
Snow Curse (GOT SI)

A man that hated the last two seasons of GOT dies and is brought back in the body of recently betrayed Jon Snow with the powers and knowledge of Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushiguro, and Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. ======================================= - I don't own Game Of Thrones or Jujutsu Kaisen or any other form of media mentioned in this story. Only my SI. - Crack fic. - First time writing. - This is a rant about season 7 and 8, despite that, I don't claim that this fic is an attempt to fix them but more like wish fulfillment.

tikller · TV
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Chapter 10

Hope you like it!


I stretch a bit after getting out of bed. It was still night, But few were sleeping. Something you realize about people is that when they sit around with nothing better to do, they... Heh, Well. They get busy.

The Free Folk were doing just that, not even the threat of White Walkers was able to stop these people from having a good time. Even the brothers of the Night's Watch are breaking their vows of celibacy right now. I didn't blame them, The stress from the things they witnessed was too much to handle, and the Free Folk women without men were very convincing. Hell, Even I got looks here and there and more than one touch promising a good time.

I was surprised to find out that this Sansa didn't look much like Sophie Turner, She was more like her Book version than anything else really. I found Sophie Turner to be attractive but I have to admit, this Sansa was in a league of her own. Besides, I still have a bit of a grudge against Sophie Turner for her role in Dark Phoenix.

That movie could have brought the X-men movies back in the right direction, It really did. The first half of the movie was great, Michael Fassbender as Magnito gave a phenomenal performance, And even Sophie Turner was pretty good as Jean for a while. But then there was the shit part, With everyone acting like a stiff board during the second half except Michael Fassbender who ended up trying too hard,... (SPOILERS: IF YOU HATE SPOILERS ABOUT THIS MOVIE, THEN JUST IGNORE EVERYTHING BETWEEN $$$ TO AVOID IT)


... Mystique death was poorly handled and was given too early, The twist about some other guys wanting to steal Jean's powers could have simply been removed and replaced with something else and the plot would be all the better for it, And Sophie Turner was really not good when it came to the last 20 minutes or so of the movie.


Oh, well. No rest for the wicked. I have to start getting food and money for all these people, I checked our supplies and with the way they were getting used, they won't last us more than a week.

Luckily, I know just the place to get all I need.


Teleporting inside of Castlery Rock, I began searching for a little legend to the ASOIAF Fandom. Since this world is based on the books, there is a chance that it exists here too.

Using Six Eyes, I find it just below the chambers of the Lord of Castlery Rock, formerly Tywin, There is a secret trap door inside the chambers right under the desk that needs a certain combination of numbers to be opened. I ignore that and teleport directly inside the vault protected by the entirety of the Rock, containing 8/10 of all the gold that Lannisters ever mined from the mines of Castlery Rock.

I look at the veritable sea of gold coins, Most of them dating back to the days of the Kings of the Rock, signified by the fact they have the faces of and names of the ancient Lannisters engraved on them. if I had to guess, this would make up at least half of the total gold in all of Westeros. How the ancient Valyrians were able to contain their greed for all this gold just because of the prophecy about the gold of Castlery Rock bringing ruin to them, I will never know. Hoh, There is even a few at the bottom that date back to the days of Lann the Clever, I am keeping those as a collection.

Hmm, now that I think about it, That Prophecy may have been somewhat correct. Tywin had Aegon and Rhaenys murdered, Jaime killed Aerys, Viserys was killed by having molten gold poured over him, and even Daenerys was killed by Jon because Tyrion convinced him to... And you could even say that Rhaegar because he didn't marry Cersei.

No wonder Tywin didn't seem worried that the mines had run out, He was only scared that people would find out and no longer fear the Lannisters or worse, Fear him.

The Lannister lords are considered the best economic minds Westeros had for only one simple reason, They knew what inflation was. They knew that if they were not careful about how much they let out of their gold, it would start becoming worthless. That's why they only let out a fraction of what they had out to the masses, ensuring that gold maintained its value and that they in turn maintained their power.

This brings us here, with all this gold free for the taking. I'd have at least felt a little guilty about stealing this gold if not for the things the Lannisters did to my family, Both of them. Tywin having the Mountain kill my step-mother and half-siblings Aegon and Rhaenys, Jaime pushing Bran off the tower, Joffrey killing my uncle and torturing Sansa, The Red Wedding...

Yeah, Not even Jon's honor can stop me from doing this. Using Shadow Storage, the ability Megumi developed, I am able to take All of the gold present in the vault. The sea of gold shrank until there wasn't a single coin, Just a giant space that no one would know the purpose of except maybe Kevan Lannister. Even with half of the gold, I could still get all the supplies I needed, have enough to rebuild the entirety of the North, Fund projects to make this world more bearable (They don't even have Vodka, Scotch, Or even Mead!!! How can they not even have mead!!!), AND Still, have enough to live a life of extravagance that would make Robert Baratheon green with envy.

But I took all the gold, You know why? For two reasons.

First, I am petty as fuck.

Second, Who the hell wouldn't want their ocean of wealth that they could swim in if they wanted?

Of course, I have to make sure that I don't ruin the economy of Westeros just for a lavish lifestyle. That's why I have other places to go to.

With a sigh, I leave the Rock with none of the Lannisters knowing that the Starks have taken more than they could ever imagine for the blood they spilled.