

It took all of fifteen minutes in a noisy, sweaty, crowded sorority house for me to regret any and all life decisions that led me to that moment. My hookah was being abused by a hundred Jane and John Doe's in the dining room, red cups decorated every hand and corner of the place, and I was pretty sure I spotted at least seven high-schoolers getting drunk on the lawn. A horrendously concocted playlist of rap, EDM and house music played loudly, bass pounding incessantly in my chest with every beat. On the bright side, Toby seemed to be having as crappy a time as I was, slumped on the couch with a bottle of beer in one hand and his phone in the other.

"Maybe Tatiana got caught in traffic," I offered unhelpfully.

"Ugh, she always does this! Look at the time, it's already eleven! She said she'd be here at nine. What kind of traffic lasts two hours?!"

"You can always spank her for it later tonight," I shrugged, taking a sip from my cup. "Unless you're the one that likes being spanked."

He quirked a smile, despite himself. "I... Indulge."

"I did not need to know that."

"Yo, Toby! Join us for a game of beer pong!" One of the few dozen boys in varsity jackets called out.

"Ugh, whatever. I need a drink anyway," he grumbled, passing me the drink already in his hand and following the jock to one corner of the living room where they were playing. It wasn't long before his drink was snatched out of my hand and gulped down by a dancing Sam. She was dressed in a hot pink crop top and a high-waisted skirt, hair freshly dyed a bright shade of purple and a copious amount of makeup on her face. I had to admit, she looked amazing, and the smoky eye was a hit.

"What are you standing around looking all grumpy for? Let's dance motherfuckaaaa!" She yelled, tugging me towards the makeshift dance floor.

"I'm not in the mood," I groaned.

"Darling, you look too pretty to be alone tonight. Dance with me," she said as she swung her hips side to side, grabbing my shoulders. I chuckled, taking a sip of my drink.

"I appreciate the compliment, but out with it. Whose attention are you trying to capture tonight?" I asked as she turned around, grinding against me with her tiny butt. At last she knows how to work with that she has, I'll give her that. She scoffed.

"Is it really so hard to believe that I just want to have fun with my friend tonight, without hooking up with some random?"

"Yes, that is hard to believe."

She turned around to face me again, pressing closer, "Well if you really have to know... Blue jacket and beard. Five o' clock."

I scanned the crowd and sure enough, there he was in the middle of the dancefloor, dancing with a couple of friends but constantly throwing glances our way. I smiled, placing a hand on her hip and pulling her closer, rocking myself along with the beat.

"Good choice. I don't think he even goes to school here."

"Exactly why he's a good choice. I'll probably never have to see him again after today. Also," she leaned in so she could speak directly into my ear, "Don't think you're the only smarty-pants over here. You look like you're waiting for someone yourself. Spill."

"You think there's anyone in this hellhole that's worth my time?" I rolled my eyes, "What I am waiting for is something actually fun to happen in this godforsaken party."

"What, like a fight? Or a handsome stranger to stick his hand down your pants?"

"I'll settle for a drunk breakup or a girl throwing up all over the dance floor."

"It's always a girl isn't it?" She laughed drunkenly, still dancing against me.

"Watch out, beard is coming this way."

She nodded, shoving me back with a convincing scandalised look on her face. "You pervert! I asked for a dance, not for you to grab my ass!"

"Sorry darling, couldn't help myself," I winked in the most slimy manner I could muster and she only huffed and turned around, only to walk straight into beard, completely accidentally. I smiled as I watched the two of them talk to each other, sending me a few dirty glances before he eventually led her back into the dance floor.

My smile slowly faded as I scanned the crowd for the hundredth time that night. No sign of Avery. Honestly, I didn't even know why I cared, or why I wanted to see him. Maybe I was just really horny and could use a make out session in some closet. But judging from the way he acted before, I doubted he would talk to me even if he showed up.

His offer lingered in my mind. I hadn't been seeing him around campus all that much. He didn't even text me all week. Not that I cared or anything, but come on. How do you ask me to come over to your place one day and then disappear the next?

It occurred to me that maybe he was having cold feet. Maybe he didn't really want to continue with his experiments anymore. Either way, it wasn't like I was losing anything. Matter fact, I was probably better off not engaging with him and letting this whole affair die and never be spoken of again.

