
So this is how it is?

This story is told through the first person point of view. It is about a old man that dies of a heart attack but wakes up in an unknown body in world he knows nothing about. After taking damage from falling he realizes he has the body and powers he always wanted. The problem is that the original owner of the body as only a small sister to take care of and he doesn't know her name or anything. He doesn't have any memories from the previous owner of the body. He only has his memories from his live back on earth. There is no system to provide hints or to show stats, just and old man brain in a young man's body. Lost and confused how will he provide for his new found sister.

Free_Trial_1457 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Ch. 13 Why isnt.....?

Notes: I started reading this to my wife and I just noticed some spelling errors so I'm going back through the chapters to fix them. I am so sorry about all of this.

"GIVE ME ANOTHER QI REPLENISHING PILL!"General Victor yelled at his Guard1, who quickly placed the pill into Victor's mouth. "Damn it why isn't he dead yet?" he ask himself.

Guard2, "Word as reached your father, he will be here any second."

Victor furrowed his brow, "Just how long can he withstand my Thundersphere attack. I keep attacking him internally, is it even affecting him?... He...he can FLY!!!!! How?? No matter, I can't let him escape.... THUNDERSPARK!!BIND!!!" Victor says in a low yell. Afterwards, yellow, golden Light started to power out from my body causing me to look like a shooting star that was rising up into the mid-day sky.

"Victor what is going on? Where is Tianlong?"

"Father is he is escaping. I tried to bind him to the ground but... he can fly."

"You can't bind him?...He can FLY!?!?"

"Father we must pursue him. There is no telling where he will run of too."

"If he can withstand your Thundersphere attack and your Thunderspark's binding ability, then he is no simple 14 year old. He must be from one of the 8 big families. Plus there is that mysterious cultivator that brought those 2 here.... Quickly we must give chase, we can't let him escape.

"Guard give me the rest of the Qi replenishing pills." Victor demanded and Guard1 threw 3 more into Victor's mouth. The pills Quickly turned to liquid and slid down his throat. As soon as the liquid hit Victor's stomach, a rapid expanding energy wave pulsated throughout his entire body. Victor who was still controlling the Thunderspark flew into the air with his father and started to chase after Tianlong.

Tianlong, along with Baozhai and Mei Lee thought that the light being produced was coming from Tianlong himself. Though they weren't wrong, they weren't right either. The light was being emitted from his body but it was an attack created by General Victor. This attack should have made quick work of Tianlong's organs and bones causing them to burn sizzle and crack.

"Just how tuff are his insides!!" Victor complained as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Flying while continuing attacking was draining both physically and mentally.

"Let me help." City Lord Soek Gok of Magma Sky City said as he started to chant a small incantation while making signals with his hands. When he finished, lightning formed in his palms. Then the lightning completely engulfed his hands and slowly formed two birds. "THUNDERPHOENIX GO!!!!" Soek yelled as he thrust both palms forward, on after the other. The two birds grow to over 6foot in length as the flew towards their target.

Me and my dumbass still thinking this light was from me. "Damn this is starting to hurt. What is going on?" Still engrossed in this phenomenon that was happening to me, I didn't realize the two glowing birds flying towards me with incredible speeds. Nor did I feel it when they entered my body, all I knew was that the light within me started to glow brighter. Then an explosion sounded, "AAHHHHHGGH!!!! Body, what are you trying to do to me" I yell as I fly onwards. To the people down below, this shooting star in the sky looked very peculiar. It was zigging and zagging throughout sky and you can see the explosions emanating from it. I aim my body upwards and decide to fly into space. Hoping that this phenomenon is triggered because of my emotions, then maybe I can cool of in the coldness of space.

Suddenly there was more explosions and they were increasing in frequency and power. "How much longer do I have to endure this!!" I scream as I slowly start to black out and fall from space back to the ground below. ("I hope I don't hurt anyone or anything when I crash.") I think to myself as the sights, sounds and feelings slip away. Nothing but the pain from this god awful light was left, overtaking my senses. My consciousness disappears as I fall to the earth.


An old man runs down the cobble road yelling ,"Elder!Elder!"

Inside a wood hut with an animal hid roof an Elderly woman sits with her legs criss-crossed. She didn't look elderly, on the contray, she looked very young. She was much like cultivators that pursued beauty and longevity. Her features were very fairy like, with short orange hair, the stood out against the paleness of her skin. Her eye color matcher her orange hair and she wore an animal hid dress.

"What is it now Jax? Have of you come to take your rightful spot as elder so I can go into seclusion."

Pausing for a brief moment, Jax was taking aback and started to chuckle nervously. "Don't be silly Elder..." but before he could continue "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that! I maybe at the soul formation realm of cultivation but I'm still your sister."

Rubbing the back of his neck Jax says, " My apologies eld...er I mean sister Yu. I come to report about the strange shooting star that appeared suddenly in the mid-day sky. Look it is above right now."

