
She Fell For Her.. (GL)

Yusun_Park · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

A reminder of him..


Summary Of: Such a gentleman!

As the motorcycle slices through the night, Raven and Grace engage in a lively exchange. Grace's playful inquiry about the possibility of being more than friends prompts a candid conversation about Raven's focus on her goals, emphasizing her dedication to getting a sports scholarship and dealing with other priorities. The banter continues with a humorous bet, revealing the light-hearted dynamic of their friendship.

Upon reaching Grace's apartment, Raven's caring nature comes to the forefront as she helps Grace with her intoxicated sister, Caroline. Raven's practical and considerate approach to the situation demonstrates a deeper level of connection between the friends. As they part ways for the night, Raven expresses her intention to see Grace again soon, highlighting the enduring and genuine nature of their friendship.


A reminder of him..

Raven, her thoughts veering into the past, mused to herself, "It's been quite some time... since I got reminded of him." The memories lingered in her mind as she hopped onto her bike, the engine humming to life, and she rode away into the night, the echoes of bygone days whispering softly.

Arriving home, Raven's footsteps reverberated through the quiet space of her house. She made her way to the drawer, the usual spot for her keys, and began rummaging through it.

Muttering to herself, she grumbled, "Where is the key to open the locker?"

As the search continued, a sudden realization struck her, and her expression shifted from frustration to surprise.

"Holy shit," she exclaimed, the truth dawning on her. "I had kept it in the locker... not the drawer." The unexpected twist added a touch of irony to her night. 

Raven, a hint of impatience evident in her movements, swiftly arrived at the locker. Urgently, she muttered to herself, "Come on, open quick."

With deft fingers, she managed to unlock the locker, and it swung open. Raven couldn't help but exclaim triumphantly, "Voila."

From the depths of the locker, she retrieved an album and a key, presumably to a bar. Grasping the keys in hand, she headed purposefully to the shelf where she stored her drinks, the satisfaction of a successful retrieval playing across her features.

Raven stood before her shelf, contemplating her drink of choice for the night. "Bourbon... or wine... or whiskey?" she pondered. After a moment's consideration, she settled on whiskey. Raven retrieved a bottle and a fancy glass, her movements deliberate.

Turning on some music that resonated through the quiet room, she poured herself a generous glass of whiskey. Holding the glass up, Raven toasted, "Whiskey, you are my man."

Taking a seat beside the dining table, she opened the album, the cover holding memories long tucked away. The soft glow of the room, the gentle notes of music, and the amber liquid in her glass set the stage for a night of reflection and perhaps a touch of nostalgia.

As Raven flips through the pages of the album, her eyes fill with memories of her family. Each page brings a mix of emotions as she recalls moments from her past.

Whispering to herself, she uttered the word that held a universe of sentiments, "Family..."

Occasional sips of whiskey punctuated the journey through the album, the amber liquid offering a temporary break from the emotions and thoughts that had haunted her. As she progressed, exhaustion and the effects of the whiskey began to take their toll.

Continuing to drink, nearing the end of the bottle, Raven's emotions intensified. The alcohol, acting as a double-edged sword, left her both tipsy and emotionally exposed. 

Determined, she pressed on, flipping through the pages with a mix of nostalgia and vulnerability.

As the album neared its conclusion, Raven's eyes landed on a particular picture she had been searching for. A smile curled up on her face, breaking through the layers of complex emotions.

Raven, her emotions swinging wildly between smiling and laughing, addressed the picture with a mix of relief and bitterness. "Ahh, you troublemaker! Finally, you are out of my life. You deserve nothing but hate and more hate."

In this moment of drunken lightness, she found a form of release from the pent-up emotions that had haunted her. Laughter bubbled up, carrying with it a sense of relief as she let go of the lingering weight.

However, the toll of the alcohol, combined with the emotional rollercoaster, became too much for Raven to bear. The alcohol takes its toll, and she passes out on the dining table, the album serving as an uncomfortable pillow under her head.


keep reading to find out. 

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