
Snow Curse (GOT SI)

A man that hated the last two seasons of GOT dies and is brought back in the body of recently betrayed Jon Snow with the powers and knowledge of Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushiguro, and Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. ======================================= - I don't own Game Of Thrones or Jujutsu Kaisen or any other form of media mentioned in this story. Only my SI. - Crack fic. - First time writing. - This is a rant about season 7 and 8, despite that, I don't claim that this fic is an attempt to fix them but more like wish fulfillment.

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Chapter 11



I return the next day to the Wall with quite the haul. I have to admit, Once the Iron Bank knew that I had gold, They were frighteningly professional with how they tried and succeeded in having me open an account there. Not that I wasn't going to do it anyway, It was very easy to let them be the ones to handle getting me the things I wanted.

They were very fast to get me all supplies from iron, meat, vegetables, grains, furs, wools, tools, building material, and other auxiliary goods like wines and spices. I also ordered for them to bring me things that Westeros didn't have like rice, tomatoes (Yeah, That was a shocker), Real corn and not maize among other things. (Author: I would have also written potatoes since it's never mentioned in the books or the show, But then in the episode introducing Olly, He and his father talk about his mother preparing Potatoes. So, Yeah. Fuck you too Olly.)

I told them that I will take care of these things, And stored them in the Shadow Storge. I told them to send the Cattle and poultry I ordered to the Wall near Eastwatch.

I was very tempted to go and take Arya at that time from the House of The White And Black, but unfortunately, she had to finish her training. I didn't worry about her though, I was pretty sure that she was going to survive this.

After that, I had a couple of pitstops. I first went to Valyria, I didn't venture too far, Just snagged me some Valyrian steel Swords, Daggers, and Jewelry. I even managed to get Brightroar, The Valyrian steel greatsword of house Lannister, I was going to make Gendry, the bastard of Robert Baratheon, reforge it into a suitable blade for house Stark. He did train at the hands of Tobho Mott the one who reforged Ice into Widow's Wail and Oathkeeper, So he will probably know how to reforge it. Besides, If he was the one to reforge Brightroar into something for house Stark, That will be the ultimate revenge against Cersei and Tywin.

I smirk at this little thought before I frow and look at a little book in my hand, One would never think that such little diaries where the High Septon records his bowel movements would be of any relevance, But it was these diaries that led to the whole shit with different characters wanting Jon to inherit the Throne and not Dany. Though I know that this was just bad writing, Daenerys had done so much in comparison to Jon and proven herself more than him for anyone to actually consider giving him the throne even if it was his right.

Only if Daenerys went Mad Queen mode right from the beginning and showed more signs of being the Queen of the Ashes would anyone even consider it. Of course, I am talking about those who want the good of the realm and not those like Little Finger that want a ladder to climb.

I almost burned it right away, but then Jon's attachment to his parents stopped me, Or should I say, I let it stop me. It wasn't bad to have a trump card if I need it to control Daenerys, But I doubt it coming to this.

... Oh, Who am I kidding. It will come to this, won't it?

'Well, Looks like I will have my contingency plan.' I think while holding the black egg with golden streaks that I found among the valuables from the Casterly Rock heist.


People were frightened when I showed up and let everything come out of my Shadow Storage, Perhaps this will reinforce their belief that I was a god, But honestly, there was no way for me to hide my powers, especially, when I planned to start using them more in the future, It will be good for them to get used to it.

"If you were there during the rebellion at Storm's End..." Ser Davos began.

"You probably would never have gained your title as The Onion Knight." I finished the sentence for him.

I broke my fast with Sansa and Rickon, They continued looking at me every now and then, hesitant to tell me something, But I had a suspicion what it was.

I ate the last bit of my pancakes (I managed to teach the Castle cook how to make them, Both Rickon and Sansa adored it when they tasted it for the first time.) and wiped my mouth.

"You want to ask me something, Don't you? Well, go ahead. I promise I won't bite."

That seemed to lessen their tension as Sansa started talking. "We need to take back Winterfell. It's our home, and the home of Bran and Arya wherever they are now," She looked a bit sad at that. "A monster has taken Winterfell from us. We have to save it from him and avenge Robb and mother."

"I agree with you, If we don't do it, We will never be able to face the real enemy." They shuddered at that, I showed the zombified former brothers of the Night's Watch to them this morning. They were horrified, to say the least, and agreed with me that we needed to get rid of them.

Sansa collected herself. "How many wildlings do you have?"

"They are called Free Folk."

"Fine, How many Free Folk do you have?" She asked again.

"Forty thousand and a dozen giants."

"Jon, That's grea...--"

"Only a small number of them are able to fight though, A little less than three thousand, Some of them will refuse to leave their families, So that leaves us with around 2,500 able fighters. And of the giants, only their leader Wun Wun knows how to fight." I crushed her hopes.

She paled. "That's not enough. Ramsay alone has five thousand, If what you said was true about the Kastarks and the Umbers then that's a thousand more. We need to get more!"

"How about we call the other houses loyal to House Stark? The Mormonts, Howlands, Manderlys, Glovers, Cerwyns, and Mazins... These are all houses we could call for!" Rickon interjects.

"Huh, seems that you didn't forget your lessons, Very good. Yes, we will send the ravens to tell them to affirm their loyalties by helping us against the Boltons." I smile at Rickon.

"But we have some problems, You are the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, You can't interfere in the matters of the realm. and the other is that White Harbor and the Neck are too far for them to be able to send their men in time for the battle, By the time ravens reach them and they gather their men, the battle will be over! That is IF they gather their men... and even if they do side with us, I don't think it will be enough." She says looking frustrated.

"I doubt Lord Manderly will send any of his men to die for an unknown cause," I frown, Unlike the Lord Manderly of the books, Who was one of the coolest characters in the books actually and was a great supporter of the Starks, This one is a slimy businessman at best that showed up only after the battle in canon and was the second to name Jon King In the North, trying to curry favor.

"As for Lord Howland, While I am sure that he would help us, He was father's friend after all, But I won't call for him. The marches of the Neck are the main reason for the crannogmen's ability to defend the Neck, They are too used to the terrain there to the point that they will not be much help when the time comes for battle." I continue.

"But not all hope is lost, It came to my knowledge that the Blackfish has retaken Riverrun and is holding it there with a garrison of Tully men. However, I fear the Lannister's might use your uncle Edmure to force the men to surrender under the threat of harming his son from his wife Roslin Frey." I look at Sansa. "I will need you to write me a letter to give him so that I could convince him to leave and join us here to help in the battle."

I lean back. "As for me declaring war on Ramsay? Well, I don't think we worry much about it." I turn to the door, The sound of footsteps hitting the stone stop and the door flings open.

"A letter from the Boltons!"