
Slave to the Darkness

The world belongs to the humans but what they do not know is that in the dark hours of the night there is a slave market that happens in the woods. No one knows about it except those that are wealthy and pay a fee for the membership. As the slave market moves from town to town, finally they reach its destination where they call up the buyer letting him know that they have arrived with some intriguing goods that he might be interested in. The slave that was bought from the Slave Market in the middle of the night was taken to her new home by her first Master. She feels safe with him but doesn’t remember anything from her past and doesn’t know what secrets lurk in her mind. The Master that bought a new toy thought since she was what he was looking for. He hoped that she would last longer than the rest but what he didn’t expect was the past to come back to him after a hundred years without it. With his new memories he softens up but only for her as she is now his everything, he will stop at nothing to protect her and help each other remember their past together. Excerpt "Just who do you think you are? I will get you thrown out of this area if you continue to loiter around here. I was just having a chat with my soon to be man when you interrupted me." The girl pointed at Yuki blaming her. "Darling, were you going to pick up someone else when you already have me by your side?" Yuki turned and pressed her body up against his side. She rubbed her chest on his side to show that he was hers. "You know that I can not replace you, Liliana. I was only telling these ladies that they couldn't have the purse that I specially ordered for you." He moved his hand to her ass and squeezed. The ladies looked embarrassed for a moment. "No, I will get what I want. I want that man and that purse!" The lady screamed and her face turned beet red. Yuki turned her head over, "you can not control someone's feelings. You can not compare to me in any way shape or form." Yuki turned her head away shapely. "Oh is that so. THEN I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BEAUTY CONTEST!! There is a competition for the queen of the beach today and if you win I will leave you alone and bow down to you but if I win I want that purse and your man!" Cover is a commissioned Product and all rights belong to me and the artist that created it for me.

Shirokitsune · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
325 Chs

1 Sold and Fed

My sight is temporarily unregistering. Being brought from an extremely dark room into a blindly bright hallway. While momentarily blinded Yuki's hand were bound. 'Weak bindings but I won't fight. How long has it been since I last saw the sight of the moon? My body is growing weak from the lack of, proper substance.' Yuki looked around the impeccably clean hallway. 'There's no point on fighting. I'll follow for now.' Yuki followed the man leading her to an empty room but there was someone watching her in this room. Yuki internally shuddered. She stood still in the middle of the room. The eyes peering over her body. Her long black hair flowed down her backstopping just before her butt, her skin was a pale white but not so white that it looked unhealthy, she was roughly five foot six inches in height, and her figure was like a model, well sculpted.

"You have yourself a deal." Said the eyes that were bearing down on Yuki. "Come to me." The man extended his hand out to Yuki.

Yuki lifted her bound hands and placed them in the man's hand. As she touched his hand she instantly collapsed into the man. The man caught Yuki and lifted her easily into the princess hold. "I bid you farewell, Jake." He turned and walked away carrying Yuki. 'She's absolutely divine. I didn't think that I would be able to find such a wondrous specimen in a place like that. Must have been hard on her.' Cedric walked up to the waiting limousine where his butler Royce had the door open and was waiting for him. "I've gotten what I came for, be sure to get us home as soon as possible. Most preferably before the sun rises." Cedric placed the girl down on the seats then got in.

"As you wish Sir." Royce addressed his master then bowed and closed the door. Walked around and started the drive home.

Cedric pulled out a small knife from under the seat. Cedric had positioned Yuki's head in his lap. The knife was something ancient. Its intricate patterns were compelling. Cedric brought the knife to his wrist where he felt the biting cold of the metal on his wrist and slowly precisely sliced down. His blood slid down his wrist but before it could drip on the seat he brought his wrist to her lips.

Yuki parted her lips slightly. The blood touched her tongue. Yuki in a half-awake aware state licked the blood. Careful not to hurt the one who was giving her what she needed most. Yuki opened her eyes and looked up at the man who was feeding her. She licked the wound shut and slowly sat up. As she sat up she finally snapped the rope tied around her wrists. Her eyes glowing the deep blood red color. "I need more." Yuki climbed on top of Cedric and slowly brought her lips to his neck. She kissed down his neck and looked up into his eyes.

Cedric placed his hand on her cheek and brought his lips down on her for their first kiss. Exploring her mouth with his tongue. Then he guided her to his neck. "You'll need your strength. I know that my blood is what you seek at the moment but, remember I am the one who freed you so you're mine now."

Yuki has never been intimate with another person. His kiss was intoxicating it sent an electric shock through her body making her body shiver but since he was the one to feed her she had no choice but to obey. When her lips touched his neck she sank her fangs in and drank. 'I've never tasted any blood quite like this before.' She drank deeply and moaned at his touch. Cedric's hands were running down her sides teasing at a light touch. Finally had her fill she licked the bite marks and the seal instantly as like his wrist had done. Eyes still glowing red she looked into his eyes. She ran her hands down his chest. "It's a curse to keep one as myself by your side." Her soft voice whispered. She finally took a look at the one who fed her. His eyes shined like emeralds, his hair was messily swept to the side, his facial was trimmed and well taken care of, he was well built, she had felt his abs and pecs through his suit, and he must have been almost six feet tall.

Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

--Edgar Allan Poe

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