
She is My Hope

Hope Black is a Delta, a person who was born among werewolves, but does not have a wolf... Despite this, she is one of the best warriors, always being at the forefront of training. With the chance to train in the great Lycan royal castle, Hope enlists with the hope of further improving her fighting skills, she just didn't expect to find her Destined on the first day. Dylan Miller is an Alpha, future leader of the Blue Moon pack, he enlisted in royal training to escape a forced union, he is against the ancient rule that he needs to unite with someone of pure and ancient blood. With this chance he hopes to find his Destined and thus be able to free himself from the forced union his father and his elders placed for him. The only thing he didn't expect was for the Moon Goddess to put him together with a Delta who doesn't want him.

LadyArawn · Fantasi
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11 Chs

The Order

Hope POV

I lost my mind, I let anger take over and all I saw were things my mind wanted me to see and not what reality was showing. I twisted my mouth. Kendrick was right, I needed to stabilize myself before I tried to fight someone again, otherwise, I would most likely end up killing the person.

I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair and entered the room, I was the first to arrive since I had been dismissed from wolf training earlier. I took the opportunity to look around the room.

The blackboard wasn't a blackboard, it was a touchscreen, there was a computer on the table where the teacher would be and a projector attached to the ceiling. The student's desks were designed to have laptops instead of notebooks. All this technology was mixed with solid wood furniture, a large dark wine carpet with geometric designs in black and some gold details.

The old blending with the new. I picked up my cell phone and opened the messaging app.

[Um, I think I need a laptop] I

[What for? Do you already want to watch porn?] Alpha Julian

[kkkkkkkkk I wish I was, I can do that on my cell phone anyway. But I have a theory and strategy class and they use a laptop for study]. I

[I get it, buy one at the store you probably have around there. Ask Kendrick to go with you to buy it]. Alpha Julian.

[Ok, thanks. :) ] Me

[You better get to stage 5 at least. ] Alpha Julian.

[ I'm going to elite training as far as I'm concerned ] Me

[Yeah, I expect nothing less from you.] Alpha Julian.

[See you later. :P] Me

I took a deep breath and looked at the schedule, we still had 15 minutes before the next class started. I called Kendrick, it was three rings before he answered.

"Hey, um... Your dad asked us to go buy me a laptop."

"Okay, we don't have much time. Meet me at the mall, we'll get anyone and then come back and pick out a better one."


I hung up, not wanting to dwell on the conversation and was about to run out of the room until I saw a black-haired woman with a few gray hairs enter the room. It must have been Miss Clark.

"Miss Clark, I am Hope Black, I apologize in advance, I must be a little late. Now I realize I'm going to need a laptop and I'm off to buy one."

I spoke and bowed.

"You have a 10-minute grace period."

I listened to the reply and took off running. The mall was further north of the castle and I got there in 5 minutes. I had dodged people on the way, it was almost like running through the forest, only instead of dodging branches and trees, here it was people.

Soon I saw Kendrick standing in the doorway and I stopped in front of him, almost out of breath and raised a finger, asking for a moment.

"Breathe Hope, I trust you didn't knock anyone over in the middle of the driveway." I shook my head negatively in response. "Good, now let's go, there's a store nearby." I nodded and let him lead the way.

People were staring at us and I arched my left eyebrow. It couldn't be that strange that I was walking with my Alpha's son, or was it because they knew what had happened?

"We're here." I heard Kendrick's voice and looked ahead, it was a large technology store, there were various types of accessories, computers, laptops, gaming consoles and more. My eyes lit up, I loved technology and quickly entered the store. "Focus Hope, we'll be back later."

"OK..." I spoke in a thread of voice as I headed to the laptop session, when a salesman came over to talk to me I ignored him and went through the racks, looking at the configurations and quickly found what I needed. Well, what I wanted actually. "This one."

The price of the laptop I chose wasn't the cheapest, but it wasn't the most expensive either, and it meant that I wouldn't have to go back later.

"This one has a configuration..."

"I can read..." I replied cutting the salesman off and looked at Kendrick.

"We'll take this one, preferably the one in the showcase, it's already configured. Then we'll come back for a new one. "I heard his voice, that authoritative tone, and felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Yes, Mr. Barone." Again I was surprised, the salesman cringed in fear and quickly left to get the documentation and hand me a backpack with the laptop.

"Hum... I didn't know you could scare people like that." I joked with him. It was easy for me, after all, I had trained with him a few times before and I also had a prominent position with the pack.

"I am part of the elite warriors, most of the trainers of the more advanced stages are part of the elite." I listened to the answer and smiled.

"So the big bad wolf is now elite. Ok, I know..." I called him by the nickname he had in training. It was a joke referring to the legend of Little Red Riding Hood.

I saw that he was about to answer something, but then the salesman arrived with the things.

"Thank you." I thanked the salesman and then turned back to Kendrick and smiled in a corner. "Better not spread the word that you're afraid of red capes."

I gave a low chuckle before he could respond and hurried off, I needed to get back to my class. I ran past people the same way I had done to get there, I stopped at the classroom door, breathing hard and I had to wait a minute until I was breathing normally again and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Miss Clark's voice answered me and I opened the door, there were far more people than just what I had in my dorm. "Take a seat at table 5."

"Thank you." I thanked her and made my way to table five. It was one of the few that was free and it was right in front. The class had already started and I took my laptop out of my backpack, it was already on and all I had to do was open a writing document as well as get the class link.

They were talking about the battle of the beginning of the nations and the divisions between the different races. I already knew this, but more details intrigued me. I didn't ask them anything, but I wrote it down so that I could research it later in the library.

When class was over I got up and went to talk to Miss Clark.

"Miss Clark, since I missed a week, I wonder if you could send me the previous classes?" I saw her smile.

"Sure, give me your email address and then I will add you on the platform and pass all the information through there."

I nodded and passed my email and soon felt my cell phone vibrate, the invitation had already arrived.

"Thank you." I thanked him and bowed, leaving the room.

Dylan POV

I saw Hope come through the door late, her hair was a little messy, she had a black backpack on her back and soon she sat down a little further ahead than me, completely focused on the class, while I almost couldn't stop looking at her.

When class finally ended I walked out and felt Sophia pull me by the arm. I pushed her away slightly.

"I'm going to wait for Hope," I spoke firmly and saw the look of disgust on her face, but she needed to understand that I didn't want her and never would. "She is destined for me, Sophia, and nothing will change that and I will not reject her."

"She has no wolf! And she is not pureblood! Your father and the elders will never approve of your union!" I heard her shouting down the hall, and before I could respond I heard someone answer for me.

"Then they are weak because someone's strength is not in their bloodline. Like for example, I can bet my entire pack that Hope can kill you in just 5 hits." I looked forward, realizing that behind Sophia was none other than Kendrick Barone, the future Alpha of the SilverRage pack.

"But I wouldn't get my hands dirty with that." Hope's voice echoed off my back, neither of them leaving the situation any easier, Sophia's face contorted in anger.

"I will not tolerate being treated like this! I am a pureblood, daughter of Alphas!" She spoke and turned around and I saw that her body tensed, realizing who she had yelled at.

"And I am the future Alpha of SilverRage and personal warrior of the King." I swallowed dryly, seeing Kendrick's murderous expression.

"Don't bother, big bad wolf." I listened to Hope's laughter as she walked up to him.