

In 21st century USA is facing unprecedented drugs problem, by just manpower this problem cannot be solved, because there is not enough manpower, and US society is facing a big threat of collapsing due to this drug problem, especially from the infamous synthetic drug named methamphetamine (crystal meth), which is destroying the youth, Two friends have a solution for it, will they able to solve it, and where their journey will take them. This story starts from chapter 0, which is completely optional for the reader to read You can also check out niranjan765.blogspot.com

Niranjan_Biswas · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

An Introduction to Anthrocracy

It said that every invention, every discovery comes from necessity, necessity is the mother of every invention and discovery, even democracy was discovered due to necessity felt by the people, likewise Anthrocracy, is discovered because of the necessity, but what will be the basic fundamental principle of Anthrocracy.

Jacky and Adi were thinking, about Sniff, they were thinking about Sniff, and its effect on Scott, but their plate was already full with project fresh start, and now Anthrocracy, which came from nowhere, an upgraded form democracy, according to Adi, if synthetic socio-culture has to be implemented, the whole democratic system has to be changed.

Adi: sometimes I believe the whole concept of Anthrocracy is farfetched idea, just fiction of my imagination, which has no real value that is what I think.

Jacky: (with a smile in his face), every idea was just fiction of someone's imagination, but later on became reality, however stupid it seems at first, who knows when the idea of democracy came to someone's mind he might have thought it is a stupid idea, but later on it became reality, so don't belittle yourself my friend.

By listening to Jacky, Adi got some courage and he presented the basic principle of Anthrocracy.


1. Society will be based on pull and push factor, meaning emotion and intellect, or feminine or masculine.

2. Majorities will matter the most, based on law of duality.

3. Emotion and intellect will be intellect will be the dominating factor before taking any major decision concerning the nation.

4. Women will be considered superior to man, not equal, based on this law however a women who shows lack of emotion or who lacks feminine quality will be treated equal to men.

5. Every women is unique, and their division will be based on emotion and intellect and their behavior.

6. Any political, religious, or any political idea which violates the above mentioned laws will not be part of anthrocratic society.

7. Only those person will be eligible to vote, who understands and follow these rules in practice.

8. At the age of 18 years, every person who desires to vote, has to give an exam to prove his eligibility, however if he fails he can try again, and there will be limit of 5 tries per person.

9. Citizen will be divide into voting eligible and non-voting eligible citizen.

10. Voting eligible citizen will enjoy more rights and facilities, then non-voting eligible citizen.

11. Voting eligible citizens will further be divided into four groups based on their intellectual periphery, namely, a: labor, b: business, c: leader, d: seeker.

12. The work will be divided amongst four groups only, the small jobs will be done by the people of labor mindset, and businesses will be run by the people who belong from business mindset, and all the advisory post will be held by seeker mindset.

13. The voter eligible citizen has to go through, compulsory anthrocratic education, which will be divided into four groups, which is mentioned above, education will be precise, the students will be designated their groups, except their designated group, they can't join any other group for education.

14. However, a student can move up or down the group, based on his quality.

15. Criteria of moving up or down in the group will entirely depend upon his intellectual periphery, which will be based on his emotion and intellect.

Jacky: I think it is nice, (with a smile in his face), I think you should show it to Mr. Hill.

Adi: This is actually why I believe, Synthetic Socio-Culture was never realized, and without changing governmental structure you can't change the society.

Jacky: Yes, that is true, if society changes the whole governmental structure will change with it, but I was thinking about Sniff, how it completely changes the behavior of the person who takes it, it makes them fearless.

Adi: That is the thing which I am also asking, how is it possible, it changed Acid completely, he was singing, how strange, because of Sniff we to know about Project Fresh Start, now we are discovering new form of government, who would have thought of that, it feels like roller coaster ride sometimes, and sometimes it feels like a dream.

Jacky: You are right, from Sniff to Anthrocratic society, we journeyed through many emotions and intellect, and sometimes it feels like a dream.

They both were excited as if they have opened a new door to a new reality, now they want to share it with the world.

Sniff and led them project fresh start, and project fresh start led to them to Anthrocracy, it is a coincident or destiny both are unware of that, and in top of that the mystery related to sniff, was not getting solved.

