
Small Excerpts of Mine

There's a reason I haven't uploaded anything guys, it's mainly because I've written so many different stories and I don't know which ones to stick to. I thought that maybe uploading them here might give me the impetus to write specific one/ones if I know what my readers wanna see. Let me know which one you like and I'll post an update when I come to a decision. If you have any other ideas though, also let me know in the comments. if you wanna actually continue one of these stories, please let me know and we can discuss ideas/beta-reading, etc. and maybe actually start a community of writers together.

God_Of_Null · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Naruto: The Avarice

Premise: The Orange-Lantern Entity escapes to another reality, the Naruto-Verse and takes shelter in another transdimensional soul. This was rushed back then so I'd probably re-write it a bit slower.


"Oy, Lucilfer, good luck on the exam tomorrow hehe, I hear it's quite...brutal." A black-haired kid sneered at the brown-haired kid, wearing glasses, in front of him.

Lucilfer Kagami was a reincarnated ex-bounty hunter from modern-day earth and unfortunately, found himself in Kirigakure just before the third ninja war. At this point, there was a brutal tradition for anyone ninja wanting to graduate, the academy graduation ritual of Kirigakure. Students were sorted into groups, and they had to kill everyone in their group to graduate. Additionally, Lucilfer had been sorted into a group with someone who's a branch member of the Hoshigaki clan, admittedly, it wasn't Kisame but it was still a big threat. Additionally, Lucilfer lived alone as his parents died in the last war.

However, when Lucilfer woke up in this world, he noticed a weird tribal Tattoo on his right arm. It was a large, wyrm-like snake coiling around his arm. When Lucilfer realised what the Tattoo showed, he had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

Unfortunately, even in this class, he still didn't understand what the tattoo meant...

'Do I get its power, Do I summon it? What the hell am I supposed to do with a serpent Tattoo? Nevermind, let's just take a deep breath and go to your happy place...Happy Place...'

In his mindscape, Lucilfer stood on a small piece of land, suspended in an orange universe. He felt something similar to killing intent in this place...Greed, something...Avaricious to an unholy degree. It pushed down on his shoulders and filled his mind, trying to take hold of him. 

"Where the hell am I...I...I want it all...Give It TO ME!" Lucilfer said before slapping himself, his eyes began to gain clarity, "what the...this is definitely NOT my happy place?!"

Turning around, he saw some sort of statue in the distance, reasoning that he had no other place to go, he walked to it. Once he began approaching the great statue, he noticed its features...and that it wasn't a statue but a stone monster, a serpentine giant. It appeared to be a giant stone snake with orange accents. On its temple, it had a series of marks that came together to form a certain symbol.

"Oh, I'm royally fucked..." H thought as he concluded what was in front of him, 'This thing is something to do with that Orange Lantern, Larfreeze from DC. I never really was into the whole green lantern shtick though...You've got to be an entity encompassing Avarice.'

Lucilfer tried to escape from this place but couldn't, he also tried to get closer to it but couldn't break the last 10m. Since he couldn't break past the last few meters, he simply sat down and began circulating his Chakra around before expelling it, trying to push it towards the sleeping Snake.

'Success!' He thought before soon feeling his energy being forcefully taken from him,

"Hey, you live in MY body, Don't take it too far, Now Pay me Tax!" 

Lucilfer stretched his hands out and focused on taking everything from the snake, a weird feeling of greed rising from deep within him. 

Soon enough, orange energy forcefully parted from the sleeping snake and entered through his pores and began to act on his body. Still, it was a qualitative change so he continued this so-called cultivation, " If you're going to inhabit my body, you should at least pay me rent...Give me Rent!" 

After a while, he heard a small buzz from the slumbering, stone serpent, giving up a final large influx of avarice energy. Not long later, he stopped receiving the orange energy and he could feel himself being kicked out of the realm.

Opening his eyes, Lucilfer noticed that not long had passed since entering the greed-filled world. 

"Tch, what a stingy god you are eh?" He whispered under his breath at the greedy snake. As soon as it received the majority of his chakra, it kicked him out. Lucilfer continued his school day normally before going to a discrete location to test out his new power. He felt an energy that he guessed was...The Avarice Energy. He tried to expel it directly but couldn't as it seemed like he lacked...something. Instead, he made some hand signs, meshing the avarice energy with his chakra to control it, 

'Greed Style: Avaricious Slice' 

Orange energy appeared in front of him and sliced the logs in half,


'I'm a bit too overpowered no?' He thought as he sweatdropped. He put his hands back in his pockets and decided to leave the area quickly as he confirmed his level to be approximately high-chunin. 


