
Sharingan in MHA [Complete]

Quick Disclaimer: This story will be a light read, so please don't take things too seriously. If you are a hardcore Naruto fan and stuff, then some things here may annoy you as I limited and altered some of the powers from the Naruto world. This is my first time writing, and I have never done anything like this before, so please understand that some of my choices will be illogical. If you think the mc should have done something else, then please let me know, and I will try to fix it in the future. Thanks! Kaede Aoki was your run-of-mill 16yr old girl. One of her favourite things was watching anime, especially the isekai genre. Unfortunately, one day, she died trying to save a cat. God took pity on her and allowed her to reincarnate to a world of her choice. [There's romance in the story but for some reason, I can't add the tag because it's the female lead. This won't be a yuri] I don't own MHA or Naruto, and only some of the characters in the story will be created. The cover image was retrieved from Pinterest; I don't own this image. The owner of this image was the user G94875321W. If the owner of this image wants me to take it down, please contact me through this email yellowduck934@gmail.com. Thank! Link to image here: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/666673551067707357/

Yellow_Duck_Toy · Komik
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116 Chs

Chapter 24: Rescue Training and League of Villains!

Today is the day the Rescue Training starts and when the League of Villains attacks...

I went downstairs and saw my family. I approached my onii-chan and asked: "Onii-chan, our class will be doing Rescue Training so can I borrow Crow-san for today?"

I can't tell that Villains will attack us since they will obviously question how I know about it. So the best solution in my opinion was to bring Crow-san! That way, it can contact my onii-chan immediately when the Villains arrive.

"Why do you need my crow?" Itachi-onii-chan asked.

"Uh..... Since we will be doing rescue training, we have to practice rescuing people right? I thought that Crow-san can help me locate the people that needed to be rescued!" I quickly made up an excuse and said.

He nodded to my explanation, Itachi-onii-chan weaved some hand signs, he then bit his finger and placed his hand on the floor. A small cloud of smoke appeared and Crow-san showed up. Onii-chan then told Crow-san that he will be watching over me for today. It nodded and perched on my shoulder.

"Thanks, onii-chan!" I said while smiling.

We then ate breakfast together before I left for UA. When I reached class, Mina and Ochako saw my onii-chan's crow resting on my shoulder.

"Isn't that Crow-san?" Mina excitedly asked.

"Long time no see Crow-san!" Ochako happily greeted.

When we were young, we used to occasionally play with Itachi-onii-chan's crow, but our play sessions become less and less when we got older. So both of them were really excited to meet Crow-san again. Crow-san was also pretty happy as it fly around Mina and Ochako.

While the three of us were spending time with the crow, more and more of my classmates arrived, they were agitated to see a large crow in the classroom but soon calmed down after I explained that it was my onii-chan's.

Aizawa-sensei soon entered the classroom, he told us to change into our hero costumes and that we will be leaving to go to a facility for our Rescue Training as it was off-campus. He glanced at Crow-san before shrugging his shoulders, thinking that it was normal.

Together we quickly went to change into our costumes and met up with Aizawa-sensei at the buses. Iida was seriously acting out his role as a vice class rep and telling everyone to get in an orderly line. But soon he became depressed knowing that the bus was pretty big and that it can easily fit all of us leaving at least 10 or 15 seats empty.

I'm currently sitting with Ochako, Mina, Asui, Midoriya, Iida, and Kirishima. Crow-san was resting on my lap, the journey was pretty relaxing and we just chatted with each other. When we arrived I was surprised by how big the place was and it reminded me of the massive stadium I used to train in. Waiting for us at the entrance was the Space Hero Thirteen, we were all very excited to see her there.

She guided us into the building and we were all shocked by what was inside. Thirteen explained that this place was called the USJ for Unforeseen Stimulation Joint. She then explained that each part of the facility will train us on how to do a safe save and rescue in any hazardous situation such as in a fire, earthquake, flood or tornado, etc.

As she was giving us a lecture, suddenly a black portal appeared at the centre of the facility. Aizawa-sensei widened his eyes and told us to be on guard. Some of my classmates were pretty freaked out by the turn of events, and people dressed in evil-looking costumes began emerging from the portal.

"Everyone stay back! Thirteen, protect the students!" Aizawa-sensei shouted and he equipped his signature goggles.

Probably a hundred villains came out of the portal before eventually, a man with hands attached all over his body, a tall man covered in black mist with bright yellow eyes and metal-like rings around his neck, and a muscular monstrosity appeared.

The monster has black skin with red-coloured scars, and the head of the monster was shaped like a bird. The most disturbing thing was that the top of the monster's skull was removed, exposing its brain. The monster stared at us with its bloodshot eyes and my classmates froze in fright.

'The Nomu looked way scarier in real life!' I thought and gritted my teeth.

"Crow-san get to a safe place and quickly contact onii-chan!" I said in a hurry.

Crow-san nodded and flew it to a safe place. Thirteen told us to evacuate but were blocked by the man covered in black mist. The man claimed that they were known as the League of Villains, before he can finish speaking I sent two shurikens towards him.

He absorbed my attack with his mist and launched my shurikens back at us. I deflected both of them with my tanto and Thirteen attacked with her quirk, Black Hole. However, the villain covered in mist deflected her attack as well causing Thirteen to hurt herself.

"Raiton Ya no Jutsu!" I shouted and fired lightning arrows at the villain.

He quickly warped out of the way, and when he reappeared, multiple black tendrils shot out of the portals to capture us. I activated my Sharingan and nimbly dodged his attacks. The same thing can't be said about my classmates and most of them immediately got restrained.

I kept dodging while attacking him with lightning Jutsu whenever I got the chance. More and more tendrils approached me at a faster pace than before, suddenly one of the tendrils snagged one of my legs, and before I could cut it, three other tendrils wrapped around my limbs, immobilizing me.

"Tsk, you're annoying, let's have the Nomu deal with you." The man growled before throwing me and the rest of the class into a giant black portal.

[Itachi POV]

I was working in my agency when I heard a disturbing message from my crow.

'Villain's attack, need help.' The crow sent a mental message to me.

'Where!' I asked immediately, panic can be heard in my voice. The crow told me that they were in the USJ facility.

Sh*t, I cursed as the facility was far from where my agency was. I rushed out of my office, seeing my panicked expression, one of my sidekicks asked: "Itachi-san what's wrong?"

"Quickly contact UA, the USJ facility was being invaded by Villains!" I shouted before sprinting out of the building.

They were shocked but quickly recover and tried to contact UA. I build up chakra in my lower body and moved toward the USJ facility at the fastest speed possible.

'Please stay safe Kaede!' I prayed in my mind, but knowing her, she's most likely to fight the villains instead of running away.


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!