
Soaring through Omniverse

This story will be about multiverse travel, where the main character will go to different anime or comics universe to get back all his power.......To know further.. Wait for chapters, I will explain in chapter... !!!Warning!!! In this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this. Please don't be offended if your favourite character is being kill or being dark ....for example:- In Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore was a good man and helped Harry ......but in my fanfic, he may be dark and manipulative man.....same can be said for Harry Potter, maybe......Again I M sorry..if your favourite characters are being twisted or opposite of real like hero in original but villian in this story.... There will be many spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes will happen.... Please help me correct it...if you would... I am writing this fanfic because I am bored like hell!..... !Another warning! This will be harem! Will Also contain R18 chapters.... I will copy some chapters from others story. Also MC will travel to another world.. If my story is your not to liking...you can ignore it....or read other story..... Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will. Though I may not be most proficient in English I'll try to satisfy my readers since English is an International language. If you have suggestions about the plot contact me. And I will post two or three chapters everyday except Saturday And Sunday..I need to write about future world by adjusting and it will take time ....so no post on weekend... __ __ __ __ __ __ DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters that will appear except for my originals. Thank You!

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Chapter 17

After everything over, students and the teachers arrived safely back to UA. Atulya has been called over once again but this time with only All Might and Nezu as Aizawa went with other students and teachers.

As he is following the two adults, he couldn't help but notice that All Might seems to be in a rush.

'It look like he's at it limit once again. He should be lucky that he didn't had to fight that Nomu....if he did then he's injury would've been worsened.' Atulya thought.

As they arrived at Nezu's office, All Might then cough and said." I have something urgent to do, so I'll see you guys later." But before he could rushed off Atulya said something that shocked him and the little white mouse.

"Hmm, I didn't know that you had an injury this serious....All Might." Atulya said said as he activated his sharingan.

"W-what are you talking about Atulya?" All Might said nervously as his eyes begin to shadowing..

"I'm sure you and Nezu reads my profile. Did you forgot who my real father is?" Atulya said. He's sure that Nezu went over his profile because for one, he's the principal and two, he was the first one to get in the recommendation exam. Of course he know that Nezu would check his profile more than twice because that what he would do if he was in Nezu's place.

"What is he talking about Nezu?" All Might asked the principal who's now looking at Atulya seriously.

"Atulya Uzumaki. Adopted by Yaoyorozu since they were his mother's friends. But his biological father was a successful that went by the name of Tatsumi Uzumaki. His quirk allowed him to see a person's body down to cellular level." Nezu said.

'I can't believe we didn't realise this earlier. A student being able to figure out All Might's secret.' He thought to himself.

Just then, in a puff of smoke, All Might's skinny form is revealed and he started coughing. That is when Nezu guide him into his office so nobody will see this.

"Come inside Atulya. We have a lot to talk about." Nezu said. Once Atulya entered, he closed the door and locked it.

"I must say....this is pretty surprising." Atulya said with a straight face as he deactivated his sharingan while looking at All Might.

"You don't even look surprised..." All Might said to him.

Atulya just ignored what he said then asked. "So how did you got that kind of injury? That villian must have been incredibly strong if he or she was able to put you in this condition."

"Sigh....it was from a villain from a long time ago but he's gone now, so you don't have to worry." All Might said as he began to think about the past.

"Do you seriously expect me to believe that?" Atulya said. He know who exactly gave that kind of injury to All Might, after all he is going to kill AFO for his task. But he's not going to say it that he knows who injured All Might, if he blurted out that All Might got his injury from All For One then they would definitely think he's working for the villian. He don't want to cause unnecessary trouble for him and his family..

All Might glanced at Nezu and seeing the mouse nod. He looked at Atulya and told him about AFO, but naturally didn't tell him about One For All (OFA).

"So this guy is able to steal quirk and give them to other people's as well?" Atulya said and the two other people nodded.

"If he's as strong you are saying, then do you think that he is the one who orchestrated this whole situation?" Atulya said.

"Why did you say that?" All Might said with complete seriousness. With All For One on the move, it would cause massive problem. Especially since All Might doesn't have OFA anymore, the number one hero know that it will be difficult to defeat him.

"Because during my fight with that strange creature, I sensed that thing had more than 3 quirks. Shock absorption, Super Regeneration and Pain resistance. If you ask me, it seems like it had those specific quirks just to defeat you. That blue haired boy even said it was specifically made to kill you and even asked me come him while looking at my eyes....what does that means?" Atulya said completely shocking All Might and Nezu, and continued on saying.

"And there's no way that ...man-child was able to come up with all of this. From what I noticed that he was just rushing to take decision without thinking and that misty villian was restraining him many times. He definitely has someone backing him up."

"Wait a second....How do you know that boy's name and how were you able to defeat it if it had Shock Absorption and Super Regeneration?" All Might asked. He knows that the creature had an extremely fast regeneration speed because he saw it regrow it's limbs after Atulya's attack, but he had no idea about shock absorbtion.

'If what be said is true, then his potential just shoot through roof. He could possibly already be considered strongest one in the school. It will be interesting to watch him fight Mirio one day.' He thought to himself.

( What All Might said is true but he's wrong about one thing, his potential is much more greater than he realise...after all Atulya have already far surpassed All Might during his youth...and also is beginning to regain his lost power..)

"How?...At first I just hit it, really hard, continuosly. Just because it had Shock Absorption, doesn't mean it didn't have a limit. And I was able to deal damage before it was able to regenerate, but in the end it would come out fine so I chose a move that will make it difficult to heal faster." Atulya said to them.

