
1 Skills

"Well, here goes one more day of working my butt off, just to afford one rank F skill."

On my way out of the door to go to my job of cleaning the roads from all the adventurers that dirtied it last night after their run in the dungeons, I checked my balance like normal.

"I am so close to being able to get the skill so that I can awaken as a hunter. I should be able to buy it a month from now."

I live in a run down excuse for an apartment, that has cracks running all the way along the dirty brown paint that has a lot of stains. The things that can barely be classified as walls hold up a roof that is the same color with different stains, but looks like it could collapse at any time.

When I get to my job 30 minutes early like I normally do, the boss is waiting on me like normal.

I ask him my everyday question. "Hey, how've you been?"

"Not bad. how are you doing?"

"Good, good. Can't wait for work to start."

"That's always good. Ok, see you when we need to start working."

In the thirty minutes that I got there before anyone else, I had recently started to pick up some overtime while I was there.

"Hey, how do you feel about your paycheck this time around?"

My buddy Ugeal, had just walked in. While he was never late, he very rarely comes to work early so I was shocked to see him here already. That's when I noticed what he had said to me.

"I don't get paid until next week. Right?"

"No. I'm pretty sure that you are supposed to get paid today."

"Oh, okay. Thanks for letting me know."

The only reason that I believe him about when I am supposed to get paid, is because our work force is small as no one wants to work here, that we all remember each other get their paychecks.

Work was boring as usual, but we got a little extra because we found a few different equipment items that others had left laying around.

When I went to get my check and look at it, I noticed that I made enough to get the skill book.

(At a shop that sells skills)

"Hi, what is it that you are looking for today?"

"Nothing much, just an F rank skill please."

"Ok. I would recommend the basic skill Wind Blade, as it doesn't do much damage to enemies it costs little mana to use."

"Thanks. Then I would like that skill please"

A few minutes later the employee that helped me find a skill came back with the book.

"That will be 20,000 dollars sir."

"Here you go, and have a good day."

"You too. Come again anytime."

And with that, I had officially bought my first skill.