Sniff was approved, and is being used by many for deaddiction especially in case of methamphetamine, methamphetamine addiction is drastically reduced in the society, it seems Sniff was winning the war, not only in case of methamphetamine but in case of other drugs, like cocaine, and in some rare cases of alcoholism, it seems US society was heading for complete de-addiction, it was good news for everyone, Adi and Jacky were treated as heroes in war against drugs, Alexander Hill was also very happy with them, so he decided to tell them the good news.

Alex: Hello, Jacky where are you can we meet?

Jacky: we are in our office, yes definitely, we can come to meet you.

Alex: Come to my home, I have something to tell you, bring Adi with you.

Jacky: Ok sir.

Both of them went to meet Alexander Hill in his home, both were excited to share their idea on Project Fresh start.

Alex: I want to congratulate both of you, your invention sniff is a great success, everyone is talking about it, and you both are great, good job guys.

Adi and Jacky: Thank you sir.

Adi: Sir apart from sniff I wanted to talk to you about something else, it is about project fresh start.

Alex: Yes, what about it.

Adi: Actually I think, I finally know why project fresh start was never realized, I believe it is because of Democracy.

Alex: Democracy,(with surprise in his eyes), what do you mean by that.

Adi: Ok let me explain, you have told us about 'COUNCIL OF KNOWLEDGE', and how they have changed, actually the problem with project fresh start is it cannot be implemented with the current form of governmental system, it has to upgraded, coz everything gets old, whatever it may be, everything follows the law of entropy, so to introduce new Socio-Culture, old governmental structure needs to be changed, or else the new socio-culture will not be effective, project fresh start cannot be implemented because there are loopholes in the current form of democracy.

Alex: So what are you suggesting, Autocracy?

Adi: No sir, I am just saying current democracy needs to be fine-tuned, into something new.

Alex: and that is?

Adi: ANTHROCRACY, Democracy has to be transformed into Anthrocracy.

Alex: What does it mean, Anthrocracy, I never heard of it.

Adi: Sir, before we understand Anthrocracy, we have to understand what is democracy actually means, 'Demos" means people or masses of a particular region, and 'Kratos' meaning rule, so democracy will stand for rule of people over people, as Abraham Lincoln said, " Of the people, By the people, For the people", similarly 'Anthropos' means human, and 'Kratos" means rule, Anthrocracy will stand for rule of humans over humans, " Of the human, By the human, and For the human, both may sound similar but in reality both are drastically different, one represent the masses, and one represent the core value of human, one represent the plural society, and one represent individuality amongst plurality.

Alex: Now, you got my full attention, please continue.

Adi: What is the fundamental principle of human evolution and birth? , I believe that is pull and push factor, or feminine or masculine factor, a women takes the sperm of men inside her is pull factor, and men puts his sperm inside a women push factor, if both are combined then there will be a new creation, similarly Anthrocracy is based on pull and push factor, feminine and masculine factor, or you can also say X and Y, or emotion and intellectual factor, that is the core principle of Anthrocracy.

Adi spoke out whatever was in his heart, not caring how Alexander Hill will react to it, he also shared the basic fundamental principle of Anthrocracy, and it seems this time Adi didn't care about anything else, he was at peace.

Alex:(with a smile in his face), it is quite interesting, so you are sure that project fresh start cannot be implemented with the current form of governmental system, and it has to be upgraded?

Adi: From my point of view it seems, that may be the primary reason, why project fresh start was never realized, it may also be the reason why 'COUNCIL OF KNOWLEDGE' was corrupted, but you have to realize this is just a theory from my point of view, you may have different point of view, and different theory.

Adi wanted to make sure that he was not ridiculed for his out of the box thinking, that's is why he put the ball in Alex's court.

Alex: It is an impressive and interesting idea, but the question is can it implemented? And what will be the implication of that in our society, Project Fresh Start needs to be implemented, maybe first we have to try this in an experimental way, if it is successful then, we can replicate that in the society.

Jacky: What do you mean by in an experimental way?

Alex: First we can try this system as a social experiment, on group of families, let say twenty families, then if it is successful we can move from there.

Adi: But where do we can get those families, and how much funds will be required, it's too complicated.

Alex: Don't worry about the fund or families, it will be arranged easily.