The Next Day,

"Kagami Lucilfer, please kill this Genin captured from another village."

A door opposite Lucilfer opened and a kid with a leaf headband emerged. The Konoha genin's eyes betrayed a cocky expression, "So I just have to kill this kid for a more lenient sentence?"

Lucifer's eyes flashed with a cold light, he suddenly felt a very violent and hungry urge from deep within, 'A weak person who got captured wants to kill me? I want your life, GIVE- GIVE IT TO ME! I Want to Tear out your Heart and Cook it for Dinner, Drink your blood as a Cold Beverage...'

His eyes cleared, 'Damn, Don't tell me I also absorb that thing's violent tendency for greed and Gluttony as well?' 

He realised that he might need to spend some time meditating and managing any urges like that from now on. Either way, Lucilfer grasped the kunai in his right hand and dashed at the genin opposite him.

Their kunai clashed multiple times. They got into a lock causing Lucilfer to shove his hand straight into his chest cavity, narrowly missing his heart,

'Tch. Close. At least He'll experience the shock factor.' 

The Genin's eyes widened as he was shocked, freezing up. Removing his hand, Lucilfer spun clockwise, backhand slashing the Genin's eyes. 

'Blinding Successful.'

"Ahh, you little shit, how dare you fucking-" The Genin was about to finish before Lucilfer threw a Kunai that pierced his throat, He knelt near the dying Genin. The Genin tried a final desperate attempt to kill Lucilfer by picking up his Kunai but Lucilfer pressed his kunai directly through his eye, piercing his brain.

"Maybe speak less in your next life.."

"K-Kagami Lucilfer...P-Passed, Congratulations on Genin," The voice on the speaker said as it gazed through the blacked-out window at the mangled corpse left by Lucilfer. The Examiner also noticed the kid licking the blood off of his fingers like he was starving. Lucilfer even decided to remove the Genin's eyes and chew them like they were sweets. The examiners all had one simple thought after watching this examinee,

'What a terrifyingly brutal child.'

Lucilfer on the other hand sighed, 'Even back when I hunted for the money, I wasn't this violent. What the hell is happening to me? I just...I can't help but think... those eyes looked tasty...'

He picked up his rain headband on his way out and wrapped it around his neck, a chewing sound echoed through the blood-stained halls.


In a large office at the centre of the village, a middle-aged man with long, dark black hair and completely black sclerae sat signing some paperwork.  With a knock at his door, he put down the papers, calling the individual in.

"Ah, Takuro, come in, how are our new generation?" The Third Mizukage, Tsugetsu Hozuki spoke with a tired but jovial expression. 

(A/N: The black eyes just give me Hozuki vibes, I just decided to make him one...)

"Err...Lord Third, only a few failed to pass but a terrifying kid named Lucilfer appeared this year as well," the chief examiner, Takuro spoke as he remembered the intimidating look in the kid's eyes as he took his headband. 

"Oho, tell me more..." Tsugetsu said as his eyes flashed with an interesting look.

"Well...From our intel, some Anbu glimpsed him using an unidentified orange-energy jutsu to slice through some timber," Takuro replied.

"Oho, so a new kekkei genkai then?" Tsugetsu replied.

"Not just that My Lord. In his graduation ceremony, he pierced the enemy's chest with his hand and sliced his eyes to blind him. He even let him talk a bit before piercing his throat. Even after that, he approached the body that wasn't exactly dead. As if taunting him, he knelt down near the body before it took a final attempt to kill him...Lucilfer drove his kunai straight through the enemy's eye then...then began eating his body parts," Takuro informed.

"What a vicious little devil indeed, even playing with his prey once it has died it would seem," Tsugetsu flashed a toothy smile. He then began contemplating who to assign as his Jonin instructor, discussing with Takuro who would be most suitable.

After a while, they concluded the Teams for this year's graduates.


In a large open space outside the academy, some children were looking at a piece of paper posted on a board. Lucilfer approached it before reading,

"Team 1 - Lucilfer Kagami, Juzo Biwa, Kisame Hoshigaki. Meet your team and Jonin at Training Ground A."

Lucilfer squinted his eyes, 'Dangerous 10-year-olds these are...'

