

In 21st century USA is facing unprecedented drugs problem, by just manpower this problem cannot be solved, because there is not enough manpower, and US society is facing a big threat of collapsing due to this drug problem, especially from the infamous synthetic drug named methamphetamine (crystal meth), which is destroying the youth, Two friends have a solution for it, will they able to solve it, and where their journey will take them. This story starts from chapter 0, which is completely optional for the reader to read You can also check out niranjan765.blogspot.com

Niranjan_Biswas · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

The Friendship

Alex joined the marine it was his first day on duty, when he joined the marine at that time Vietnam War was going on, he was chosen as a spotter for a sniper, after finishing his training he was sent to Vietnam, their he met a guy who was a sniper, his name was Daniel Blacksmith, AKA, Danny.

Danny: How are you? Myself Daniel Blacksmith, you can call me Danny.

Alex: Hi, I am fine, I am Alexander Hill, you can call me Alex, and I think I am your spotter.

Danny: That's good, where are you from?

Alex: I am from Flagstaff, Arizona, and you?

Danny: I am from Little Rock, Arkansas.

It is evident that, Alexander Hill had some connection with Flagstaff, and Flagstaff also represent pull and push factor, Flag is pull factor (X), and the Staff is the push factor(Y), Danny was the Sniper and Alex was his Spotter, their friendship grew from that point onward, Danny and Alex were assign for a special task, they were ask to take out one of the commander of Vietcong, he was responsible for the death of many US soldier, both of them were walking through the thick forest of Vietnam.

Danny: (Looking at Alex), Are you nervous?

Alex: Yes, I am Nervous, Coz this is my first mission, what about you?

Danny: Yes, definitely I am, this is my first mission too, I am nervous as hell, I don't know what to do.

Alex: just relax.

Both of them were talking to each other without knowing, that both come under pull and push factor, here Alex is the pull factor and Danny was the push, Spotter pulls the information from his surroundings and the sniper executes through pulling the trigger.

Alex: Keep quiet, we are almost there,(then suddenly Alex saw a man coming out of a bunker), look there is our target, (Alex was watching through a binocular), he is surrounded by guards, you cannot shoot him right now, we have to wait for some time.

Danny: No problem.

Both of them waited for hours, for the guards to move out, and to get a clean shot, they didn't have much time in their hand, coz it was already getting dark, but after waiting for many hours somehow they found the ideal situation to take the shot, but there was one problem the commander was standing sideways, Danny was not able to see his full body, his only chance was a headshot.

Alex: He is standing sideways, can you take the shot, it has be a headshot, and this is our best chance.

Danny: (Cleaning his sweat with his hand), I can try, tell me the co-ordinates.

Alex: Ok

Alex told him the co-ordinates, and Danny pulled the trigger, he missed the commander's head, the bullet struck the throat, it took out larynx, pharynx, trachea and everything that came in its path.

After getting struck by bullet the head rolled back, but didn't fell into the ground, it hung by a piece of flesh, in such a way that the body didn't fell into the ground, it kneeled, as if a headless corps looking up in the sky kneeling, it look like a ritualistic kill, blood splatter around in a circle, like fountain of blood coming out of his body.

That shot got the attention of other soldier, they didn't have much time, they had to run fast, Danny and Alex took their gun and started running.

Danny: Lets go they are coming from everywhere.

Soon the forest was disturb the gunshot, bullets came flying from everywhere, they somehow saved themselves and went to a safe location, it was shooting in a Hornets nest they were able to save themselves in nick of time.

They went back to their camp, it was an event full day they completed the task which was given to them, and no one got hurt in the process, their commanding officer (CO), Mr. Arthur, was very happy.

Mr. Arthur: You fellas did a good job, please keep it up, because of you soldiers moral will be high, and you killed that piece of shit, congratulation boys.

Alex and Danny: (Both at the same time), thank you sir, it's an honor for us.

Mr. Arthur: Good keep it up, (by Saying that he left).

Danny: Did you just see how that guy died, man that was unreal, that guy didn't even fell on the ground.

Alex: Yes that was unreal, I never heard anyone do that.

Within days Danny became famous amongst his fellow soldiers, many soldier came and praised him, for what he did, but they don't realize the role of Alex, a spotter is as important as a sniper, spotter gathers the information from his surroundings, and a sniper is dependent on a spotter for the information.

A spotter is the pull factor x, and the sniper is the push y, when both performs their task perfectly then it becomes a lethal combination.


Adi and Jacky were thinking about the project fresh start, and the council of knowledge, Adi thinks the idea about creating is possible, but if it is implemented than democracy will cease to exist, a new form of government has to be founded.

Adi: I was thinking long and hard about the "Project Fresh Start" It can be implemented, but if it is implemented than democracy will cease to exist, coz this Synthetic Socio-Culture is more than the masses selecting their leader, it is about individual selecting their leader.

Jacky: What do you mean new form government, Dictatorship?

Adi: No, no, not dictatorship, something more than democracy, coz I believe democracy needs to be upgraded.

Jacky: Upgraded but how?

