
2 First dungeon

'The first thing I am going to do when I get back to my horrible looking house is absorb the skill I just bought.'

(At the house)

As I watched the light particles go into my chest I heard a sound. When I looked up it was a transparent blue board with white text on it.

The board read

Name: Blarius Occupation: none


Strength 10

Mana --

Agility 20

Defense 20

Skills: none

Equipment: none

'I wonder what the dashes after my mana are for. Do I have no mana or is it blank because I have too much?' Since I had no idea, I went out to the forest that is close to my house to try and cast my new spell, Wind Blade.

I was able to cast it, although it ended up hitting a tall dead tree, that still shockingly had bright green leaves on it.

"Well, at least I know that I can cast spells, so I obviously have some mana."

I had then started casting it over, and over again to see how many times that I could cast it.

The average beginner can only cast an F rank spell no more than 10 times.

I held out my hand again "Wind Blade!" I cast it again, then again. 20 times later I was still casting it repetitively. I then stood there for over an hour casting it. I was still not tired after the 100 time casting it.

That's when I decided that when I raid the dungeons, I would still cast it to try and find out my limit.

The first dungeon that I will clear tomorrow will be the Monkeys Chamber, a valley with a metal floor, and if you go too far out, you would come up on rows of bars with monkeys swinging on them.

(The next day)

Ok. First things first, I need to let my boss know what's going on.

"Hey boss. Just to let you know I am quitting."

"What, why? You were our hardest worker here."

"Because I just awakened." and with that I left.

When I got to the dungeon I saw a small 3x3 block of blue stone. The stone was a marker showing that there is a dungeon here, although to enter you have to step right behind it, and put your hand on it. If you were with a party you would just surround the thing and touch it at the same time.

I walked up to the monolith and touched it, next thing I knew I was being transported into the dungeon.