
Slave for Mother (moved)

book cover art by me, for more illustrations check my twt: glassainaa The land of Yi, located in ancient Asia, is a place where mystical creatures and mages such as werewolves, demons, mermaids, dragons, fairies, serpents and many more habitat. XiaoXiao is known for her cold beauty and her endless cruelty, she's one of the rarest most strongest jade rabbit, skilled swordmaster and a respected teacher. Then there's a disciple that she acts very indifferent towards almost hostile, that is Wang Yi, a merman. However XiaoXiao stops Wang Yi towards facing execution for the crimes his parents commited, instead she let him get sold off to become her slave. despite all that, XiaoXiao, now his master and his shizun, wants to be called "mother" by Wang Yi, in replacement of her dead son. What's even worse, one day, with all the hatred and love, Wang Yi dares to make her pregnant, not expecting to become a father while he is only a mere teenager. Facing the conflict between resentment and affection that she feels towards him, can jade rabbit XiaoXiao accept her merman disciple as her new little husband?

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2. do you bath her too?

"Who even cares if she slept with dad? It has nothing to do with me, they are considered  criminals, and I'm not..."

"Also what's up with that nonsense? What an unreasonable fairytale that made up teacher to be? She? killing dad from jealousy? These people are so foolish, seriously..."

The teenager scoffs, thinking inside.

"Knowing teacher, no matter how indifferent she is towards me, she is surely  just and righteous! That's one thing to praise about teacher."

"Anyway, i don't believe the conflict was that simple between my family and teacher's, just when will i find out the truth? What-"

Before Wang Yi could think any further, he bumps into a hard like stone body, causing him to stumble over.

Speaking of the devil...

XiaoXiao, taken aback at the mere physical contact with her disciple, out of reflex shoves the teenager to the side, making him land on his butt to the hard floor.

She was a head taller than the teen, and of course she's a lot heavier and stronger, so it is inevitable that Wang Yi starts howling in pain on the ground.

Definitely not surprised but still disappointed.

All the disciples that were training  under her instruction stops for a second to see the scene and wait for their teacher.

XiaoXiao, dressed in her usual instructor robes, hands behind her back, straight posture with  chest up front  forward, giving off the looking-down-on-you vibe. Her long black silky hair tied in a high ponytail with strands of hair falling front.

"You're late."

"Mn. Yet you didn't have to harshly do me like that..."

Wang Yi lazily shrugs with a complaint, cursing inside why she has to be so strong to unreasonably bully him like this.

She's beyond untouchable!

XiaoXiao's face remains collected, careless in fact.

Before leaving Wang Yi's sight she speaks about his punishment, standing tall and noble.

"Clean this training room spotless and don't ever think of coming back when you're not done. i don't care if it's until midnight, you better finish up by tomorrow when i come."

Everyone in the room couldn't help but silently mourn for Wang Yi.

he has to go through this all the time after becoming her slave, huh?

"Pitiful, certainly teacher is the coldest towards him the most."

"Teacher especially picks on him all the time. Just how much Wang Yi is despised?"

"It's no wonder, she saved him yet his parents were the cause of her destruction...i think he deserves the treatment."

"Also not to mention teacher's initial beauty was torn off with harsh cuts by his very own mother and her once best friend..."

"I would honestly do the same in teacher's place. Because i could never forgive his parents and wash off the memories of the crime they commited. In fact teacher is quiet merciful, don't you think?"

thought the other disciples to each other, whispering.

After walking away XiaoXiao coldly watched as Wang Yi go to his side of training with other disciples, greeting them.

Once he pulled out his sword to start swinging, two guys walks up to his area,

"We will help you with the cleaning."

"And what made you dare to be late? You know exactly what the outcome will be when coming late to her class...!"

Zhenyi whispered the last part, showing fear as he threw his hand  over Wang Yi's shoulder.

Zhenyi was also a rabbit spirit like XiaoXiao, but he was way weaker. He was boyish, attractive and cute even with wavy messy hair tied in a bun.

"Don't tell me you went to that tea house again? So what did you hear about teacher this time, huh?"

The other boy, Yufeng,  guesses with analizing eyes.

Yufeng was a serpent, he could poison people with his bite, therefore not many people dare to offend him. He has snake eyes, bright and sharp. His  hair was straight and long with messy front hair that falls on his . no doubt he was as poisonously handsome as snakes could be. But surprisingly he has a very pure personality.

Wang Yi had shoulder lenght hair, straight and not tidy, he has thick eyebrows with bright green eyes that turns full black when he is under the water in his merman form.

Those two and Wang Yi were one of the first to join teacher XiaoXiao's classes to become her disciples since they were children. They were around the same age, of course Wang Yi being the youngest of all the disciples.

Wang Yi frowns, was he that obvious?

"I don't get it, even i don't go around those places despite my gossipy personality, yet you? Why do you care? What's your aim? It's not like you even like her!"

Zhenyi comments, doubting.

True, Wang Yi in fact despises this teacher of his, so why would he waste his time and money on that kind of useless nonsense?