And yet, here I was, just hoping to catch a glimpse of his shiny blonde hair somewhere in the crowd, if for no other reason than to stare and maybe get him to look at me back.

Bad. This is dangerous territory.

I groaned, going to take another sip out of my drink only to find my cup empty. Already? I made my way to the kitchen for a refill, only to find two girls making out on the counter while a couple of bystanders either watched or just stood around minding their own business. I recognised two starry-eyed guys ogling them, grinning and muttering amongst each other. It was those two jocks that hassled me at the basketball court two weeks ago. Ugh. Straight men and hypocrisy, the perfect combo.

I stifled a grimace as I grabbed a bottle of vodka and poured myself a generous amount. I looked around for a bottle of coke, but all l could find around the kitchen was Sprite, cranberry juice and more Sprite. Damn it. I made my way out into the hall, remembering the bottles of soft drinks that were stacked in the dining room. I ended up bumping into a scrawny brown dude on my way there, making him squeak and almost drop his expensive-looking camera. Saving it at the last moment, he fixed his glasses and apologised in a small voice before brushing past me timidly. At least I don't look as out of place here as that guy, I thought to myself, disapprovingly eyeing his rather plain, nerdy ensemble.

The air was thick with smoke the moment I walked into the dining room, but the music was muffled, offering some respite from the loud noise in the living room. I tried my best not to choke as I walked in, finding the snack table which had a single bottle of coke standing in the middle. You're mine! Making my way over, I went to grab it, only to have someone else grab it at the same second, our hands meeting at the neck of the bottle.

At first, the smoke was so thick that I genuinely had to squint to see who it was, but those familiar piercing blue eyes were quick to make me retract my hand immediately.

"Go ahead," I stammered, looking away from Avery. He seemed to be studying me for a long moment, his eyes dark and unreadable, hair a little more disheveled than usual.

He grabbed the bottle and uncapped it with a loud hiss as I waited patiently. When I thought he was going to pour himself a cup, he unexpectedly grabbed my wrist, lifting it up so he could fill my cup instead. I stared down at his hand for a moment, trying to ignore the heat crawling up the back of my neck from the simple, chaste touch.

"Oh... Thank you," I said softly when he was done, taking a sip to cover the flush that was no doubt covering my face. I took a moment to look at him. He was dressed as casual as ever, with knee-length army shorts and a black T-shirt, yet he looked absolutely divine.

"I didn't think I'd see you today," he said as he poured himself a drink.

"Yeah, my friends dragged me," I shrugged, "This isn't really my scene."

"I think I guessed that already," he mused, taking a sip while his eyes drank me in from top to bottom, darker and hazier than usual. I wondered if he was already tipsy because he seemed a lot more comfortable talking to me in public than I was used to. "You look... Really good."

I blinked up at him, trying not to physically melt under his hot gaze. "Um... Thanks." I muttered.

He leaned close, whispering right into my ear, "But as much as I love the outfit, all I can think about right now is ripping it off of you."

I stepped back quickly, looking around to make sure no one was paying attention to us. But it was very quickly apparent that almost everyone in that room was either too high to give a shit or just didn't give a shit. He smirked, looking way too proud of himself for getting a reaction out of me. He continued to stare at me unabashedly as he took another sip.

"Half the school is in this house, you know," I stated cautiously.

He looked around the room lazily before dipping his head to speak into my ear, his warm breath tickling my sensitive skin. "Do you wanna get out of here?"

"Leaving already?" I cocked a brow, leaning back slightly.

"I don't know about you... But I've had about enough of this party."

"What would I tell my friends?"

"I'll give you twenty minutes to figure that out. Meet me in my car after." He said, casually tapping my shoulder and walking past me. I stood frozen for a second, biting my lip at his invitation. It was tempting, to say the least, because I really wasn't having any fun at that godforsaken party until he showed up. Blood was already taking the highway to my ding dong at the thought of him ripping my clothes off, ravaging my body, his mouth worshiping every inch of my skin.

Is it the alcohol talking or am I just that horny?

Sigh... It's both isn't it.


I made my way across the dance floor in a drunken daze. Now whether I was drunk on the few red cups I had downed that night, or the utterly delightful attention from Avery, was yet to be determined.

