and protect the kids!" Lucian said as he sprinted off to face the bulls. Lucian ran toward the small field that was in front of Thalias Pine, since that was where the bulls were running through at the moment.

Lucian heard war crys from his right, making him look at the source of the shouts. He saw Clarisse leading her cabin and some other campers into battle. She had her spear as she shouted for the ones lagging behind to hurry up.

We all ran for a few seconds untill we were met with the two Mechanical bulls. The bulls were ready and started to breath fire at the charging campers, who tried to defend themselves with their shields. The shields however only rose in temperature, causing the campers to drop the shields. Clarisse and her soilders surrounded one bull as they all took turns slashing at it, and I was left alone with the other bull.

The other bull had stopped dead in its tracks and stared right at me. It slowly lowered its head and pointed its horns toward me, fire coming out through his nose. It let out a terrifying scream and charged at full speed toward me. Since the bull wanted to provoke me I also charged right at the bull. As the bulls horn was about to pierce my heart, I quickly slide onto my knees and lay down to my back. Everything seemed to be In slow motion, as I was able to see the underside of the bull barely making any movement at all. I raise my sword and stab it into the underside of the bull. After that, time seemed to speed up again as I slid to the other end of the bull with my sword still having been impaled in the bull. The bull let out a Mechanical screech as it slowly came to a stop, and feel over to his side, revealing its belly that was split open, putting to display all its broken mechanical parts.

The dead bull soon dissipated and its body was gone. This also happened with he Minotaur and Hydra. When a monster is slain, it will be brought back in a matter of time. Many years if your lucky, if not then it can come back in a couple of days or even hours.

I turned to where Clarisse and her siblings were fighting, and they seemed to be struggling. Clarisse's spear seemed to be almost broken, and her siblings all looked tired.

"You want some help?!" I yelled out. Clarisse turned around and noticed the other bull was gone, which surprised her as she was struggling with this one and she knew Lucian fought it alone. "No! I dont need your help!" Clarisse shouted out, but as she was not paying attention the bull took advantage and swung its horn, hitting her abdomen with the side of it. She was sent flying from the sheer force of the hit and landed in the sands of the volleyball court.

Lucian shook his head at her stubbornness, and decided to lend a hand. Lucian signaled for the campers fighting the bull to retreat. After they all backed out of the way, it was just like before. Lucian was facing the bull, and the bull was facing Lucian. The bull wanted to end things quickly as it started to shoot fire out of his mouth, covering Lucian in a storm of flames.

Everyone watching were extremely worried, and some even thought he had died. But they were wrong, since soon after a figure emerged jumping out of the fire and sticking his sword into the bulls head. The sword went right through the tip of the head and out from the bottom. The bull tried fighting but it was futile, it slowly died and dispersed like the previous one.

After the bull was slain, every camper watching started to clap and cheer. There was no damage done to the camp, as the bulls couldn't get past the volleyball courts. Lucian had slain both bulls all on his own.

Lucian who was filled with adrenaline couldn't really focus on the cheers. He was soon brought out of it though by two voices.

""Lucian, What's happening?!"" Lucian turned to the all too familiar voices and smiled. "Percy! Annabeth! Your finally here! Took you guys long enough." Lucian saw their faces that was completely baffled. It seems like they have seen the bull fight from Thalias tree, and were confused how they got in and how the tree was poisoned.

Lucian was going to explain everything to then but he noticed an unfamiliar face. "Who is this?"