

Now don't get me wrong.

This wasn't some wholesome character development arc where I started to grow attached to the child demon, because I wasn't. And even though it might have looked like it with said child demon napping on the couch, her head resting on my lap with her lips parted in a soft snore, even though I distinctly tried to avoid moving too much so as to not wake her, I could assure you with the utmost certainty that that didn't come from a place of compassion oh no.

It came from a place of high-level intelligence that only a modern day child-hating cynical genius like me could think of.

Matter fact, it took every fiber of my being and willpower not to shove her off me and ruin her nap. However, just as I was about to do that, I had a thought. If Vincent were to walk in and find us, looking oh-so-adorable in our alleged bonding session in his absence, it would only solidify my place in the household. I wasn't an idiot. I cared about my livelihood.

I knew Vincent was a nice guy, and he really didn't comment on me missing Anya's medication on my first day. But I was a perfectionist when it came to my work and had been thinking about how to rectify it. I wanted to eliminate all sources of doubt when it came to my competence. I had to show him I was serious about my job and that Anya and I actually really liked each other.

Now I know you might think, it'd be a lot easier if I wasn't such a cunt and actually tried to bond with the kid, instead of pretending to bond with the kid. And to that I say- well, you're probably right. However! I still hated her stupid pink hat, and I'd be damned if I made friends with someone half my size that didn't know the slightest thing about fashion. And that, to me, was reason enough.

Now that that's out of the way...

I was watching Gordon Ramsay yell into some incompetent sous chef's face when I heard keys jingle just outside the door. I immediately got comfortable, placing my hand on Anya's head and lightly caressing her straight brown locks.

When Vincent walked in, I noticed him looking just a bit more disheveled than the day prior, his tie loosened, first few buttons of his blue shirt unbuttoned and a few stray hairs escaping his manbun. Still as delightful as ever, if not more.

He froze slightly at the door, also seeming to do a double take on me before his eyes drifted down to his sleeping daughter. There was a distinct, faraway look on his face that only lasted a second before he schooled himself into his usual friendly smile.

"Welcome home."

"Hey there," he said softly, slipping off his shoes and shoving them into the cabinet before fixing his gaze on Anya. "Sorry I'm a little late today. I hope Anya's not been giving you too much trouble?"

I smiled, dismissively waving a hand in the air. "Don't worry about it. We had dinner, I gave her her meds, she finished her homework and she watched cartoons for a bit before passing out. You must be hungry."

"Stay right there," he held out a hand as I made to get up. "I'll get it myself."

"Okay..." I pursed my lips, turning my attention back to the television screen.

"So, what's on the menu today?" He said cheerfully as he took a look into the pot still resting on the stovetop.

"I thought I'd make you guys some baked beans on toast, with a side of mashed potatoes."

He took in a long sniff of the food, eyes lighting up instantly. "Damn, this takes me back to my school days... Smells exactly like mum's cooking."

"I hope that's a good thing? I still don't get the hype with you a British people and beans."

"It smells lovely, thank you," He smiled gratefully, "You know... You don't have to cook every single day. I don't want you to get burned out."

I raised a brow, smirking a little, "Pun intended?"

"Should have seen that one coming," he chuckled as he scooped some mashed potatoes into his plate.

"Don't worry, I actually enjoy cooking for you guys... So far. I'll let you know if I get tired of it though."

"See that you do, then. This is, after all, not in your job description."

"Yes I know, it's just out of the kindness of my heart," I said sweetly.

"And very kind you are, Julias. Tell me, surely you have better plans today than lounging around at home with a kid and a geezer. It's Friday."

I shrugged, turning back to the television screen, "Not really... There's this sorority party today that I was invited to. I'm still wondering if I should go."

"What's the alternative?" He asked as he took a seat at the dinner table and dug into his meal.

"I don't know, lazing around at home, maybe picking up a new book... Plus there's this new recipe I've been dying to try out."

"And you can do all that literally any other day," he deadpanned, "Parties don't happen everyday, Julias. You should go, enjoy yourself. You've had a long week," he urged.

"You sure? You won't mind me coming home drunk off my face at the asscrack of dawn?"

He chuckled, "As long as you're not the one driving."

"Nah, it'll just be my other really drunk friend," I smirked.

"Now hold on, I don't condone drunk driving..." I cocked my eyebrows at him in amusement and he seemed to catch himself before going into lecture mode. "But I still think you should go."

Just then, my phone vibrated next to me. I picked it up to find a text message from Toby.