Adi: What does democracy stands for, "Of the people, By the People, and For the people, in Greek "Demos" meaning People and "Kratos" meaning rule, in simple words rule of the masses/people, rule of the majority, but democratic principle was founded thousands of year ago, it has become outdated, there are lots of loophole in democracy, the people who chooses the leader, may not fulfill aspiration of the nation, masses can easily be fooled by their chosen leader, that is the reason "Project Fresh Start" was never initiated, the leaders got corrupted and the project was trashed, that is the reason USA is going through this turmoil.

Jacky: What if not democracy?

Adi: I was thinking about this, what if not democracy, it is just a theory, according to me, what if in place of democracy, an upgraded form of government "Anthrocracy", an Anthrocratic form of government, a government from the core of Human Evolution, a government developed from the basic concept of evolution, a government which represent Feminine and Masculine form, The basic core of human evolution, a government which include both form Pull and Push factor, X and Y, Emotion and intellect.

Jacky: (Jacky was looking at Adi, with amazement), I am speechless I never heard of it, this is just great, how did you even came up with this kind of idea.

Adi: Do you remember Chris?

Jacky: The Librarian who thinks he can decode the reality, the binary guy, yes I do remember him.

Adi: Yes, the librarian, who was talking about duality, from him I got this idea, if someone wants to implement a Synthetic Socio-Culture based on individual's intellectual periphery, than I believe this is the only way, Binary/Duality has to be implemented first, and Anthrocracy does exactly that.

Anthrocracy, the new form of democracy, everything in follows the law of entropy, and according to the law of entropy, everything gets old, be it a thing or individual, or form of government everything follows the law of entropy, everything gets old from new, human life also follows the law of entropy from birth to death, it is the ultimate truth which no one can deny.

Similarly democracy will also follow the same law of entropy, from being practical to obsolete, according to this law Adi is right, democracy will ultimately become obsolete, it has to reformed or upgraded.

Jacky: I can relate with you, but do you think is it possible, implement new form of government? How will the people react?

Adi: That I don't know but if, synthetic socio-culture has to be implemented, then in my point of view, this is the only way that I can perceive, but before that we have to talk to Mr. Hill.

Jacky: Yes that's what I am talking about, we have to inform him first.

Adi: Yes, but do you know about law of entropy, everything in the universe, follows the law of entropy.

Jacky: Yes, I know law of entropy, from order to disorder.

Adi: Yes, everything in the universe follows this law, from order to disorder, from tiny atom to human being to universe itself everything follows law of entropy, and nothing in the universe is completely flawless. Everything has to go through this process.

Whatever Adi's opinion is that nothing in the universe is completely flawless, and it seems he is right, the universe has to undergo some sort of change or else perish, still we human fight over petty issues, if a person who really understands law of entropy, he will always be calm and compose no matter whatever may the situation he is in, entropy is the ultimate truth which no one can deny.

Like the law of entropy, everything in the universe also follows another law that is law of duality, or pull and push factor, emotion and intellect, X and Y, which the librarian referred it as binary.

Like the friendship Alex and Danny started in the battle ground and continued, it is because of the same law of duality, because their friendship followed emotion and intellect, x and y factor, It withstand test of time, every everlasting relationship has to follow this law.

Friendship of Jacky and Adi is also another example of law of duality, pull and push factor.

This x and y makes us who we are "A MAN' which they would not have understood if they haven't taken SNIFF, even sniff follows the same rule of duality, but the main questions still remains can it counter the law of entropy, or perhaps we are asking the wrong question, the question should be can it complement with law of entropy?


Danny: Actually I never wanted to join the marine, I always wanted to business, but destiny had some other plans for me, I never became a businessman, instead I had to join the marine, what about you Alex?

Alex: Actually, I was going with the flow of life, I chose whatever life has to offer, my dad taught me that, from the childhood I was raised following strict discipline, never had a girlfriend or a close friend, everyone was my friend.

Danny: Do you think life has been tough on you, or did your dad put pressure on you?

Alex: Nothing of that sort, I was born and brought up on a countryside, I didn't met with lot of people, from childhood I got home schooling, during my teenage years I went to public school.

Danny: My story is different then you, I went to public school, but my father passed away when I was young, my mom married a guy, who was nice to me at first, but later on he became an alcoholic, he used to beat me, I used to tell my mom but she never used to believe me so as soon as I reached 18 years I left my home, and I didn't have any option, so I joined marine.

Alex: You are a very good Sniper, who taught you to shoot like that?

Danny: My dad he was a cop, he taught me everything about firing a gun, he was a very good marksman, I miss him every day of my life, he is my inspiration, whatever I know is because of him.-

The bond of friendship between Alex and Danny grew stronger, they complement each other like, Jacky and Adi, a true is friend can relate with you, there may be tough situation but he will always stand with you, like pull and push factor, without Jacky Adi's knowledge is meaningless and without Jacky's wisdom, and vise verse, likewise without Alex's spotting ability Danny's marksmanship is meaningless, the whole universe follows the same rule of pull and push factor.

Maybe that is the ultimate theory of everything, pull and push factor, the missing link between quantum physics and classical physics, the pull and push factor, which physicist are trying to find