
silent knight

she gets reincarnated again, its not much different from all the other times it had happened. on pure mucile memory he cried as a baby of her current age should, she didn't expected that something out of the usual stream of birth she had expireinced over and over again will arrive. yet as she was crying for no reason other then to not raise suspicion about her identity, she heard a voice. A voice he never heard before yet so important for her up and coming life. as she raised her head in an attempt to recognize where the voice had came from. she had bisected a stream of words that will change her ever so usual stream of life death and re birth. " there is another baby " this is a re take the image isnt mine if you are the creatur and want to take it down then you are mre thean wecome to tell me to do so

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5 Chs

chapter 1: untitled

it was dark pitch black, but then there was a point of light that got bigger together with the sound of a foreign language was vibrating with it in this black place. as the white spot got bigger and bigger it started to resemble more of a sun rather than a spot.

and as i passed through the gate of white i saw a man that men was Paul, he looked just the same as all the other loops. i thought as the person i was thinking about went in to kiss me, but before he could, i cried to get off his hands and to the hands of Lilia 

as i was in the hands of Lilia I looked around for Zenith, and then i heard screams they were the screams of Zenith. i was worried that something might have happened. in all the past loops my birth went flawlessly, what happened this time.

as I'm looking for the reason of Zenith's anguish I heard Paul saying words that change my understanding of this loop. " Lilia they are twins"

as i was laid by the side of my brother i looked at him with curiously. in all the loops until now i was a lone child, even with a different father i was still a lone child until Norn and Aisha were born. i thought that the novel's MC was never going to be born but i guess i was wrong, this changes my plans a little, but It's still doable

firstly i need to confirm my gender, you see my gender in my loops are completely random as far as i can do anything. i pushed my head above the bed to see over my belly so i can seek a look at my privates. what i saw was discouraging i had no mighty sword like i used to have in my past look, what i had down there was a hole… with this start i knew that this loop was going to be a different experience from all the other ones

a year has passed and Rudeus is always running up and down the place, and it's causing Lili to worry that he may be a possessed kid. in contrast to Rudeus i have long since mastered the skill of acting so as i shamelessly shit my pants i cry to the top of my lungs to get the attention of one of the adults so they could wipe my ass for me. 

as i was shamelessly relaying on the adults of the house to clean me feed me and overall take care of me. i was reducing the suspicion that Lilia my have formed for me too due to ruedus's actions.

as i was sitting in my crib rudeus climbed out of his and rolled to the door of the room, i looked at him bringing a chair to open the door and walked out of it once again like every other day in the past year. but this time there will be a différance, cause this time i will follow him to see what he is doing and to keep him safe, yes it's definitely not because i am bored out of my life

as rudeus was walking on the floor i followed his steps, he entered the laundry room and i watch him from the opening in the door and saw as he sniffed the panties of Lilia and Zenith. it was a little bit disgusting to see but i guess that's just who he is, and it's not like he wasn't genetically made for these disgusting actions so i guess i will just ignore it

from there we crawled to the restroom and i watched as rudeus walked to the toilet and sniffed it, seconds later he shut he's face backwards in disgust from the absolutely abhorrent smell. i had to hold my face from laughing on the spot, but i couldn't hold a few giggles from going out. and rudeus heard those giggles. 

rudeus looked back fast to see where the giggles came from and i quickly hid from he's site so i wouldn't be discovered. " i could have sworn i heard something" rudeus said before continuing to the next room. i sighed in relief" that was a close one" next on the tour of the house was the balcony.

there rudeus found a chest he went close to the chest and opened it wide and then looked inside of it. he took out a book, he looks at the book with curiously opened the book and then tried to read it but i guess he couldn't read the book since he didn't seem to understand what he is seeing. that was a grimoire containing multiple water spells up to the advance rank, since he couldn't read it he quickly putted the book back in the chest. 

he walked to the door of the room and i then quickly crawled all the way to the room that we have left and climbed the crib to get to the bed. and in record time i managed to get to the crib before he could notice that i have left. i have'n decided wetter i wanted to tell him that i am a reincarnated individual or not, so for now i will not do anything will make him suspect me of being a reincarnated individual like him.

at noon Paul arrived back from job and he and Zenith read us a from the chest that rudeus had opened this morning. it was a fairy tale book describing the story of Peraguse and the other heroes it was a shame how they left a srten superd from the tale, but it was a relevant point to think about.

I saw that rudeus have been paying more attention than usually, he was probably trying to learn how to read so he could understand the book he saw this morning. as Paul and zenith finished reading the book we were sent out to our room so they could get to their... night-life

as we were laying down there we were silently hearing the same people that were just reading us a story have a GHM pationat night