
Snake Eye In Naruto

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SexyNinjaBoi · Komik
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A tall person could be seen walking on the busy streets of Konoha. He Had short spike white hair, bluish-green eyes, and a face that handsome that every girl present on the road, whether young or old, couldn't help but stare at him with lustful eyes. He wore a full sleeve black t-shirt, a black flak jacket without pockets, black pants, and black boots. On his right bicep was a red band with an Uzumaki crest. He also wore black battle gloves on both of his hands. There was also a ninja strapped on his right thigh.

He was none other than our Main character of the story Gintama Kuzo, a 19-year-old of 6'1 Height, a splendor Jonin of Konohagakure. He was on his way to his home as he had just returned from a Dangerous A class mission and just wanted to relax.

It has only been one year since he got promoted to jonin, and last year, he had not taken a single holiday. He had completed 86 Misson in one year as a jonin and earned enough money to live his remaining life without working. Now, he has decided to take it easy from here.

[Gintam Pov]

"Hey, Konmaru, did you hear about the Uchihas? The Uchiha clan has been wiped out by Itachi Uchiha, and Sasuke Uchiha is the only survivor left." I was on my way home after reporting my mission details to the Hokage when I heard some random people on the streets talking about the recent event of the Uchiha massacre.

I sighed as I thought about the misfortune end of the Strongest clan of the village. The incident three days ago was the most tragic event, after the Kyubi attack.

More than 300 people were killed, including Innocent civilians and children. People in the village were still shocked and couldn't comprehend that one of the founder clans of Konoha and the strongest clan, was killed by a single person, the person was also from their clan.

Itachi Uchiha, a 14 years kid, slaughtered his whole in a single night to become stronger, the reason higher-ups gave to the people, but the majority of the people didn't think that could be the reason.

Soon, I reached my house, which I bought recently. It was 3 Story mansion with Twelve rooms. It was big enough for 30 people if someone decided to live there.

It was in a secluded area with the training ground nearby. I opened my lock, pushed my door, and walked inside my house.

I entered my bedroom after cleaning myself and changing my clothes. Now, I was wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts.

Laying on my bed, I closed my eyes and started thinking about my next move. It has been eight years since I took this body, and nothing much has changed. Kyubi attack, Hinata abduction, this death, and now the Uchiha massacre, everything happened as it did in the anime.

I trained myself for Eight year none stop, if it was not for the hilling pills from the system, I would have died more than ten times from chakra exhaustion on fatigue. Now, I can confidently say that I am the strongest Ninja in this village, even than the Hokage.

But becoming the strongest ninja in the village is not a big deal. In 8-9 years, there will be beings, that would treat Gokage and the five great villages as their Punching bag. How could I hope to defeat them?

'Fuck it,' I thought with an irritated expression. It was too early to think about the 4th Great ninja war, and it was not like I would be the only one fighting Madara or Obito. There is also naruto and Sasuke, it's their job they would handle it.

I have already wasted my teenage in training, and although all the training was worth it, there is still a world beyond training and Ninja life.

Naruto is 8 years old now and will graduate at age twelve, so that means there are still 4-5 years left in the Chunin Exams.