
So this is how it is?

This story is told through the first person point of view. It is about a old man that dies of a heart attack but wakes up in an unknown body in world he knows nothing about. After taking damage from falling he realizes he has the body and powers he always wanted. The problem is that the original owner of the body as only a small sister to take care of and he doesn't know her name or anything. He doesn't have any memories from the previous owner of the body. He only has his memories from his live back on earth. There is no system to provide hints or to show stats, just and old man brain in a young man's body. Lost and confused how will he provide for his new found sister.

Free_Trial_1457 · Fantasi
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33 Chs

Ch. 12 What......happened?

"BROTHER!!!", Baozhai yelled as she tried to run into the forest. Mei Lee grabs her arm "WAIT!! It's to dangerous to go alone. The wild beast that roam the forest are far to powerful. It would take atleast 2 Saint level cultivators or a team of 30 bronze level cultivators to search for him."

"Bbut he's...." Baozhai started but Mei Lee cut her off, "Your brother is stronger then he looks." Baozhai looks at her confused and said, "What... do you mean."

"I mean... " Mei Lee started but then quickly looked around. "Not here, let's head back to my section of the caravan. It's my personal carriage and it has protective runes to keep people from eavesdropping."


"Yes, it's not uncommon for some trade business to be held while traveling to new areas or visiting old one. So to keep our clients secrets safe we sound proof our area that business will be conducted in. You know customer confidentiality and all."

"Is which you're about to tell me about my brother need to be guarded by that much protection?"Baozhai ask.

"Yes!" Mei Lee replied as she grabbed Baozhai by the hand and leads her into the carriage. When the door shut and latched behind the two girls, the inside the carriage started to glow. This was a soft glow that faded and dimmed after a few minutes. Signifying that the soundproofing and mental protection was activated.

"When I first saw your brother. I... Well, I thought he was an idiot." Mei Lee started this time and was interrupted by Baozhai, "What do you mean?"

Mei Lee continues, "I saw him at the death arena, and I thought, Great, another young fool, throwing his life away trying to earn fortune and fame. He looked sickly and kinda scrawny, but tall." Mei Lee started to blush, then she quickly regained her composer. "Your brother's first oopponent was a big burly man that was as wide as a mountain. His shoulders were so wide that I doubt he could wipe his butt." She put a hand to her face and started to giggle, then she mocked, pretending to wipe her butt with massive arms that couldn't reach. This in turn made Baozhai giggle as she said, "My brother would have loved to see that. He would be on the floor rolling." followed with a laugh sigh.

Mei Lee's laughter faded as well and she continued saying, "I honestly thought your brother was going to die. Then Tianlong's opponent, who was called Jacko said he was going to "take care of you" and your brother... Within a second he took Jacko's heart and showed it to him, then Tianlong placed the heart in Jacko's out stretched hand."

Shock and confusion filled Baozhai's face, "Yes thats the look that appeared on my face too. I had never seen anything like it ever. It was early morning, so there was only a few of us that saw. It was amazing and terrifying, Then he did something even more amazing and equally terrifying." Mei Lee said as she looked Baozhai in her eyes, "It was the last match of the day. Byung-ho Gok was in the stands, he was waiting for your brother to enter the ring. I over heard his attendee talking with him. He pointed at your brother and said that's the boy that killed your son. Which enraged Byung-ho. I knew he was the city lord but your brother didn't. The city lord, jumped into the ring, it was clear he had revenge on his mind."

"Revenge?" Baozhai said confusedly, suddenly it clicked and the sudden realization of what Mei Lee was trying to tell her washed over her entire body.

Mei Lee saw Baozhai's reaction but continued talking. "Apparently your brother killed the city lord's son, so he wanted revenge. It was probably just a coincidence that he was there in the first place..Rumor had it he frequents the death Arena because he like to kill people and to help with his cultivation, mostly to kill. He was a very evil man, he even tried to trick your brother. I'm not sure if your brother did this on purpose or accident but when the city lord threw a sword at your brother to catch. Your brother fumbled it and the sword hit the ground, shattering."

"That SNAKE!" Baozhai versed and Mei Lee continued, " That's when you brother did something truly astonishing. Your brother lowers himself to the ground and a glowing circle appeared under his palm. As he raised his hand, the stage inside that glowing circle started to move and transformed. It morphed into a bowstaff that was a little taller than your brother. It looked like your brother was trying to warm up. He was using the bowstaff to stretch and at the same time, taunting Byung-ho. It was kinda funny. " Mei Lee giggle and then sighed, your brother is quite different than anybody else I have met."