'dont even think about ditching today'

'sam and I will swing by at 7'

'dont forget to bring your hookah"

"I suppose I don't have much of a choice,' I sighed, gently lifting up Anya's head so I could get up. She shuffled a little, but was none the wiser by the time I replaced my lap with a cushion.

"That's the spirit."

I glanced up at Vincent, noting his nostalgic smile and the attractive crow's feet at the corners of his eyes. I couldn't help but feel curious. "Then... What will you do all day?"

He paused, seemingly not expecting the question. "I suppose... What I do everyday? I'll work, spend some time with Anya, maybe have a tea party."

"That's such a British thing to say."

"I do love a good cup of tea. But I might indulge in a glass of wine or two after she falls asleep."

I frowned, "If you don't mind me asking... When was the last time you've gone out and done something... Fun?"

"What do you mean? Just last week, I took Anya out for a stroll around the mall. Even took her to the arcade. She loves that violent game, what was it called again...?"


"Yes, exactly! She always picks that shirtless guy with the pointy black hair," he chuckled.

I smiled a little, "But... That's not what I meant. When was the last time you've gone out, met some friends? Had a drink?"

His smile slowly faded and he turned his attention back to his plate, picking at his food with the fork.

"Now that you mention it, it's been a while. I've always had my hands full with Anya, I never really had time for friends. At some point I stopped having any altogether."

I blinked at him in disbelief, "Are you for real? You don't have any friends?"

"Go ahead and rub it in my face now, why don't you," he laughed teasingly. "I'm not in college anymore, Julias. You'll learn that friendships tend to be fickle when real life kicks in, with all its burdens and responsibilities."

My frown only deepened. Is that what growing up is like? You just stop having time for yourself and just dedicate your life to your family? It honestly sounded like such a chore. Imagining myself drifting further and further apart from my friends later down the line when we didn't have college to see each other everyday just made me feel so... Uncomfortable.

"That's not to say I'm not happy with the hand I was dealt. I have Anya, and that's all that matters," he continued, smiling at me softly, "Well, now I guess I have you too. Which is also nice."

I felt myself flush a little at that, eyeing him as he contentedly ate his dinner. It was then that I couldn't help myself thinking.

Vincent looks lonely.

I wanted to take him out, watch him let loose, have fun and get a breather for once. I wanted to see him carefree. But I knew he wouldn't go anywhere without his daughter. So despite myself, I found myself speaking.

"Tell you what... Next weekend, I'll take you guys out. There's this really cool kitten café by Gardner street. I'm sure Anya will love it."

His face brightened up for a second as he looked up at me, "That's okay, you don't have to. I already told you, your weekend is yours alone. You don't have to waste it on me."

I rolled my eyes, "Trust me, it'll be fun, and definitely worth wasting my weekend on you as you so nicely put it."

He laughed softly, seeming genuinely touched. "Alright, I'll hold you to that. Next weekend it is."

I grinned from ear to ear, "That's settled then! I'll go get dressed, my friends will be here soon."

He nodded and I made my way to my room, pausing at my doorway and glancing back at him. I found myself not wanting to end this rare moment alone with him, without Anya bothering him every five seconds.

"Help me pick an outfit?"

He looked up at me, brows furrowing as he tilted his head to the side curiously. "Um... Yeah, sure. I'll just wrap up here while you get a head start."

I tried my best to hold back the smile on my face and nodded, making my way inside. I skimmed through my closet, pulling out a few articles of clothing and tossing them on to my bed. Not to say I wasn't already pretty fashionable, but on that particular day, I really felt like dressing up. Like actually turning heads the moment I walk into the room kind of dress up. And no, it has nothing to do with a certain blonde jock that just so happens to be going to this party, allegedly. I'm doing this for ME, m'kay?

I sighed. At this point I don't even know who I'm trying to fool.

I pulled my shirt over my head, tossing it to the floor as I looked over the couple of options on my bed thoughtfully. Vincent walked in a few seconds later after a polite knock on the already ajar door.

"Hey, see anything you like?" I asked, crossing my arms. His eyes noticeably lingered on me for but a moment, before he turned his attention to my bed instead.

"This is nice," he whistled as he pulled up a black leather jacket that was mostly plain, save for all the glitter and sparkles covering practically inch of fabric from collar to hem. A particularly fruity gift from Sam on my last birthday, and one that I hadn't had a chance to wear yet.

"You think so?"

He threw it over my shoulders, raking his eyes across my naked torso for a quick moment before chuckling a bit. "Although, I must say you like a stripper in that getup."