All I knew was I never wanted twenty minutes to be over so quickly.

I spotted Sam making out with beard dude in what they probably thought was a dark corner of the room. Shaking my head in disgust, I turned in the other direction only to find Toby sitting on the couch with Tatiana curled up to his side, whispering something into his ear as he laughed cheekily. Looks like she finally showed up.

"Yo, Jules, over here!" He waved me over and I swore under my breath before making my way past a few dozen sweaty bodies towards them.

"Heyyy, Jules. I don't remember you looking this good!" Tatiana exclaimed as she eyed my outfit appreciatively, raising her cup at me. I grimaced, unsure if that was a compliment or a back-handed insult.

"Hey, Tat. Glad you could make it. You should have seen how devastated Toby was before you showed up," I teased, earning a soft kick to the shin from alleged best friend.

"What can I say? He just can't live without me," she cooed.

"As if you could live without me," he said with a smirk, planting a small kiss to her neck. "Just wait until I get you alone..."

"Oh I'll be looking forward to it, babe," she bit her lip, pressing her generous chest up against his side. It didn't help that she was wearing the most skimpy looking red crop top that looked precariously close to slipping a nipple. Toby visibly gulped, his hand resting on her tan thigh, almost riding up her shorts. Ew.

"As riveting as all this is, I think I'm gonna leave."

Toby frowned up at me, "What, already?! We haven't even played any drinking games together yet!"

"I'll pass. I'm actually starting to have a really bad headache."

"But how are you gonna get home?"

"Uber. Speaking of which," I pulled my phone out, looking at the time. Ten minutes left, but I think I'd rather wait outside. "It's almost here. Enjoy the rest of your night."

"Aw.... Alright Jules, and we will," Tatiana purred, Toby quickly agreeing with her like the simp he was.

Good, at least I know no one will miss me here.

I walked unhurriedly out of the bustling villa, shoving past the drunken teenagers obnoxiously crowding the door. Numerous cars were parked all the way up the street, so I figured it was probably gonna take me a minute to find Avery's. Shoving my hands into my pockets, I made my way down the sidewalk.

"Who do you think you're impressing with that getup?" Someone sneered and I turned towards two guys smoking cigarettes by a dirty ass pickup truck. The same two assholes who were ogling the lesbians in the kitchen. Ugh, I'm so not in the mood for this. Can't I get laid in peace?

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" He all but growled when I tried to ignore him. I sighed.

"Clearly you're plenty impressed since you couldn't help but throw a comment my way." I deadpanned, walking past them.

"Watch yourself, you disgusting faggot!" He yelled after me. I clenched my fists, feeling anger bubble up within me as I quickened my pace. It wasn't the first, or last time I heard that word. And honestly, I'd stopped getting offended by it a long time ago. I grew up in a small, Catholic town back home for god's sake, coming out was literally hell. I didn't expect things to be like that when I moved to the big city though. And it wasn't, for the most part. People were a lot more accepting. But what's up with those assholes?

I jumped when someone suddenly grabbed my arm, instinctively pulling away and shoving them toward the nearest car.

"Hey, hey, relax! It's me..." Avery breathed, looking at me in bewilderment, holding two hands out in front of him defensively. It was then that I realized I was panting, eyes wide, my heartbeat so loud it was thumping in my ears. I quickly collected myself, clearing my throat.

"D-Don't sneak up on me like that."

He blinked, lowering his arms slowly, "I didn't. I tried to call out to you but you were speed-walking, completely missed my car."

"Oh... Sorry. I was just, thinking about something." I muttered. He stayed silent for a moment, surveying me.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. Let's just go," I said decisively as made my way to the passenger's seat of his car. He followed me after a moment, turning on his ignition. "So... Where to?"

"My place."

I turned to look at him, raising a brow. "You sure about that?"

He stared back at me, determination shining in his eyes. "Like I said, my family isn't around this weekend. We'll have the place to ourselves. You could stay over..." He trailed a finger down my arm, letting it graze the back of my hand teasingly. I sucked in a deep breath, easily forgetting my earlier encounter as a shiver ran down my body.

"Alright. Let's go."

"Yeah?" He cocked his head to the side, giving me a half smile.



Alright, let's hear it already. Team Avery or Team Vincent?