
Silent Echoes, Distant Voices

After alien artifacts trigger worldwide disasters, only those who can hear the artifacts' whispers survive. A deaf scientist, using technology to simulate hearing, and a streetwise orphan with a mysterious ability to understand the aliens' intent, team up to prevent humanity's annihilation. Hi Everyone! Note from me: I want to thank everyone for reading this synopsis. This is my entry into the Writing Prompt Contest for April 2024. The theme is uncertain future where I choose the sub category of #survivalmutation. My current plan is to publish one chapter a day, so by the end of the Contest in March, I should have about 45 chapters published for the novel. Any feedback you can give about the novel would be appreciated as I am still a new writer in this space. Please send your votes and enjoy the novel!

Scott_Cheuvront_Jr · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Mia 2.0

Alex's awakening was abrupt, a sharp pain throbbing in his head like the aftermath of a storm. As consciousness slowly seeped back, a gentle pressure on his hand anchored him to reality. Rubbing his eyes, he blinked open to a sight that, for a moment, he believed was borne of his deepest wishes.

Mia's form sits gracefully before Alex, her hair cascading down in silver waves, the soft lab light highlighting its shining strands. Her eyes, a warm and glowing brown, are fixed upon him with an intensity that immediately draws him in. Like white jade under the lab light, her skin gives her an ethereal, angelic glow.

Alex's mouth watered. He imagined the sweet taste of vanilla and the soft texture of Mia's lips as he remembered past kisses.

The gentle pressure of Mia's hand on his is reassuring, grounding him in the moment. As he reaches up to rub his eyes, his fingertips brush against the smooth skin of her hand, and he can feel the warmth radiating from her.

For a heartbeat, the world seemed to pause. Every memory shared with Mia flooded back, filling the room with echoes of laughter, moments of frustration turned to triumph, and quiet instances of shared understanding. His heart swelled with a happiness so profound it threatened to overwhelm him.

For a long moment, they just sat there, taking each other in. It was as if time had stood still for them, and they were back in their own little world, just like old times.

"Good morning, Alex," Mia greeted, her voice a melody that he hadn't realized he yearned to hear again.

Startled, Alex recoiled instinctively, driven by confusion that clouded his joy. The sight of Mia's smile fading into a look of sadness pierced him, prompting a flurry of questions to storm his mind.

How was he hearing her? How was she speaking to him? How was she looking at him with such vivid emotion?

"Why did you pull away, Alex?" Mia's hurtful voice only deepened his bewilderment.

His reality, once defined by silence, was now shattered by the impossibility of her voice, her presence.

Standing, he pinched himself, a desperate check against the dream he feared this moment to be.

"You're not dreaming, dear," Mia assured, her figure leaping gracefully from the table to stand by him. Her touch was as familiar as the countless days they had spent side by side in this very lab.

Alex's mind raced. Last night, she had been connected to machines that allowed the software to be updated. When did he unplug her from the machines? Her embrace was a balm, yet he stepped back, compelled to look into her eyes, searching for answers. The sight of tears welling in those eyes—something he hadn't programmed or even dared to imagine—left him breathless.

His hands moved almost of their own accord, reaching for a tablet strewn across the lab, the traditional medium of their communication.

Dr. Renn: I'm so happy to see you up and moving, but we must run some tests. I don't want you to hurt.

He typed, his fingers trembling.

Mia's smile was gentle, full of an understanding that seemed to transcend the boundaries of their reality.

She pushed the tablet aside with a soft chuckle. "Nonsense, my dear, I am perfectly fine."

Dr. Renn: Tell me what you're experiencing right now.

"Right now, I feel cold from standing here naked." she chided Alex playfully. "How about I get dressed, and then I could make those two cups of coffee. It looks like you could use one." Mia smiled and gently kissed Alex's cheek.

As she walked towards the office—a space that had served as their refuge during endless nights of work—

Alex's gaze lingered on her silhouette against the frosted windows.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Marcus coming over. It looked like Marcus hadn't slept well either, and there were dark circles under his eyes. He brought out his tablet and showed Alex the message on the screen.

Dr. Marcus: Alex, we found a power source that we can use for Mia.

Alex's face contorted with conflicting emotions as he stared at Marcus. He had already used the alien artifact, but should he tell him? As the words hovered on his mind to share, he couldn't help but question his integrity and honesty. Was it worth admitting she jeopardized his principles for this?

Dr. Renn: Thank you, Marcus, but I made it work with the spare parts I had around the lab.

Dr. Marcus: That's great! Where is Mia, then? Or should I call her Mia 2.0?

Alex could see a look of relief in Marcus's eyes. When he noticed Marcus staring at the office, Alex began to type a response. Alex looked and saw Mia walking out.

The sight of her, dressed in clothes he'd kept out of a blend of sentiment and hope, sparked a mix of emotions. Her outfit, though slightly worn by time, hugged her form in a familiar embrace, a testament to the life they had intertwined in the fabric of this lab.

"How do I look?"

Alex's heart raced as he watched Mia emerge from the office, her presence grounding him in a reality that felt undeniably surreal. She stood before him, a vision of grace and strength, her eyes sparkling with determination and warmth.

The air between them crackled with unspoken words, emotions swirling in their shared space. Despite everything that had transpired, seeing Mia standing before him now was a balm to his soul.

Mia flashed him a bright smile, her gaze locking with his in a moment of silent understanding. It was as though the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them standing in the center of it all.

Marcus, observing the exchange from a distance, looked at Mia in confusion. Marcus looked at Mia and said something to her. Alex didn't hear a word that Marcus said, but he could see the look on Mia's face change a little. Something akin to annoyance: "Marcus, it's good to see you. I was asking Alex what he thought."

The world was silent once more as Marcus began to talk. He used his hands to help him speak and pointed to Alex.

"I know that he is deaf, but he can hear me. Isn't that right, Alex?"

Marcus looked at Alex, his eyes wide in disbelief. Alex merely confirmed with a nod of his head.


20 Days to Calamity

Sorry for a late release, hope everyone is enjoying the story.

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