
Shepherd of the Weeping Goddess

In the mystical realm where monsters dance on the edges of reality, there exists a priest named Seraphel, a man whose sanity is tethered by a thread as fragile as the tears that incessantly cascade from his kind eyes. Twisted by a love that borders on madness, Seraphel harbours a dark desire—to end the suffering of the Crying Goddess by spilling her divine blood. Haunted by an inexplicable mix of pain, sorrow, hatred, and love, Seraphel embarks on a blood-soaked odyssey. His brutal crusade is fueled by the twisted conviction that slaying the goddess will silence her tears and free her from the torment that binds them both. Yet, in the depths of his fractured psyche, he remains ignorant of the origin of his own anguish. As he traverses the medieval fantasy world, leaving behind a trail of mutilated bodies and shattered souls, Seraphel recites religious texts and delves into profound philosophies about the nature of life. His inner turmoil manifests in the juxtaposition of poetic verses and the grotesque brutality of his actions, creating an unsettling aura around him. In a paradoxical dance of love and hate, Seraphel is tormented by visions of the Crying Goddess, both tender and nightmarish. He perceives her as both a benevolent mother and a malevolent force, leading him to question the very foundations of his faith. The goddess, in turn, seems to revel in the chaos he unleashes, her tears taking on an otherworldly glow that mirrors Seraphel's descent into madness. The land quakes as Seraphel's path converges with other beings—some drawn to his madness, others seeking to quell the darkness that emanates from him. As he confronts these challenges, his distorted mind weaves intricate tapestries of justification for his heinous deeds, blurring the line between salvation and damnation. The novel unfolds in a crescendo of madness and revelation, as Seraphel's internal conflict reaches its climax. In a confrontation with the Crying Goddess herself, truths buried deep within the fabric of existence are unveiled, forcing Seraphel to confront the twisted nature of his love and the harrowing consequences of his actions.

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2 Chs


In the moonlight, Seraphel's figure was both haunting and captivating, a living contradiction embodying the delicate dance between divinity and madness. Each step he took, each gesture, a silent proclamation of the internal struggle that defined his existence in a world teeming with magic, demons, and the relentless weeping of the goddess he serves.

Casting an otherworldly glow upon a rural village, the enigmatic priest with an unsettling presence stood as a paradox of ethereal beauty and macabre madness. His short wavy navy blue hair framed his face like the ripples of a dark ocean, cascading freely like waves. Sickly pale skin clung tightly to a face that bore the weight of both divine devotion and the shadows of relentless torment.

Beneath his golden eyes, soft and kind yet harbouring a perpetual storm of madness, dark eye bags accentuate the weariness etched into the very fabric of his being. His gaze, a flood of emotions restrained by an iron will, hints at the struggles within, making it impossible for anyone to fully fathom the depths of his tortured soul.

Seraphel, the lone priest with tear-stained eyes, strode through the quiet alleys of the village like a harbinger of doom. Around his left fist, wooden prayer beads, each a witness to the blood spilt in the pursuit of his twisted mission, tainted with the essence of his brutal endeavours, served as both a weapon and a symbol of devotion. They clacked softly as he moved, a grim cadence that echoed the calmness of his heartbeat.

Seraphel's tall and seemingly lanky frame belied the unnatural strength that pulsed beneath his white robes. The fabric, a harmonious fusion of religious vestments and the elegance of a kimono draped around him in intricate layers of silk.

As he entered the heart of the village, the air thickened with an ominous tension. The bandits, oblivious to the storm gathering around them, rested in their around a bonfire. In the eerie silence, the only sounds were the whispers of the wind and the soft recitation of religious texts that escaped Seraphel's lips, supported by a macabre rhythm of clicking beads.

"though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. But what if it is I who cast the shadow upon this forsaken valley?"

The first bandit, roused from his sleep, barely had time to comprehend the ethereal figure before him. Moving with inhuman speed, Seraphel's left hand a blur, crushed the man's head in an instant.

The onslaught continued, a relentless dance of death as Seraphel unleashed his incredible strength and martial prowess. He walked through the village like a spectral force, leaving chaos and carnage in his wake. The bandits, caught off guard, were powerless against the twisted executioner who seemed to embody both divine wrath and unholy malevolence.

Seraphel's voice rose above the sounds of panic and struggle, his recitations now intertwined with unsettling questions.

"In the scripture, it is written that the meek shall inherit the earth. But what inheritance awaits those who revel in wickedness?"

Each strike was a sermon, and each fallen bandit a testament to the duality within Seraphel's tormented soul. His once-pristine robes became a canvas, painted with the grotesque hues of battle.

Crying out in terror, a bandit screamed "Wh-Who are you? Do you know who we are?"

Pausing, a cold stare in his tear-filled eyes, Seraphel replied "I am the voice in the wilderness, the shepherd of the lost. Yet, in this darkness, do I shepherd or condemn?"

As he moved forward, the village transformed into a nightmarish tableau. The bandits, overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught, could only offer futile resistance against the man who had become a force of divine chaos. Seraphel's face, now streaked with the blood of his enemies, remained an unreadable mask of madness and purpose. The night echoed with the paradoxical hymn of a man torn between his devotion to a crying goddess and the brutal reality of the path he was forced to walk.