

The last three weeks have passed in a blur. With so many project deadlines and being short of hands in the office, I had to work weekends as well to help finish up all the deliverables. I know it will all be worth it, once all the projects are completed. But I really need a break.

With this crazy schedule and Rea also being gone for the past week, I haven't been able to make sense of when the day starts or ends.

And to add to it all, there is a high chance, that I will be working again this weekend, given that my ex-colleague has made a lot of errors in the project she was working on and now I have to redo the design.

My mind goes in an overdrive, as I mentally make a to-do list of the things I need to get done and I suddenly find myself at the front gate of Bookworms Cafe. I head inside and my internal chatter is interrupted as the wind chime rings against the door.

I take a deep breath, tell myself that I will worry about work tomorrow. For now the important task is to get a good cup of coffee, sit at my spot by the window and probably read something nice.

I order an iced mocha and go over to look at the books on the shelf, while it is being prepared. Heather is busy on a call in the backroom, so I can't ask her for recommendations just yet. After a few minutes, I just give up on looking for a book all by myself and drop in a message to Rea asking for recommendations.

Soon the barista calls my name, I pick up my iced mocha from the counter and head towards my spot by the window. I don't know how or why, but this spot is always empty, no matter how busy it gets in the cafe.

Thank you universe for always looking out for me and keeping this space for me. I say a quick thank you while looking out at the trees. And take a sip of my coffee as I sit down.

Rea was supposed to come back tomorrow, but her work trip got extended so she won't be home until Sunday morning. Honestly speaking I am a bit tired of eating takeout and as selfish as I might be being, but I wish Rea was here today so she could cook a nice hot meal at home and I could help her with whatever she needed in the process.

I check my phone to see if she has responded to my text, but she hasn't. I take another sip from the glass and I realise, this is the first time in the last 3 weeks that I have a little time to just myself, I should sit with my thoughts for a bit.

Work is hectic, will probably continue being till we get new designers

Rea is travelling for work and I miss her. And also the food she makes. I miss her a bit more than the food. But I miss home cooked meals also equally.

I met Jace again and we have been keeping in touch with each other through texts.

Jace's elder brother is Julian

Julian is Jace's elder brother.

Jace and Julian are related.


I feel very comfortable around Julian.

Julian bought me chocolate ice-cream cause he didn't want me to share mine with Jace.

Julian held my hand.

Julian made me a puddled mess just by holding my wrist.

Julian said he likes me.

Why in the world, I can't make sense of it. But Julian likes me.

Julian likes me.

Before I can ponder over it even more, I'm brought back to reality as I feel my phone vibrate against my hands. And I see that Rea has replied to my messages, saying that she has asked Heather to give me some books and at the same moment, the seat next to me is taken by Heather.

I send a quick reply to Rea and look up from my phone to see Heather placing 5 different books in front of me.

"How come you are alone here today? Where is your boy?" Heather asks with a grin

"Huh? What boy?"

"You know, the tall guy who was here with you the last time"

"He wasn't here with me, he just sat beside me that day, cause there weren't any other seats available. And how would I even know Julian's schedule?"

"Oh so the tall heavenly boy goes by Julian. That's good to know"

I don't respond to Heather and start to look through the books she kept on the table.

"You know, your eyes light up a bit when you say his name?"

In an instant my face goes all red and I know it, so I don't look up. And so Heather continues "It's not such a bad thing. Rea and I both know, you are going to avoid it till the end, and we won't force you to take a chance, but I just want to let you know, that it is okay to take a chance. You can take baby steps and see where it goes, you don't have to dive right into it"

"Yes I know. But isn't it too soon? I've only met him twice, both times co-incidentally"

"The girl thanks the universe for every little thing that happens, but can't look at this as magical coincidences from the universe" Heather says while shaking her head as she gets up from the chair. "I have to take care of a few things, but meet me before you go. In fact, don't leave just like that, have dinner with me and then I'll drop you off"

"Yes, I really don't feel like going home and cooking. I will just stay here reading one of these books till you finish your work"

I take the first book from the pile, open it as I place it on the table, fold my arms on and bend forward to place my chin on my arms and start reading. I know this posture will put me in trouble tomorrow, but it feels too comfortable. And before I realise it, 10 minutes into reading the book I have fallen asleep.

When I finally wake up feeling refreshed after what feels like an eternity but truly was just a little over an hour, I stretch my hands over my head and suddenly realise there's a jacket placed on my shoulders.

I take it off my shoulders to look at it. It definitely isn't mine. I look around to see if I can find the person who the jacket belongs to but I can't find anyone. I look at the jacket once again and finally my eyes fall on the label and I can see "JACE" handwritten on the label with a black sharpie.

Huh? When did he come here? And why did he leave his jacket with me?

I get up from my spot to go find Heather and ask if she knows anything when I suddenly notice a bright green sticky note on the book in front of me, with something scribbled on it.

It definitely wasn't there when I was reading the book, I take it off to start reading it but at the same time the barista brings me a fresh cup of caramel cappuccino and places it in front of me.

"I didn't order this" I tell him

"It was ordered for you and is already paid for. I was told to give it to you once you wake up" He says with a polite smile and heads back to the counter.

