
Slave To The King Of Beasts

Matured Content!!! Angela White, A human female was dragged and taken into the Megan palace of the beasts and forced to bow before the king of the beasts, but she refused. He was a jealous King, Ruler of the whole galaxy and jealous of all the humans as he refused them from having their own rulers. He enslaved all the human-males and all first daughters of the humans, as he stripped them off and paraded them n*ked to his kinds views, but then he fell for a new slave captured as her beauty magnetize his eyes. He felt to protect her, to kept her safe and to stop the enslavement of her people, but she hated him, the beasts and if given a chance, She would killed him herself for all the hurt and pains he caused her people and seek her revenge. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Fantasi
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40 Chs


Queen Melissa knew how stubborn her soon was, She stares to Chums and saw her smiling and she sighs and let the matter passed.

"What happened mother?. I overhead you just now mentioned about the humans again?" he asked, looking up to stare at his mother's face and Chums and Stephanie took their respective seat beside his mother on the left side of the dinning, while Sarah sat on his right and remained quiet like she isn't part of the family.

"The humans are beginning to gang up again Mark. The more reason we need to torture them and enslave most of them. They are refusing to buy from our people or sell to them either" Queen Melissa frowned as she spoked that.

"Hmm, We visited them yesterday, so I can as well understand their hostility against us today" King Mark respond.

"Then what did you do to them that caused it?. I was thinking probably they just woke up and started another riots."

"No mother, I visited their village head, The man they want to rule over them, but I decided to let him be and not kill him. I only gave him a warning for not showing up at my coronation," he replied.

"Hmm," Queen Melissa and Sarah both sighed listening to him, while Stephanie asked, "Why didn't you kill him brother, All this nonsense wouldn't have been reported if he was killed, They will all become afraid."

"No!, I have some other plans to that. If I had killed him, they could have become worst."

"Hmm" Stephanie frowned.

The cook arrived the dinning table with six other servants carry the tray of food and they served the royal families.

Chums was silent stealing glances towards Mark and he caught her eyes staring at him.

He continued eating his food. He hadn't forgotten about the room he offered to give to her upstairs, and he intended doing that before he takes his baths and step out to witness the training with the new trainees.

They ate their food silently, as his own food was cooked while the rest of them was raw.

As soon as he was thru and about to stand up, Princess Stephanie quickly spoked out to him.

"Big brother, Sorry Your majesty, How about the room you promised to your wife. I wouldn't like for rumours yo spread out that his majesty wife still sleeps in her guest room, same day as she had visited the palace."

"No Stephanie!. I will ask Steve to arrange for that as soon as I get upstairs" he replied.

"Okay brother," Stephanie smiled to him as he turns to leave but Queen Melissa quickly stopped him.

"Mark!, She's your mate now, Why not share same room with her instead of separate room?."

"No mother, She'll be more comfortable in a separate room and I need some time alone" he replied and left.

"Okay," Queen Melissa sighed after he left.

She knew her son was stubborn but he still listens to her sometimes. She ate her raw goat meat in peace as she chewed on it with some vegetables fruits like cucumber and carrots

King Mark went back upstairs to the second floor, he Instruct Steve, "Send the maid to arrange the last room there!" he pointed to the last room facing the corridor.

"Okay My Lord!" Steve bows in a courtesy manner and left to instruct the maids.

King Mark walks back into his room and sighed.

It was a fresh new week and he had a lot of appointments to do as the new king, he also intended getting to know the reports of the humans refusing to serve his people.

Steve returned back and knocks on his Chums, "I have informed them My Lord, Should I send for the servants to come prepare your bath?" Steve asked him.

"Yes do that right away, I need to visit the Labour-house and see the training for myself," He informed Steve.

"Yes My Lord " Steve left and instruct a maid to call on the servants to come prepare his majesty bath.

In the women quarters, Angela already had her breakfast and she ate it peacefully as she didn't see Lady Mandy in the dinning hall either.

She was told that Lady Mandy left the palace the previous night and resigned her duty post.