He laid out some Avaricious Chakra into the earth beneath him to sense if anyone approached,

'Greed Style: Avarice Field Jutsu'

Since no one was there yet, he began meditating, examining all of the changes happening to his body.

The Avarice Energy seemed to have reinforced his body giving him some sort of healing factor. It also seemed to induce an absurd growth in his chakra reserves, as if his chakra was trying to compete with this new energy. Finally, he could feel his chakra starting to mesh with this energy,

'My Chakra Capacity seems to be increasing rapidly because it wants to unite with the avarice energy taken from that snake...Like the Law of Cohesion in water but more...greedy.'

Soon enough, however, he noticed a disturbance in his avarice field. He noticed a figure in the distance beginning to approach him,

"Kisame Hoshigaki huh..."

As a blue-skinned Fishman donning a large broadsword on his back began to move towards him, Lucilfer stopped his meditating and glanced passively at the behemoth of a kid, Kisame stood about a head taller than Lucilfer at their age.

"Kagami Lucilfer?" The calm but deep voice of Kisame asked causing Lucilfer to nod before scanning Kisame up and down,

"You're definitely a Hoshigaki..."

Kisame flashed a canine-filled smile before driving the broadsword into the ground, Lucilfer glanced at it before he spoke,

"I want it."

Kisame's eyes cocked up,

"You mean..."

"Give me that sword," Lucilfer said calmly holding back the crazed feeling from showing on his face. Still, he couldn't help but speak straightforwardly to the fish kid.

Kisame grinned before taking a couple of steps back,

"Fight me...You win? It's yours. You lose...Your life is mine." 

Lucilfer then flashed an equally greedy grin before removing his glasses and putting them next to the sword on the ground.

He stretched a bit, jumping up to ready his calves. As soon as he was ready, he began to weave some hand signs,

'Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu'

Lucilfer began to exhale a large amount of steam, filling the air with mist and then controlling its thickness with his chakra,

'He's a larger kid than me, a close combat fight would be unfavourable to me right now...I don't remember him having any notable sensory capabilities though.'

"Interesting..." Kisame spoke as he began to weave hand signs, "A good idea yet...you forgot about AOE."

"Water Style: Whirlpool!" 

Kisame propelled himself into the air before exhaling a large amount of water towards the ground that began moving outwards in waves. This display was definitely not one that belonged to a duo of Genin. The waves of water radiated outwards, rushing past the surrounding trees,

"Gotcha..." Kisame smiled. He'd sensed through the chakra-controlled waves the water rushing past an individual's legs.

Kisame readied his fists before swinging at that position,


No one was left there, suddenly, he felt his legs being pulled from under him. His eyes widened as the whole earth below him began to give way. 

"What's yours...is now Mine," Lucilfer smiled as he patted the indignant Kisame, his body now buried from neck under in the ground. Lucilfer went over and picked up the broadsword before stroking it, 


He took the guard and strapped it to his back before placing the sword in it. Soon enough, Lucilfer called out,

"Alright, I'm sure you guys enjoyed watching that fight, you can come on out now." 

Kisame eventually clawed his way out of the ground before giving a stupid grin towards Lucilfer, he'd found a strong person...a strong and smart person. From the trees, two people jumped out. A kid with mouth Tattoos who had his head wrapped in bandages,

'What a weird kid...' Lucilfer thought.

Another taller man walked out, he wore a crop top covered by a Kiri flak jacket along with a black trench coat and the signature navy-coloured Kiri trousers. His hair was quite messy but of a medium-short length. Speaking with a soft voice and giving a wave,

"Hey guys, I'm your new instructor, Arayoshi Takumo."

Lucilfer gave him a double-over, 

'It's a goddamn reverse trap!!! This is a girl! But...But...'

"Haaa Sensei, I thought you were a man for a minute...but seriously how can a woman be so fla-" Kisame nearly finished his dumb comment, and a shoe came flying at his head.

The woman huffed,

"Finish that statement and I'll cut your balls off, okay fish-face?" She smiled threateningly with a tick mark on her forehead. After the other kid introduced himself, Juzo challenged Kisame to a fight and lost to him. Arayoshi sighed at her new team's  antics before breaking up the bickering between Juzo and Kisame, 

"These kids are going to be the death of me goddamnit..." 