"I guess i thought i might find satisfaction if i listen to how people continously bad mouthes her..."

The teen reasons, seriously wondering himself.

"So? Did you-"


XiaoXiao, far from where the boys were at, demands with deadly glare to which they all shut up and continued to train, not daring to annoy their cruel teacher any further.


Once training was done, it was already lunch time. All the disciples gathered to the canteen hall, getting their food.

The three boys were together, and it was their turn to get their serving from teacher XiaoXiao.

XiaoXiao is a great cook, she absolutely enjoys cooking for her every disciples, it feels like feeding her children. Surely the disciples feel the same because teacher XiaoXiao's cooking was top notch.

XiaoXiao eats on the table on the other side, where there are only females. There were  fewer female disciples and teachers, but most of them were brave warriors.

"I've always wondered..."

Zhenyi begins, looking around before leaning closer to whisper so only the three could hear.

"You tell me... since teacher bought you as her slave it means you serve her at all cost. So doesn't that mean you help bathing her too?"

Wang Yi and Yufeng barely regains their breath after severly choking from the sudden forbidden topic.

Wang Yi was absolutely horrified and taken aback, the idea never come up to him. While Yufeng actually blushes intensely, averting his gaze from everyone. As embarrassing it is, he admits that he always had this question on mind, however not daring to ask, due to manners.

"Are you out of your mind?!!! You-"

Wang Yi argues in disbelief, screaming as he continously coughs.

"Ssshhh, others will hear you!"

"What's with that reaction? You've watched her bath, didn't you!"

Zhenyi urges, raising an eyebrow like a detective.

Wang Yi couldn't believe his ears.

Sure XiaoXiao was his considered to be "master" but he has never actually served her any way other than clean her house and run errands in her name. For God's sake he never even thought about that this was possible before.

Now it got him actually thinking...

"Tell me!! What does she look like under her robes!??"

"How would i know!? Why would you even-"

Wang Yi shakes his head, face burning.

"anyway don't even think about it because she's way older than you!!! Old enough to be your mom!!!!!"

"so are you Blind!?"

"Who cares? She's ageless anyway."

"And You can't blame me for having these thoughts! Aren't you her slave? Look how many opportunities you have that anyone would die for to get!"


ang Yi looks taken aback, eyebrows furrowing in question.

"But...aren't you both terrified of her? I even thought you hate her..? And her scars that people sworn no men will ever like her..."

Wang Yi points at Zhenyi.

"Me? I mean, sure, i complain about her a lot. But haven't you seen her!? Those scars, man! They make her look so hot and intimidating! Also don't get me started with her body..."

Body? What body? XiaoXiao always wore thick layers of cloth no matter how hot the weather was, she would never least expose her full body shape.

As if she was on purpose hiding herself.

Although certainly her chest being large was inevitably visible, but that's because she has to keep that dignified posture! And her waist, thanks to the belts she wore every so often, anyone could guess that under her robes she has a curvy waistline and hips.

Other than that it's a mystery.

"Guys! I mean look at that chest. It's huge! Probably the biggest in this whole Asia-"

Before Zhenyi could comment any further Wang Yi smacks his head, with gritted teeth.

This is probably the first time Wang Yi ever heard anyone talk so explicitly of his so called "mother" and it sure makes shivers run down his spine.

He found he did not enjoy this type of talk.

"What would teacher think knowing you speak of her this shamelessly, Zhenyi!"

Yufeng sighs, making a playful disappointed look.

"Oh, i don't even have the guts to come up near her. She makes my knees weak with her cold beauty it's definitely enough just taking a secret glance from a distance."

he dreamily spoke, before desperately gripping Wang Yi's shoulder.

"You have to let me see her, brother! Doesn't matter if from far! Or else Yufeng and i won't help you clean up..."

"Sigh, you sound so pathetic, brother..."

Yufeng comments,

"leave Wang Yi alone. Teacher already resents him enough."

"Hey, Yufeng aren't you curious too? Don't tell me you all don't find her attractive!!"

Truth be told XiaoXiao and her cold gaze that as if she looks down on everyone makes her very charming yet so hateful at the time because of her nasty personality towards me...it's true that hate wins over love. Because thanks to that I've lost all my interest in her as a man.

But...after what Zhenyi said, now i can't stop wondering myself. What exactly started to make me hate teacher the most? In the beginning i clearly remember that i had love at first sight  for her even if i was just a kid back then...no doubt, she even treated me the best because of how close she was with my family.

When she was pregnant with her late husband Xie Yun, i even got the honor to feel her huge belly at the time...i even talked with the unborn through her stomach.

She then was pricelessly beaming in all her glory...

It's a pity that after the death of her only baby from uncle Xie Yun, her attitude towards me changed overnight.

She began to resent me even after claiming me to be the replacement of her "dead" infant, yet i acknowledged that i was nothing to her but a soul that reminded her of my parents crimes.

Can't blame her, but i can't exactly handle this hostile temperament of hers towards me  as well.