"What happened next." Baozhai asked excitement in here eyes.

"Well what happen may seem anticlimactic, but it was stil a sight to behold. Your brother used the bowstaff as a very long sword. He struck at Byung-ho and when he tried to block it. He was thrown against the barrier."

"Barrier! There shouldn't have been any barrier." Baozhai said in protest.

"The barrier was so your brother couldn't escape, but it only help in Byung-ho Gok's demise. When your brother's attack connected with Byung-ho, you could here his bones breaking. I suspect he was desd before he hit the barrier. With that he wanted his prize money. Saying he was sickly and need to get home to you and rest. So they gave him his prize money, later he would wonder into my shop..... You know your brother really cares about you." Mei Lee said as she finished recalling the fight between city lord Byung-ho Gok.

Baozhai was visibly shook, her full lips and her tiny mouth was wide open. She slowly snapped to her senses and said, "Wasn't the city lord at the Nascent Soul realm." Mei Lee nodded. "That's impossible, my brother..." Baozhai told Mei Lee about how their father used the poison palm technique on Tianlong. when she finished tears were streaming down both girls faces.

"Your father is too cruel." Mei Lee said as they comforted each other.

Baozhai couldn't help be feel that her suspension was right and that some how this Tianlong was not her brother anymore. Whether he was or not she did not care, he well always be her brother. Suddenly the caravan started to move and Baozhai had no choice be to stay with Mei Lee. So she tried to push her worry she had for her brother aside and the two girls started to talking about many topics.


Meanwhile,15 minutes before the light engulfed Tianlong, at the death arena.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU JUST LET HIM GO!!!" The thunderous voice came from Victor Gok.

"I... I... wasn't even here. I was back at the capital, Xi'an, tending to matters at Battle Tower there." Said a scared quivering voice. He continued with "I left Manager Jin in charge in my stead." while pointing a crooked finger over at a pale thin man.

Victor quickly jerks his head in the direction that the crooked finger is pointing.

Manager Jin started to instantly cry, "It's Truooowwee. I...I....I was afraid." Manager Jin was sniveling, snot was flowing from his nose and he used his long sleeve to wipe himself clean. After he finished cleaning his nose he went on to say, " This kid, Tianlong took blows from your brother, without taking damage. With very few swings of his bowstaff, he killed our great city lord. Also the staff we have here haven't even reached the Spirit Realm. So holding a person at or above the Nascent Soul realm is impossible. "

Victor's furrowed brows loosened a little as he said, "What you say makes since. It would be difficult for those at your level to do much..." Then his brows tightened again, "What can you tell me about this kid, Tianlong? Where does he live?"

"From the information we were able to obtain. Tianlong is 14 years of age, he was crippled by a high level cultivator and suffers from Qi poisoning. According to local physicians the poison was quickly killing him and he was supposed to die on his 14th birthday.

He lives with his younger sister on the edge of town near the west gate. The Assessment Program was canceled so he might be trying to go to the nearest town to take it there " said Manager Jin proudly feeling that his life was no longer on the line, the blood slowly returning to his face.

"I'll be off." General Victor said as he vanished through the doorway. Victor was already on the west side of town so all he had to do was turn to the left to see his target.

"Sir! it's HIM!!!!!!" Said the guard closes to him, as he pointed his armored hand over in my direction. Of course l didn't know he was pointing at me, I was totally obvious.

As Victor looks over at me he starts to make fast hand gestures. While he was doing that, yellow light formed around his hands and lighting started crackling within that same light. That yellow light started to grow more intensely, suddenly Victor pointed his pointer and middle finger on both hands at me. The yellow light with the lightning, slowly dispersed and reappeared around my body.

Mei Lee and Baozhai both say in unison, "What is this light and why is it so bright?" Then Baozhai says. "Brother are you alright?"

"I am fine sissa, but I too am confused, I don't know what this light is or how I am producing it." Tianlong! The air is getting hotter and the horses are starting to get spooked...."

"Say no more I will leave and return when I am safer." I said as I started to float in the air. "I find the caravan when I am able....I love you both, stay safe." With that said I fly upwards. "I bet I look like a shooting star, but instead of falling, I'm going up."