"Oy you in the tree, battle me as well!" Juzo said, shouting at Lucilfer. Lucilfer opened one eye, glancing at the annoying 10-year-old before closing them again,

"Beat Kisame before you challenge me...and bet me something interesting or you may just end up losing your life hehe."

Juzo looked at Kisame with an incredulous look, as if asking had Lucilfer really beaten him. Kisame looked down and nodded.

Arayoshi shook her hands before coughing slightly,

"Now that you've established your alpha, zeta whatever the hell you call this hierarchy, we have to visit the Mizukage for your first mission." 


"So what do you think of your team Arayoshi?" The third Mizukage said as he eyed the masculine lady who seemed to be in her late 20's. However, she was missing her trench coat.

"They're...unique to say the least. Monstrous but I can see a small glimmer of hope within them, especially that Hoshigaki kid. You can see that he has already made a loyal rival out of Lucilfer," She replied with a smile on her face. Abruptly, however, she began coughing and spluttering. The Mizukage got up and began patting her on the back, trying to help her. After taking deep breaths and circulating her chakra, she finally regained her composure. Tsugetsu sat back down and smiled, 

"About that Lucilfer kid, how was he?" 

As if nothing just happened, Arayoshi replied confidently,

"He's Greedy. Extremely greedy, he seems to think everything belongs to him, you can see that glint in his eyes. Thats...Thats why I've lost my beloved trench coat, he's also taken Kisame's sword."

Tsugetsu burst out laughing before regaining a serious face,

"You lost your father's last memento to a kid? If I didn't know better..." 

"I think I've finished my report here Lord Third," The Kunoichi smiled with an annoyed expression, cutting their conversation short, she rushed out of his office. Reuniting with her new team outside the Mizukage's office after her private conversation with the Mizukage, she sighed before smiling at her team,

"Alright, let's go, team, Our first mission...is to deliver apples!" She struck a pose with her thumb out. The three violent kids suddenly felt their souls being sucked out of them, especially Lucilfer as he dreaded the boring missions to come. 

From the balcony of the Mizukage's office, Tsugetsu gazed down at the bickering team before sighing and pulling out a cigarette,




"Fuuuh," Tsugetsu exhaled and let out some smoke, "Good Luck Little One, I really hope what you saw in those kids today was worth giving one of them your dead father's coat... I guess even a dying kunoichi can have final wishes..."

Tsugetsu continued to smoke as his dark, pupilless eyes gazed out towards the grey skies that continued to rain,

"I hope they're ready before the war that I smell brewing begins..."

From behind him, an Anbu appeared giving him a report about opposing Village Forces being placed at their borders.


"Haah, Gengetsu, what a pain in the ass you left me to deal with..." Tsugetsu sighed before putting his cigar out and returning to his desk.


"I can't believe we were forced to deliver apples to some dying geezer..." Juzo sighed with a depressed look. Lucilfer shrugged munching on an apple as each of his pockets bulged with another, reserve apple. Kisame gnashed his teeth, 

"I want to fight something already..." 

On his back, he brandished a new weapon, a long Katana, Lucilfer glanced at it before Kisame noticed his gaze,

"Don't you even think about it, I'm not fighting you, you freak..." 

"Come on kids, stop bickering, we have another mission to do..." Arayoshi smiled striking a pose, "We're going to deliver-" 

"Oh for god's sake," Juzo began weaving some hand signs before leaving a couple of clones here with the group, "call me when we're doing an actual mission...Peace Out." 


"Where the hell did that kid go now?" Arayoshi sighed placing her hands on her hips. Her remaining two students simply shrugged their shoulders as one continued eating his apple.

For the next few weeks, the students continued doing boring missions up until the point that the remaining two got fed up with it. By the final week, all three of them sent clones to complete the missions as they focused on training.


A month later,

"I've called all of you here because we now have a serious mission, "in a training ground, Arayoshi had a complicated look on her face, 

"We've got to deliver supplies-"

"I thought you said this was serious," Juzo said with an angry look on his face.

Arayoshi's face darkened as she took on a serious expression,

"...Was I finished?" 

Juzo calmed down.

"Our Mission is to deliver supplies to the front lines, if you haven't heard already," Arayoshi said as she glared at Juzo, "The world is on the brink of war, kid. Konoha and Iwa have already started skirmishes in smaller nations and it seems like Kumo is about to join in as well." 

Juzo's face became much more serious, Lucilfer also took on a more serious tone, hiding his excited expression,

"So when do we get started?" 