I laughed, turning to the full length mirror in my room to check it out. He was right, I did look like I was ready to jump on a pole at any given moment. But I did look hot.

"Good eye, my friend. Unfortunately I don't have a mesh shirt, or the dance skills to go along with it."

"Maybe that's for the best. Leave something to the imagination."

I grinned, locking eyes with him through the mirror, feeling a little hot under his gaze. Pursing my lips, I turned to the array of shirts on my bed.

"I'm gonna need something to tone down all the sparkle though. Balance is important and I'm not feeling particularly extra today."

"Black jeans and a white shirt should do the trick."

"I agree... I don't have plain white though. When you live with Toby long enough, a bunch of your stuff tends to mysteriously disappear."

"You don't have to tell me," he grimaced, "I know how messy he can be. I have just the thing though. Put on your jeans while I get it."

"Oh... Okay," I muttered. Although I wasn't really a fan of borrowing clothes from other people, I guessed one time couldn't hurt. I would only be worried if I ended up ruining something expensive of his.

I slipped on my black skinny jeans, checking myself out in the mirror for a second. Vincent was back not too long after with a beautiful satin button-up shirt in a light shade of salmon. I had to stop myself from gaping when I touched the smooth fabric, admiring the way it shimmered just slightly under the ceiling light.

"I thought this'll go nicer than plain old white."

"Wow... This'll go perfectly!" I gushed, taking off the jacket before slipping the shirt on. It was a little loose, but it went just perfect with my skinny jeans. I buttoned it up, tucking some of it into my bottom before pulling the jacket on me once more.

"Well?" I cocked a brow, turning to show off my outfit. His eyes took me in from from top to bottom with a thoughtful smile, and I couldn't help feeling a little flustered again. Damn it, why does he look so hot while he's staring at me?

He gingerly stepped forward, unbuttoning the first two buttons on my shirt and fixing my collar, his warm fingertips lightly brushing my skin.

He smirked, "It's no mesh shirt, but you can still show a little skin. If that's something you're comfortable with, of course."

"I'm comfortable," I blurted, puffing my chest up confidently. He chuckled airily, and I realized just then how close he was standing, his musky cologne surrounding the small space between us. Is that... Oud? He sure has expensive taste.

"That's good. Although, you're missing one final touch."

He pulled something out of his pocket, dangling it in front of me. It was a shimmering silver pendant attached to a thin, delicate chain. My eyes widened, "Vince, this is stunning."

He smiled, circling his hands around my neck as he worked to close the metal clasp. "I used to wear it all the time back when I was in college. I don't have much occasion for it anymore, but..." he pulled back, looking at me appraisingly. "I think it looks beautiful on you."

Heat rushed to my cheeks at the compliment and I quickly turned away from him before he could catch me blushing. I traced the pendant with my finger, admiring the way it glinted against my bare skin right where it met the dip of my shirt.

"I... Thank you, Vincent. But are you sure it's ok-"

"Yes. It's yours," he cut me off, placing a hand on my shoulder. I pursed my lips, trying to stifle the smile pulling on my mouth. His expression was soft, unguarded as he looked at me through the mirror. "Julias, you look-"

"Daddy?" Anya suddenly walked into my room, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Goddammit! Leave it to you to ruin our moment. I tried not to let my annoyed scowl show too much and busied myself with my hair instead.

"You're just in time, baby girl. Look at Julias. What do you think?" He asked, picking Anya up on his arm and placing a loud kiss to her cheek. She eyeballed me curiously, not seeming to pay much attention to her father. I forced a smile as I waited for her majesty's verdict.

"Wow. Julie looks amazing," she commented, still in her half asleep daze. It did seem genuine enough though, so I grinned satisfactorily.

"Isn't that right? I helped dress him up," Vincent grinned, looking ever so cocky as I rolled my eyes at the two of them.

"You guys played dressup without me!" She gasped, now fully awake.

"I didn't want to wake you, darling. But we can play dressup together later, yeah? I'll even let you pick out an outfit for me."

"Deal! But you have to make me look prettier than Julie!" She pouted, crossing her arms. Vincent laughed heartily.

"Honey that'll be easy because you already are much prettier than Julie." He said, eyes glinting at me teasingly. Anya stuck her tongue out at me.

I snorted. "Ha, you wish! And that's not my name!" I yelled after them as they walked out of my room together, a small smile playing on my lips.

Wait, what? No that wasn't cute or heartwarming at all.

I made sure to put on my signature scowl again before I continued to style my hair.