
Sokka Time

"What the hell is a system and why am I not allowed to tell people about it!" Where sokka is gifted a system to help him obtain the respect he deserves. "How did a filthy water savage manage to beat me you're not even a bender like you're sister!" "I call it SOKKA STYLE"

SOSboa · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


"Alrighty then it's early there should still be some time before the sun rises... you can do this Sokka, quest to become stronger." I pump myself up I woke up early and set up some red X's on the trees surrounding our campsite so I could practice my throwing,

{Mission Type Unlocked}

{Daily Mission}

Train your body and your skills.

Reward: exp ?, Basic acrobatic skill book

{Accept Y/N}

{Weekly Mission}

Complete (Daily Mission) 7 times continuously

Reward: 1-3 stat points, exp?

{Accept Y/N}

"I'll be rewarded for doing something I already planned on doing... of course I accept," I say ecstatic

That being said for the next two hours I went and ahead and trained my throwing skills as planned even incorporating fancy moves where I would catch the boomerang without looking, or where I would spin upon catching and throwing immediately in a single spinning motion.

I almost decided to call it quits 10 minutes in, not because I was particularly tired but because I would much rather be having breakfast or just going back to sleep, but I managed to stop myself knowing that's what old Sokka would've done.

At the end of the day, my hard work paid off my boomerang skill

leveled up twice, and I gained a point in endurance naturally.


Boomerang Throwing: Lv 9 -- 11

Endurance: 12-- 13


{Mission Complete}

Reward 322 exp, Basic Acrobatic Skill Book

{Accept Y/N}

"Accept of course"



Name: Sokka

Title: Sokka of the water tribe.

Age: 15



Level: 4 (372/600)


Strength: 11



Charisma: 15

Stat Points:


When I accepted the reward a book materialized out of thin air and dropped to the ground the moment I touched it to pick it up a system alert sounded off.

{Would you like to learn the skill?}


"Yes," I say confidently the system hasn't steered me wrong at this point so I'll trust it.

{Skill: Acrobatics(Basic) Lv 1}

"I already feel more nimble" I jump around and do a cartwheel fairly easily thanks to my higher-than-average dexterity, I attempt to do a backflip but stumble and fall face first when I hear screams coming in the direction of our campsite. I book it toward them not even minding the pain coming from my forehead.

"GUYS!" I yell out running as fast as I can towards katara when I spot her "what's going on?" I ask her once I reach her.

"Fire nation" she spits out "raiders probably" she reiterates.

I quickly scan the levels of the raiders almost all are in the mid-20s with only the leader being above 30. I logically know we can probably take them but also knowing Aang as well as I do, he and his pacifism would rather run than fight.

I know I'm right when I hear Aang tell us to quickly get on Appa knowing better than to try and convince him otherwise I just do as he says. I still attempt to convince him once we are on Appa " Aang we can take them, then we can take their supplies, we are running low anyways." "No Sokka stealing is wrong also there's no nee-" Aang is interrupted by the raider launching large fireballs towards Appa who manages to dodge them via his airbending.

Appa continues dodging the fire and as I saw that we were in the clear I threw my boomerang with the most finesse I had ever done, managing to hit a raider in the back of his head bouncing off hitting another in the forehead, and ricocheting back into my hand. It must've hit the first one at a nerve or something since he crumpled into himself like paper meanwhile the other one shrugged it off with some difficulty rubbing at his forehead with his free hand. "Boo-yah! that's the way Sokka rolls OH YEAH!" I scream out ecstatic over my cool move. "That was a nice throw Sokka," says Katara sounding appropriately impressed. Aang on the other hand "Sokka you didn't have to do that we weren't in any danger we were already out of their range, we could've left peacefully" he states.

"Peacefully! Aang they were chucking fireballs at Appa if they had the chance they'd kill us without a second though a concussion isn't that bad in comparison" I declare my temper flaring

"Sometimes it's better to show restraint prove that we are better than them, and not stoop to their level" he replied calmly

"Guys calm down it was a stressful situation let's all take a deep breath and relax" my sister interjects "yeah whatever," I say dismissively. Aang's about to say something before Katara once again interrupts "Sokka where were you this morning?" I could feel her changing the topic but I threw her a bone to avoid the unnecessary drama "I was practicing my throwing skills" I say "well whatever you're doing it's working so keep at it" she tells me.

I ignore her this time, is it immature? Yes, but I was annoyed and didn't feel like having a conversation. I know something that'll cheer me up.

'System I heard a ding when I hit that raider what was that about?'

{+2500 exp for defeating an enemy with a significantly higher level}

"....heh... ha ha haha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I burst out laughing so hard my stomach starts aching.

"Sokka why are you laughing maniacally," Aang asks me sounding genuinely concerned.

"I think he's finally gone crazy," says my sister giving me a weird look.

'You know maybe Aang has the right idea these fire nation guys might not be so bad after all'