After all, Lucilfer stood to gain an entire army during this war,

"Right away, get suited up and we're escorting a supply group across the water to an island near Konoha, where our forces are located." 

They all nodded before dispersing to get their things, this was gonna be one helluva war.


On a ship travelling across the sea, Lucilfer was sat in a lotus position, meditating in his room and circulating Avarice energy,

"phew, Okay, I think I've got it under control so far..."

Suddenly, he was drawn into his mindscape by a weird sensation, He could feel hunger...just not his. He looked around before noticing... the Genin he killed a while ago,

"Hello, Captain!" 

Lucilfer ignored the kid, he heard growling sounds from the large sleeping serpent's stomach.

"Goddamnit, you really want to exchange energy right now? I'm in the middle of an important mission," Lucilfer shouted at the sleeping snake. All he got was a snort from the snake as he felt his chakra being slowly taken from him. Lucilfer sighed as he also began looting Avarice Energy from the snake. After a while of stealing from each other, Lucilfer could feel the snake kicking him out of his mindscape.

"I swear to god, when you wake up, I'm going to kick your ass myself," Lucilfer said as he got up and seemingly walked off.


As Lucilfer woke up, he heard sirens blaring on the deck, he rapidly got changed and picked up his weapons. Grabbing his greatsword, he rushed onto the deck before seeing several Konoha nin rushing at their group of four. 

"I'll take the four on the left," Kisame spoke as he began weaving hand signs,

"Water Style: Surfing Strike!" 

Kisame brandished his new Katana as he jumped onto a large wave that rushed towards four Genin.

"Kisame don't just rush off," Arayoshi shouted at the surfing figure now becoming smaller in the distance.

"I'll take the four on the right," Juzo said as he rushed off, running across the water brandishing a cleaver-like sword.

"I'll take the Jonin coming towards us, you take the one on the other side," Lucilfer said with a grin before weaving hand signs,

'Avarice Style: Avarice Armour'

Orange light flashed around Lucilfer before revealing him wearing an orange and black metallic suit, the sign of an orange lantern being visible on his shoulder plate.

(A/N: Image here.)

Arayoshi's eyes widened, 

'are these actually 10/11-year-olds?'

Soon enough, she recollected herself before rushing to the other side of the boat and jumping off. She dashed across the water towards the Jonin approaching them.

Lucilfer smiled as he felt good in his armour, his greed however was magnified...

"You'll make a fine addition to my corps..." He whispered with a slightly crazed glint in his eyes as he rushed towards the Konoha Jonin.

"Join Me Konoha-nin, we'll rebuild this world anew and CONQUER EVERY LIVIN-Ahem, Apologies for that" Lucilfer was about to lose control but recollected himself and began weaving hand signs to mesh his chakra with avarice energy. However, he noticed he could control the avarice energy without having to use chakra as a medium. The crazed glint in his eyes began to show on his face as he looked at the Jonin as if he were a piece of meat.

His mouth began to flail open, spitting saliva everywhere, he had lost control.

"mine...Mine! MINE!" 

A massive avarice-energy hammer formed next to Lucilfer.



It swung left towards the Jonin causing him to start weaving hand signs for a fire-based jutsu. 


The hammer pierced through the fire, slamming the Jonin from the side, winding him. His body dissipated into smoke before Lucilfer heard a sound above him.


An orange dome formed above Lucilfer, protecting him from a set of vicious wind blades trying to cut him. His head slowly turned upwards and a psychotic smile greeted the Konoha-nin as Lucilfer had saliva dripping down his mouth.

"...Mine," Lucilfer began struggling to regain a calm light in his eyes, the half-dome stretched out and enclosed the Jonin in a sphere.

"Avaricious...Crush." Lucilfer clenched his fist as his eyes cleared.

The sphere got smaller, beginning to crush the Jonin,

"P-Please don't, I have a family at home..." 

Lucilfer's eyes flashed a cold light before grinning,

"You attacked my people...MY PEOPLE. Oh, I also have an army to build, so chop-chop. Well... more like Crush Crush."


The sphere became the size of a football before dissipating, a bunch of flesh falling to the ground. Soon enough, he felt the Jonin in his mindscape.

"Success, +2," Lucilfer smiled. He dissipated the energy armour and regained a calm look on his face... 

"I need to train to control that...A lot." 