All and Nezu then thought of what he said. For a moment the room became silent, until Nezu spoke up.

"Atulya you mentioned two attackers name, right? Do you have any other information on them?" He said to the student..

"Well, they spoke to each other with their name and I was able to hear it. The misty dude is called Kurogiri if I'm not mistaken and the other guy is called Tomura just like I mentioned." Atulya said.

"Thank you so much Atulya. The information you give us today will definitely be helpful. Now you can ask for any request and I'll accept it if it's within my power." Nezu said sincerely.

"Hmm...can I hold this request and ask for something later? I have no use for anything right now." Atulya asked and seeing Nezu nod, he couldn't help but let out a imaginary smirk.

Atulya then move his head towards All Might, who's sitting on a couch and said. "You should stop fighting All Might. Your injury is seemingly increasing. Just stay in this form, you will able to live longer than usual, but if you change to that of your muscular form then the injury will increase with alarming rate and your lifespan will decrease because that attack destroyed your nerves near your heart." Hearing this All Might and Nezu become quiet. They knows that this is serious after all.

"I know that young Atulya, but you don't need to worry. I am taking proper precautions." All said with a scary smile...well in his skinny form normal smile look like scary.

"Now Atulya, I've been meaning to ask, but what is your quirk actually?" Nezu suddenly asked the black haired boy.

'Ahhh..such a perfect timing.' Atulya thought in his mind.

"Well, it's actu-...."


"Nezu... it's me." A voice of Aizawa sounded out behind the door.

All Might then transformed into his muscle form when Nezu went to unlock the door.

"Aizawa what happened?" The mouse questioned.

"I'm here to talk with you about some important information we've found." Aizawa said while looking at Atulya and All Might who are in the room.

"Well, I'll be taking my leave then." All Might said as he walked out of the room.

Nezu turned to Atulya and said. "You can go now. And thank you again for everything."

Atulya nodded and walked out of the room and left as well. Most of the students had already went home early due to the earlier incident so he went to changing room and make his armour disappear. He did that because he didn't want to seen.

Taking out his phone, he saw texts from Nejire, and his parents asking him if he's okay

and a text from Momo said she's waiting for him at usual place. He replied back to all of them and begin to walked towards where Momo should be.

While walking he saw a female figure ahead of him with headphones in her ears. Walking up to the girl, Atulya tap her shoulder.

"Holy Shit! Atulya why did you scare me like that?" Jiro screamed as she's easily scared because she was unableable to hear any outside noise due to loud music and she definitely didn't expect anyone to sneak up on her.

"You know you should pay attention to your surroundings more." Atulya said as he begin walking ahead of her and Jiro just rolled her eyes and walked beside him.

"Why are you leaving so late? The other students have already left." Atulya asked her.

"Well that's because I was talking to your girlfriend, who should apparently be waiting for you." Jiro said indifferently.

"Why are being so cold towards me? It can't be you're still sad about that lost or is it because I called you 'cute'..?" Atulya said as he glanced at her.

"W-what! You idiot How would Momo feel if she saw you trying to flirt with me?" Jiro said getting a little mad and completely embarrassed.

"Hmm? She didn't tell you?" Atulya asked her.

"Tell me what?" Jiro looked at him with confused expression on her face.

"That I have another girlfriend and before you stick your earphone jack in my ear, why don't you listen to me?" Atulya said.

He continued on by saying.."Well honestly with the other girl, Momo and I were childhood friends with her and then in middle school they both confessed to me and we've been dating ever since."

"And who's the other girl?" Jiro questioned him.

"Sorry that's I cannot say now....." Atulya said as he walked faster..

'A complete asshole! People like him are playing with feelings....I don't know how Momo is fine with something like that...I gotta talk to her about this...' Jiro thought inside her head because she hate people like this.....She thought Atulya is playing with Momo's feeling but what she didn't know that her friendship with Momo will break if she said something bad about Atulya infront of her.... Because Momo and Nejire loved Atulya very much and never forgives anyone who bad mouthed him infront of them.....ahah..... just like Atulya.

Atulya arrived at the front of the school as Momo suddenly jump at him while raining down kisses.

__ __ __

Atulya and Momo opened the door to the Yaoyorozu mansion. They have just gotten back from train station and finally arrived here.

"Well Atulya are you going for Jiro, I saw you were talking to each other." Momo asked him as she saw them walking..

"No...but may be I seems to gain her hatred. I'm sorry Momo, I was just teasing her about that lost..... however she asked something and I said that I have two girlfriends. Then I noticed her facial expression change so I starts to walk off faster." Atulya apologize to her for his mistake. Yes, he noticed her expression that's why he chose not to say Nejire name, but his mistake may cause Momo to lost one of friends...as he knew how Momo carved for friends because in the middle school kids only wanted to be friends her because she's rich...now she finally have some friends.

"Don't worry...if that happens then I will take care it." Momo said assuring Atulya.

Atulya nodded silently because he didn't thought his teasing would become this serious....

__ __ __

The rest of the day went same as usual..mean peaceful for Atulya..He trained and worked out like always. Then cuddling with Momo. Nejire came by during dinner where she and Atulya's parents ask if he's ok because of the USJ incident. He eased their worries by saying that everything is fine with him.

Nejire then stayed the night, so three of them decided to have some fun until they finally fall asleep at around midnight.

[Next Day]

So did you all like the twist in Jiro character. I am sorry if any Jiro fans got hurt by this but I wanted someone to play this kind of role and Atulya didn't interact with many characters, expect Jiro...I am again sorry.... peace.....

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