She sighed and was relieved she wouldn't be seeing the beast-woman as the woman was so mean and cold towards her than the rest of the maids who works in the palace.

She joyfully stepped out to the corridor leading into her room and just then halted at the door as she saw Lady Annabelle approaching their room, walking faster.

"Where are you going too Angela?" Lady Annabelle questioned her as she was already familiar with her name after asking her name the first day she was dragged into the women's quarters and finally given a cloth.

"I am going to the hall Ma'am," she replied facing downward.

"Come back inside, You will be going with the rest of the other girls that will prepare his majesty bath!"

"What!" Angela screamed and Lady Mandy's eyes narrowed at her as she paused.

"What?, Why acting surprise, come in now let me select four other girls that will be accompanying you" Lady Annabelle quickly turned and opened the door to step into the room and Angela quickly followed her inside.

Lady Annabelle asked them, "Who among you all went yesterday to bath his majesty?" And five girls stepped out.

Nikita, Beatrice, Lisa, Nana and Bami stepped out, while the rest of the other girls stepped into the room.

"Good, you, you, you and you!" Lady Annabelle pointed to Juliet, Salma, Esther and Shawn to accompany Angela.

"Now the five of you will go upstairs and attend to his majesty bath. Don't forget your training and do t misbehave when you get there, know his majesty can kill you on the spot and nothing will happen!" Lady Annabelle warned them seeing their irritated faces and the immediately swallowed, "Okay Ma'am" they replied.

"Who among you didn't attend to his majesty that's remaining?" she questioned them, facing the rest of them and pointed to Ama, "Okay, You will switch turn with one of them tomorrow till the week is over is that understood?" she questioned them.

"Yes ma'am" They replied.

"Excuse me Ma'am, but who among us will wash his majesty center, I mean his center?" Shawn quickly asked as she was worried about that and Lady Annabelle swallowed and stares at them.

"You-all are to decide that among yourselves, who do you pick to do that?" she asked Juliet first.

Juliet thought abd spoked, "Angela!"

Angela swallowed and stares at her with wide eyes and lady Annabelle smiled.

"And you!" she pointed to Esther

"Angela!" Esther spoked again and Angela jaws dropped.

"And you two?" she asked Shawn and Salma

"Angela!" they all agreed on Angela and Angela was left speechless.

Lady Annabelle turns to face Angela as she was leaving, "Not to worry, his majesty can also decide on that and if he didn't, you join the rest three of them left, as he will ask one of you to strip him and hold his towel, as I have heard!" Lady Annabelle spoked out to all their hearing and Angela immediately swallowed.

No she cannot touch him there, she doesn't even want to see him naked when he keeps staring at her. She felt dread run down her spine and she swallows as Lady Annabelle Instructs " You all should go now, We have wasted so much time, I hope he doesn't get annoyed seeing you-all took so long to arrive."

Lady Annabelle escorted them outside of the hall and Angela swallowed as she followed rightly behind Juliet and Shawn that were discussing as Esther and Salma were at the front.

They walked out to the front and as Angela stares to the field, she saw a lot of beast-men in the palace that wore black skirt, which was different from the guards that wore brown and she wondered what was happening.

She couldn't wait to peep further she also saw some of them tapping each others shoulders pointing towards them. She swallowed and quickly followed Juliet and the rest towards the front of the mighty two-storey building castle and climbed the staircase at the front to walk into the palace hall downstairs.

Queen Melissa and Stephanie stood discussing about a beast-man that was wealthy in their land that wants to marry Stephanie and he used to see her, when ever she visited a home closer to his parent, but Stephanie refused.

She was having the hot argument and conversation with her mother, when Angela and the rest of the four girls stepped into the hall.

The sun was already out and burning and Angela shined so brightly like an Angel that had descended from heaven when she stepped in.

Stephanie words trails and she walks away from her mother to stop them, while Queen Melissa turns back to stare at them as she was facing the throne, when she was discussing with Stephanie who stood beside her royal throne seat.