Weirdly, he felt like he also gained the Konoha-nin's chakra and previous experiences,

"Hoohooo...That's a nice little perk."

Lucilfer returned to the ship, reuniting with his team,

"No Questions now, let's push on to the site first. Captain, let's try to get there as fast as possible." 

His team was about to ask him questions but he shut them down immediately.


There were no other interruptions on their way to the camp and they successfully delivered the supplies. 

In a large tent given to their team, the group stood in a circle with questions for each other, Arayoshi had a grumpy look on her face,

"So...who do I start with, the student who cast a B-Rank Jutsu or the kid who formed orange armour from an unknown energy..."

Everyone glared at Lucilfer, causing him to sigh and think up an excuse that would be beneficial for him, 

"Kekkei Genkai, named Avarice, the fuller I feel, the more of that energy I can use."

Now, if he ever gets into the hands of an enemy for a plan, they'll try to starve him - causing his hunger to maximise meaning his greed will peak so he can go plus ultra. Reverse psychology in this bitch. His sensei nodded, 

"it's not something I've ever seen before so you need to declare it to Lord Mizukage."

"Now, Sharkboy... what the hell was that?"

Kisame flashed his shark-like grin before rubbing his head,

"Hehe, sorry sensei, I'm just stronger than an average genin..."

Kisame suddenly turned his head to Lucilfer before a thought popped up in all of their heads,

'Well...he did say average. Not stronger than that freak though.'

Lucilfer shrugged, the only relatively normal one here was their teammate, Juzo.

"Juzo, well done back there."

Juzo nodded.


A year later in Kirigakure,

"Lucilfer, ur Kekkei Genkai then..." The Third Mizukage asked with a serious face.

"I cal it Avarice, the more food I eat the more of the special chakra I can produce," Lucilfer said completely nonchalant. Tsugetsu nodded, all three of you, meet me in the forest of the drowned in an hour, I need to check your eligibility for something..."

Arayoshi looked at the Mizukage with a curious gaze,

'Is he seriously going to give them the swords?'

The trio of 12-year-olds nodded. 


"I'm going to keep it short, an all-out war has begun between Konoha, Iwa and Kumo. A lot of pressure is being placed on us to pick a side. Due to this pressure, some of our Ninja Swordsmen have died and we need to find suitable swordsmen to replace them. I'm going to test if you three are eligible," The Mizukage spoke before flashing a grin,


Suddenly, his wrists began to eject a thin red line that aimed for Kisame and Juzo.



They used their swords to push the thread away from them, jumping a few meters away from him. Arayoshi nodded, watching their spar from a tree a bit away.

Lucilfer glanced at the Mizukage before smiling and shaking his head,

'I don't need a sword, my strongest weapon is simply... an Equation. But that would be overkill, I'll keep that for a special occasion... I really don't want to fight him anyway...'

  Moving out of the trees, before putting his hands up in surrender,

"I don't want any weapons or whatever from you, I'm happy using my fists"

The Mizukage smiled before rushing at Lucilfer anyway with a blood-red needle-like sword.  Lucilfer sighed as he began weaving hand signs,

"Avarice Style: Bullshit No Jutsu" 

His spectating teammates sweatdropped,

"Err, Sensei...That isn't an actual jutsu right?"

A large mass of dark orange slush collected above the Mizukage's head.  The Mizukage reached Lucilfer at this point and stabbed at him but Lucilfer parried with an avarice energy wrist protector. 


Lucilfer front kicked the Mizukage in the stomach causing him to be directly under the...dark orange mass.

"All Mighty Shit..." 



"It...It Smells like Shit as well..." The Mizukage spoke as he accidentally swallowed some of the energy.

"Yield," Lucilfer spoke calmly as he reshaped the Shit Pile into a spherical prison that encased the Mizukage, similar to the water-prison jutsu.

The Mizukage smiled, 

'What an annoying kid, I could liquefy out of here but let's see where he goes with this...but goddamn does this shit smell nasty." 

He shook his head.

With his other hand, Lucilfer pointed up at the sky causing a minute hole to open in the top of the prison, 

"Avarice Style: Cat piss No Jutsu" 

Abruptly, The Mizukage surrendered causing Lucilfer to dissipate his energy.

"Nevermind...there's no sword benefitting a perverted bastard like you..." The Mizukage spoke traumatised by the smell that would haunt him for the next week now. 


"Hmm...That Sword is pretty cool..."