Yu looks up through the animal hid roof and she sees a burst of light fly over head. Yu and Jax rushed out side to get a better look. Out side Yu saw a wondrous sight, This shooting star was indeed zigzagging throughout the sky. Loud explosions could be heard as the light emanating from it would dim and glow brighter. What amazed Yu the most was the fact she could clearly see a figure inside the ball of light.

Yu wondered to herself, ("Is he being attacked or is this a thunder tribulation sent by the heavens to see if he is worthy to transcend to the next level?")

"Jax I'm not sure if this is the shooting star the oracle told us about. I will go look." Yu told Jax as she circulated the Qi in her body. Yu slowly lifted of the ground and started to head in the shooting stars direction. Yu turned her head and yelled, "If I don't return you are the acting Elder." Before Jax could reply Yu took off like a arrow from a crossbow.

Jax stood there dumbfounded. "If you don't return I'll have to find someone else to be the elder." he said as started to worry. Jax never wanted to be Elder he never had any ambitions. Once he found out his sister was going to be a successful cultivator. He decided to ride her coat tails, after all he would never be a cultivator and his life was very short. His sister knew this too and she spoiled her mortal brother.


"He doesn't have anything on him...No artifacts, or cultivation techniques....." Victor said in disbelief.

"He doesn't even have any weapons or even a spatial ring. Just how did this child kill my brother."

"Father I'm sure his body isn't so simple."

"Yes I know he did manage to survive your Thunderspark attack."

"He even managed to endure your Thunderphoenix attack."

"I admit, he surprised me that he lasted that long against all those internal injuries. I thought he would turn to ash as soon as my birds entered his body. It's strange thought, the whole time I couldn't tell his cultivation level."

"Father?" Victor rubs the back of his head. "How did this nobody fly? How did he kill my uncle?"

"I'm not sure." Soek scratches his chin, "Doesn't he have a sister?"

Victor's eyes shine, "That's right, he does. Maybe he gave his stuff to her."

"Wasn't there a caravan back in town. They could be using the caravan to traverse covertly. Either way we must pay her a visit." City Lord Soek said as he sets next to my body.

Victor walks over and says, "This cloths look nice, how is there no dirt or blood on them."

"It is indeed strange, so if you want to strip him and take them, go ahead."

"If your going to strip me naked at least take me to dinner first." I said as I rub my head with both fingers.

Shock and surprise fill the expression on their faces.

"YOUR ALIVE!?!?!" They both yell as they jump back several feet.

"Gh..gh..ghost!" Victor yells and fails his arms trying to run.

"Get a hold of yourself. " Soek says has he slaps his sons face.

"Sorry father I lost myself." Victor says as he looks at me and points. "You! how are you still alive!?"

I had to stop my laughter before I could say anything, the image of scared Victor yelling ghost was too funny. "A fall like that won't be enough too kill."

"I'm not talking about..."

Soek cut Victor off and wouldn't let him complete his sentence. "Tianlong is it? Can you tell me something?" Soek ask politely.

"Sure, I don't see why not." I reply as I stand up and dust off my clothes.

("Why are you dusting them off they don't get dirty.") Victor cursed on the inside.

Continuing with his conversation, "Do you really kill my brother?"

"Look to be honest I've only killed 4 people in my life and they where all people they tried to kill me. Some for revenge, others because they wanted to do painful and disgusting things to the people I love....So if your brother was one of those people then yes, yes I did."

"You said you only killed 4 people, may I ask what they did to offend you?"

"Not that I feel you need to know but I'll tell you anyways. One was a bodyguard thug of some type and his gang leader type master. They just came out of an ally and wanted to hold me down while they took turns raping my sister. I couldn't let them do that so I ended their life. People that do those kind of things don't deserve to live. Imagine coming home to find villains have beatin your wife or daughter and had their way with them. You would kill the people that did it. If you could prevent it from happening you would, wouldn't you? Even knowing someone stronger might come to take revenge you would kill those that threatened them wouldn't you? Third was some dumb jock that thought he could kill me so he could @have my sister. I love my sister dearly you see. She is my only family so I will kill to protect her. The last was some guy that wanted revenge for me killing his son. His son that tried to force himself on to my sister. It's natural to want revenge on the person that killed your son, but revenge only brings revenge.

Anger feeds anger and being angry is very easy. Trying to keep your composer, and keep a calm mind is very difficult, but you already know this." I tell them both.

Soek control his anger and ask, "Do you not know who my brother is?"

"I don't even know who you are!" I replied irritably.


"Oh! So you are hear for revenge then....This is so stupid....So if by some miracle.. If I so how manage to win, will this all end or will more people become clouded by revenge?.... I've seen people so clouded by revenge, that they stopped at nothing to get it. Even if it meant they had to go against their own family just to get it. To me, I just think its so stupid. Family should be the most important thing but at the same time you shouldn't let yourself go out and be clouded by revenge."

Soek and Victor pause for a moment, the anger on Soak face slowly faded.

"Did it work? Did my words reach him? Or will I still have to fight these two?"