This must be Rea's doing. Heather probably saw I fell asleep and must have told her about it. I sit back down and suddenly am reminded of the sticky note in my hand.

I pick up the coffee in my left hand and start to take a sip from it while I read the note.

You must be very tired given that you fell asleep in the cafe. No wonder you didn't come here once in the past 3 weeks, you must have been really busy.

I hope the coffee makes you feel refreshed. I have dinner plans with the family so I can't stay.

I think we ought to exchange numbers now, so I can meet up with you properly.

Hope you wake up feeling refreshed. And hope the coffee helps too.

- Julian


I thought it was Jace who came here and placed the jacket on me. I keep the coffee cup down, otherwise I know I will end up spilling it, and that will not do anyone any good.

I flip the note and see that something is scribbled on the back side as well.

Sky, what have you done to my brother?

He won't even let me put the jacket on you. Only when I explained to him that it's for YOU then he agreed and moreover he insisted that he will place it on your shoulders.

He is whipped.

You're too good for him. Just reject him already.

P.S. drop me a message when you wake up.

Gotta run now


They both were here. Okay. Don't overthink this. It's alright. Thankfully the phone starts vibrating and I can focus on something else. I pick it up without looking at the caller.

"Did you have a nice nap?" I can hear Rea's voice on the other end.

"Yes I did. Slept better than I have all week. But wait, how did you know?" I ask

"You weren't responding to my messages so I checked in with Heather and she told me that you fell asleep while reading"

"Yeah, I guess I was way more tired than I realised" I tell her, while folding the note with my other hand and placing it in my pocket.

"And I see you had another date with your boy scheduled or was it him just being polite again?" I can hear the smile in her voice as she starts teasing me.

"Wait. What? I didn't have any date. What are you saying?" I ask her confused and Rea laughs

"It's alright. I was just teasing you. Heather actually sent me a picture of Julian sitting beside you while you were asleep and he was looking at you so fondly. And then a few minutes later, she sent another picture of him placing the jacket on your shoulders. And I have to say, that made me go all Awwwww"

I can feel my face getting redder with every word she is saying.

"I can't believe I slept through it all" I say in a tiny voice.

"Sky, I truly believe he is a good guy who will be good to you and good for you." Rea says and I can hear the assurance clearly in her voice.

"Maybe or maybe not"

"I know it can get difficult to trust someone again after being lied to previously, but you have to remember that every new person you meet, is a different individual and we should try our best to give them a fair chance, before making a judgement about them" Rea says with a sigh

"Yeah you are right. Enough about this though, please tell me that you are definitely coming back on Sunday morning. I really miss you" I swiftly change the topic

"Yes yes, I will be home Sunday morning, don't worry. Do you want me to get you anything from here?" Rea asks

"You're saying that as if you haven't already bought things from me. I know you very well and I'm pretty sure there is a bag in your room with my name on it, so I will just take that. Thank you very much" I say with a small laugh.

"Haha, yes. Heather told me you guys will be having dinner together, just drop me a message once you reach home, okay? And remember to lock the door once you're inside" Rea starts saying.

"And make sure that the balcony lights are off and you close the balcony door as well" I finish her statement and I continue with a small laugh "You know, you don't have to remind this to me every single day."

"Yeah yeah, you are big girl now and can take care of yourself"

I see Heather coming my way and signalling me that she is ready to go eat dinner, I let Rea know about it and end the call.

I quickly gather the books and go and hand them to Heather first. While she is placing them on back on the shelf, I get my bag and the jacket. Jace's jacket. Which Julian placed on my shoulders.

It's all cool.

Yeah, I will trick my mind into downplaying this whole evening and the events that occurred which I conveniently slept through.

I hold the jacket in my hands and start walking towards the door. Suddenly my phone vibrates again and I check it's a message from Kate, my supervisor.

Kate : Hey Sky! I know the past few weeks have been hectic at work. Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow you don't need to stay the full day. I just need to have a quick meeting with you at 10a.m. and then you can take the long weekend off for yourself.

I let out the sigh, I didn't know I was holding in and reply back with an okay. Thankfully I am getting a break. But there's still that project which needs to be redone from scratch. I probably will have to work on it from home.

Okay no, I will think about it tomorrow.

I am waiting for Heather just outside the cafe door, while she is bringing her bag and that's when my phone vibrates again. It is Rea and she has sent some pictures.

I open the chat and see there are the two pictures that she mentioned earlier.

And I take in a deep breath, open the first one and stare at it for a few seconds. Then I open the next one and stare at it for a few seconds. Then I go back to the first one and stare at it again. And then I open the 2nd picture again and stare at it.

Finally I feel a tap on my shoulder and Heather is standing beside me with the biggest smile on her face. "Let's go?"

I nod my head in response. I keep my phone back into my pocket and start walking alongside her but I can see the pictures clearly in my mind.

And I am pretty sure that Heather knew that the two pictures had captured my attention and had shown me what I have been trying to avoid.

Heather breaks the silence.

"You don't have to dive right into it, but take a baby step Sky. Just do it"