
The Awakening-3

"Wha! ...Wha...What the hell???" The Soul warrior was terrified as he felt helpless and had a sensation of....

"Huh! Sir? What happened? Why are you afraid?" Li Jun inquired as he noticed the Soul warrior trembling on the floor.

"You...the...You....!!??" The Soul Warrior trembled.

"I'm What?" Li Jun asked with confusion.

Li jun didn't notice, but the feeling the soul warrior felt was...



"Sir! Soul Warrior! Are you all right?" As the soul warrior trembled on the floor, Li Jun asked.

When Li Jun doesn't know what to do, he felt something itching inside the palm of his right hand. Li Jun carefully lifted his hands and opened his fingers, which were shutting his palms.

"Ha! Whakt—" Li Jun felt as though he had been pierced by a spear as he opened.

"What's going on? What is this dreadful sensation!" Li Jun was dumbfounded.

When he was able to get over the sensation, he noticed The Crimson-Gold Dagger twirling in his palms.

"huh? This is my Nexus Weapon!" Li Jun was taken aback. Because it wasn't just any ordinary dagger.

The dagger reminded Li Jun of his previous life, as he had an Assassination dagger that he used to kill tonnes and tonnes of sinners in his previous life. Although it was dark and appeared to be a shadow blade, this dagger was much more than that, with Crimson and Golden engravements.

As Li Jun fixed his gaze on the engravements on the Dagger,

"This....this is....This dagger has engravings about....Slaughtering?" He was shocked.

"What the! Slaughtering? Why do I possess something like that, I thought, that killer part of me was long gone!" Li Jun became more and more confused with anger.

When Li Jun was looking at his new Nexus Weapon, the Soul Warrior Zhang Yong, summoned his Nexus Weapon, the Sky Splitting Bow and aimed a Spirit Arrow at Li Jun.

"Damn You! Monster! Just Dieeeeeeeee!" As the Soul Warrior Shouted,


When the Arrow was released, it flew at breakneck speed towards Li Jun. When Li Jun looked up, his left eye closed and his right eye's iris turned bloody-red with a faint icy aura emanating from it, and his hair turned the shade of burned ash. His dagger, meanwhile, was etched in Golden designs with Crimson sharpened edges.

At that moment, Li Jun resembled a Demonic-God in wrath.

"No Sinner should be left alive!" Li Jun exclaimed demonically as he cut the free-air with his Dagger. When he cut the free-air, a crimson light appeared along with the slice, and time instantly slowed to a fractionally-slow degree. It was like, Li Jun made the time and world stop, and he was the only being to move in between.

Li Jun took a step forward and grabbed the Spirit Arrow that was directed at him, which was moving at a no-pace. The arrow was reduced to ashes simply by looking at it.

Li Jun walked towards the Elderly Soul Warrior with wrath.

At that instant, Li Jun's Left eye opened.

"No! What am I doing!" Li Jun's inner consciousness talked aloud as he was in an intent to kill the elderly Soul Warrior.

"Stop! I have to make this dagger to return inside my body! Why is this all happening?" As Li Jun tried to suppress his unconscious behavior of Demonic Wrath, He somehow managed to make the Crimson and Golden Dagger return inside his palms, while for his appearance, His eyes became azure again. And his black shiny hair returned.

The instant he became normal, the time started to flow again, but.

"huh! Why am I lying in the floor! and why on earth, my bow is summoned?" The Soul warrior was seemed to have not remember anything, that happened.

Li Jun was surprised. He couldn't help but to go along with it, even though, if he acted different, he couldn't go to the soul warrior and say, 'Hey! Sir! I'm sorry for trying to kill you!'. That would be...ridiculous.

"Huh! Child! Is your awakening finished?" The soul warrior questioned.

"En! Yes! I've awakened my spirit nexus weapon!" Li Jun responded with a fake smile.

Li Jun couldn't care less about having spirit power in this situation, and he intended to leave this awakening room and get out of here as soon as possible.

"That's right, Kid! I couldn't recall what your weapon was! Could you please sho.." When the Soul warrior was going to request, to see Li Jun's awakened spirit nexus weapon,

Li Jun didn't want to tell him, that his spirit nexus weapon is a dagger that just tried to kill him, So, "It is a Katana old warrior!" While saying this to the soul warrior, Li Jun dashed out the door.

"huh? Katana? Whats that? This child awakened a new kind of weapon? wait! Did he had spirit power?" The Soul Warrior was completely puzzled!

He'd have no idea what Katana means. A katana was a weapon from Li Jun's previous life.

In Li Jun's previous world, there were seven continents, one of which was known as Asia. There was a country in Asia named Japan. A katana is a Japanese sword with a curved, single-edged blade, a circular or squared guard, and a long handle that may accommodate two hands. In feudal Japan, it was mostly wielded by the nation's warriors known as samurai, and was worn with the edge pointing upward.

Not only that, but a modernized version of a katana is also utilized in assassination. It was known as 'The Tuska Blade.'

It was mostly made of 1060 carbon steel, had a molded rubber grip, a dark colored blade with a blood groove, a matte black sheath, and leather scabbard wrappings.

Aside from guns and their variants, it was beneficial to an assassin's Martial arts with hand weaponry utilized for assassination, following from daggers.


Li Jun bolted from the academy and stood in the corner, seeing his father and sister waiting for him. But, given what he had just experienced, he was terrified to return home.

"Hey, young man! What exactly are you doing here?" From behind, a man inquired to Li Jun.

Li Jun was startled. I'm just waiting for you, sir!" Li Jun responded.

"Waiting? on the corners? Kid! I'm a lot older than you are! Tell me what happened!" The man persisted in his inquiries.

Li Jun exhaled a sigh. "hah! He's presistant, isn't he? Now, go to sleep!" Li Jun raised his hands and folded his fingers, pointing his index and middle fingers upwards. He used the marma point on the man's neck.

Dim Mak, a martial arts technique from his former planet, was used by Li Jun. It is often referred to as the death touch. People who practice the controversial martial art technique accept the efficiency of their tactics, which focus on striking susceptible areas of the body through acupuncture points, and claim their art is a vital link to combat skills in his previous planet.

But Li Jin didn't kill the man; he only rendered him unconscious.

As the man collapsed unconscious on the ground, "I'm sorry, sir! I have no intention of attacking you!" Li Jun confessed to the man who was unconsciously lying.

Li Jun was unsure if he should go tell his parents about the Demonic wrath in his awakening, or whether leaving them now would be more beneficial. He was afraid that the demonic rage would take over him again and harm his own family.

He was perplexed.

As his eyes began to water, "Chen Chen, Dad, Mother! I'm going to leave! But as soon as I figure out how to handle this power! I intend to return! Please accept my heartfelt apologies!" Li jun snatched the money from the unconsciously lying man's pocket and dressed in the man's dark robe to conceal his body and face. He employed his Shadow discipline skills to flee the location while disguised in a shadow appearance.

"I'll return to my family!" he thought to himself as he flew away from the scene, leaving no trace.