
Short Horror Stories

A Book full of Short Horror stories. A ride full of exhilarating tales of different scenarios which will make you crave for more. Someone who loves reading novels and stories is trying to write her own one for the first time here... A lil disclaimer: *stories will be all fictional and nothing is related to any other author's stories All the story are just my brain farts(sorry not sorry)* Enjoyyyy Story 1st "One night": the story is about how the protagonist who came to relax and spend time watching stars had an unexpected visitor and how it made his life upside down and converted that night into a horrible and permanent memory of his entire life. It was my first ever original written story. Of course, it has room for a lot of improvement, but it also has sentimental value to it, and that's why I decided to keep it up here as a reminder of the starting. Story 2nd: " The Island Trip." It's about a group of friends who booked the ticket to the vacation island trip. They were going to be festivities and concerts, and it sounded like the best way to socialize and clear their mind after a hectic year. But what they didn't expect was to be followed by someone. And with the turning events, they ended up in a place where they were warned to never go. A tale full of twists and turns and plots thickens with every chapter. TW: one character's death/ violence. (little bit not heavy on violence.) Story 3rd: "Not Alone." The story is about Ethan, who was transferred to a new office which was out of town. The new place where he was living was causing trouble for Ethan. The story is full of Paranormal activities and hauntings. The mc has anxiety attacks and existential crises, and the spirit took advantage of it. Read it to know what happens to him, if he survives it or not.

not_sou_serious · Seram
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17 Chs

One Night.

(I took in consideration of opinions given by the readers in the reviews written by them and checked and edited my chapters)

~Thank You for informing me about it and Thank you for your kind words.

I really appreciate it~

Now back to the story.


It was a beautiful night.

Full moon was glowing and shining in the night sky, like a torch to lead the path that otherwise would have been engulfed by the darkness.

Stars were pretty and he came especially there, in the forest, to look at them. The sitting place he chose was not far from highway he came, far from streets but not that far from living world as he knew he could get lost inside the big forest very easily if he go too deep into it.

He can still see street lights and hear the faint noises of car zooming around the curves of the roads,

What he didn't expect was what happened after that.



He set some fire to have some warmth and made himself comfortable on the ground.

Out of nowhere he heard some faint footsteps.

At first he didn't notice anything as he was so mesmerized and was in awe by the expanse of stars above but than he heard the loud moan which sounded like someone was in pain.

He become very aware of his surroundings, confused and curious as he looked around in the forest. He wanted to know the source of it, he got up and tried to follow and listen to the sound to investigate that if someone was in trouble or just some teenager trying to pull up some prank.

After little roaming around, he didn't heard or saw someone else other than himself so he came back and didn't think much about it.




After spending an hour of just sitting there, stargazing and appreciating the nature surrounding him, his stomach growled abruptly breaking the peaceful silence. He chuckled to himself, he opened the tiffin he brought, which he prepared for his small road trip and took out the sandwich and started munching on it..

At that moment, when he was looking down at the foil paper, suddenly he felt weird bad feeling.. he was not able to decipher exactly what was that feeling but one thing was very clear, whatever he felt was not good.

It was definitely creepy.



He was being watched. Not that he knew, at-least not right at that very moment.




He tried to ignore that weird, gut churning feeling, he tried concentrating more on chewing and swallowing the food rather than feel the thug of that creepiness that was clutching into his body. If he didn't came back to senses he will become a little bit panicky and ruin his whole mood of it's little vacation trip.

But no matter what he did he was not able to shrug off that awful sense of something being very wrong, he was becoming nervous but he told himself that he was just overreacting to it's surroundings but then out of nowhere he caught a sight of something strange in his peripheral vision.

He saw a figure standing little far from where he was sitting and strangely, the figure seemed to be hiding behind the tree.

He had started panicking a little bit but he forced himself to stay calm and rational. A little hard task to do when you were expecting to be only human present in the forest but then finding out that someone was also there, not making other aware of there presence.

He just froze there and there, at whatever position he was sitting. He was desperately trying to figure out if he should just run away or should try to know who was that person was.

He choose the latter one and very nervously started to stand up.

But as he was in the process of lifting himself properly from the ground, he saw that the figure had moved... a little closer to him.

If you think that he was surprised, now that would be an understatement to what he felt at that moment.

As now he was able observe something about that looming figure as it came in his line of vision properly. The figure was of a women who he doesn't know as he had never seen her before.

Not even a minute had passed and some strange activities started happening.

She turned toward him... she started bending towards the ground.

He was so shook and so surprised that he was not able to move his limbs like at all, he just stood there like a mannequin and he didn't even realized that.

But the things that happened afterward,

He would never be able to forget that ...experience.