Alexander Hill holds a powerful position in the White House, he knows he can sanction funds required for this kind of social experiment, actually Alexander Hill is more curious for project fresh start then both Adi and Alex.

From his childhood he has only one dream and that is to see project fresh start implemented, he has faith in Jacky and Adi that is why he shared with them this secret, he was raised like a true patriot.

Soon the Social experiment of Anthrocracy was started on fifty families, these families were provided financial help and free education, free residence, many families wanted to join this social experiment, it was a 3 year social experiment, the education was based on anthrocratic principal , main focus was given intellect and emotion, student were divided in four groups based on their intellectual periphery, not only students, their families were divided in four groups based on their intellectual periphery, earlier it was started with fifty families but later on it extended to 350 families, in this social experiment everyone had to follow basic fundamental anthrocratic principle, the only condition to take part in this social experiment was every family member should be de-addicted to any substances, but they can try Sniff if they want.

This Social experiment went on for three years, during this period Sniff has completely over taken the US society, methamphetamine (crystal meth), and other Synthetic and natural drugs became thing of the past, soon almost complete population of US became sober, de-addicted, it was a miracle, rest of world also started to follow the same path, Sniff became worldwide phenomenon, Sniff has taken over almost all the addiction except alcohol, Adi and Jacky now a rich businessman were eagerly waiting for the result of the social experiment which they have started 3 years ago, they wanted to see how much this social experiment has changed people's mindset, and what is the effect of Anthrocracy, can it be implemented in the whole of US? , Alexander Hill yielded more power in the white house, then the president himself he was most popular leader amongst the citizen of USA.

Alexander Hill wanted to implement Anthrocracy, and he had one hurdle in his path that is president of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, he has to be removed, coz he was against Anthrocracy, he was an incompetent leader, he was not able to accept the change.

So Alexander Hill started working on his plan, his main objective was to convince others that the president is incapable of change with changing time, actually the president had become unpopular with time, so it is not that difficult to convince others.

The world seems changing with the advent of Sniff, everyone around seems to be talking about sniff, government all around the world are interested in Sniff, with the soaring popularity of sniff, Anthrocracy also came into the Spotlight, the social experiment which is going on for three years now, it also got worldwide attention, Adi and Jacky were collecting the data from this social experiment, they wanted to see how much it is successful in changing people's perception, and it seems they got some positive result.

Adi did a survey on those families by asking some simple questions, like whether they are happy with Anthrocratic system, did their perception changed? And he got very positive result, people were happier then before, dysfunctional families became functional again, there was not even a single case of separation (divorce), since there was not a single case of separation, so there children were also happy, and there intellect and productivity increased, Adi was happy with the result.

Adi: (Looking at Jacky), It seems the social experiment is successful, actually result is far better than what we have expected.

Jacky: Yes, but now the question is how we can implicate this in the society? , and Mr. Hill wants to implicate this in the society, we have to share the result with him.

Adi: Yes, we have to tell him, not only that, we have tell him about Sniff also, because these families used Sniff, they were completed de-addicted.

Jacky: Ok let me talk to him, if he is free we will meet him.

Jacky arranged a meeting with Alexander Hill and both of them, Coz they wanted to share the ongoing update on the ongoing social experiment.

Adi, Jacky and Alexander Hill met in, Mr. Hill's home with the report of social experiment which they were conducting for three years.

Adi: Sir, there are some positive result from social experiment that I would like to share with you.

Adi shared the reports with Alexander Hill, he mentioned everything in those report.

Alex: It is impressive, that we are on the right track, I had full faith in you two, I knew only you can deliver it, now the question is can this governmental system applied to the whole US society?

Adi: If you had asked me the same question three years ago, I would have said it would be very difficult, but now in this current situation, I think it can be easily applied, after the popularity of Sniff, the Anthrocratic system also became popular, everyone wants to be a part of it, a Society based on intellectual periphery, students who followed Anthrocratic education system there result improved drastically compared to students who received normal education, the productivity of every individual who took part in this social experiment improved ten folds, compare to productivity of an normal individual.

Alex :( Looking at Jacky), what is your opinion about it?

Jacky: I believe we don't have any other option we have to get started on thin project.

Alex: Keep me informed if there is any new development, and let me see what I can do, good job guys, keep it up.