
She is My Hope

Hope Black is a Delta, a person who was born among werewolves, but does not have a wolf... Despite this, she is one of the best warriors, always being at the forefront of training. With the chance to train in the great Lycan royal castle, Hope enlists with the hope of further improving her fighting skills, she just didn't expect to find her Destined on the first day. Dylan Miller is an Alpha, future leader of the Blue Moon pack, he enlisted in royal training to escape a forced union, he is against the ancient rule that he needs to unite with someone of pure and ancient blood. With this chance he hopes to find his Destined and thus be able to free himself from the forced union his father and his elders placed for him. The only thing he didn't expect was for the Moon Goddess to put him together with a Delta who doesn't want him.

LadyArawn · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Date

Kendrick POV

That girl was pissing me off. She didn't even know Hope's potential and was judging because she was a pureblood. The anger went through my head enough to want to kill her right then and there.

Then I looked at Hope who had told me she wasn't worth it and smiled back at her, handing her a gift bag. I saw her face of surprise as she took off a red hoodie made of silk that covered her entire body.

"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" Just that one laugh made all my anger disappear as she put on the hoodie, "Now I'm a helpless little girl around the castle is it?"

"Since I'm the big bad wolf then at least I should have a little red hat to chase around shouldn't I?" I replied smiling, watching her face flush. God, had I made Hope Black lose her composure?

"Er... Um... Thanks for the gift." I listened to her reply after a few seconds, she had thought of several answers to give but chose the safest one.

"Come on, I think you're hungry, aren't you? I believe the mall has someplace with fries and hamburgers." I held out my arm for her to take and she took a few seconds before accepting.

Dylan's face was a mixture of anger, jealousy, and defeat. I hated having to compete with someone who was already meant for her, but if Hope wanted to reject him, then it couldn't hurt to help make it happen.

Hope POV

I could have declined the invitation and stayed with Dylan, I listened when he replied that he wanted to wait for me, but Sophia was too much for me to handle right now, I desired to rip her head off right there, in the middle of the hallway and then delight in her blood dripping down my face.

That thought made me accept Kendrick's offer, I grabbed his arm and he knew I was tense because I soon felt him squeeze a little tighter.

"Relax, no heads will roll today." I swallowed dryly, he knew exactly what I was thinking. It was no small thing, after all, I had done this a few times before until I was able to stabilize myself with the right treatment.

"But why did you come to meet me? Since you are the King's guard." I asked casually, I knew I should use his title, but well, I had never done that, most likely I never would, at least not when we were like this.

"Well, the King is in the castle and he has other guards as well." I listened to the answer, but it didn't feel right. "And also my father asked me to keep an eye on you until you stabilize since I'm the only person here who can understand you."

It made more sense now. He was babysitting, so I wouldn't do anything stupid, at least not too much stupid.

"I understand, thank you." I thanked him sincerely, since I had arrived my life had turned upside down, I had threatened the First Prince, I had met a Mate, I had been hospitalized, I had beaten a coach. "I'd better anyway, I've screwed up enough."

"Hope, if it wasn't meant to be that way, then my father wouldn't have even let you come here," I listened to those words and relaxed a little. "My father knew you would make a big impact. He just didn't imagine you would try to kill the First Prince on your first day. Maybe on your second."

I smiled and bit my lower lip, even knowing that still wasn't reassuring enough.

"I'm going to use this time away from the arena, so I can focus on other things. I have my group's training, and I intend to make them strong enough to get through the second stage without blinking." I spoke with conviction.

"Just don't break too many bones. Since you don't want to draw too much attention to yourself."

"Um, but yeah... yeah, I'll try." I looked around, we had arrived at a restaurant that didn't necessarily seem to serve hamburgers, but on the door was an easel with a picture of a handmade hamburger and some fries. "I guess when you said you were going to bring me to a place to get fries and a burger, I thought of a McDonald's or Burger King."

"Well, we can go to one of those, but the burger here is one of the best." I twisted my mouth slightly. I wasn't dressed to go into a place like that. "Come on, I'm starving."

I smiled in a corner, before I went inside I took the red cape and put it on, putting the hood on and looked at him.

"There, now I'm dressed properly to walk around with the big bad wolf," I spoke and held his arm.

"Soon everyone will be calling me that." I heard him complain, but there was a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"I'm not responsible for any of this." We entered the restaurant, and he guided me to a table near an opposite window.

"If you are the one who is calling me that, then I guess you are responsible."

"But I'm not the one who bought a red cape and gave it to me as a gift. If you didn't want me to wear it, then you shouldn't have bought me it, should you?" I picked up the menu and chose a hamburger with garlic cream and mustard, as well as a large portion of fries.

"You love fries, don't you?"

"I'll not have fries." I smiled and waited for the waiter to come and serve us and listened as Kendrick placed both orders.

The conversation with Kendrick revolved around how his training was and that he had also made as good an impression as I had as soon as he arrived. We had a good laugh reminiscing about some of our training as well. The feeling I had was that I was home, which was true, after all, Kendrick was the future Alpha of the pack that I called home.

When we finished our food I looked at my cell phone. It was almost 11 p.m., and my eyes widened.

"I have to go, otherwise I'll be late for practice," I said and got up.

"Fine, I'll walk you to the dorm." I wanted to say no, but it was no use, besides it would be in bad taste since the night had been fun.

"Then you take my backpack," I said and handed the backpack to him, zipped up the red cape and started walking outside.