
Shaoran : Building systems in Apocalypses

In the year 3256, according to the Earth's calendar, humans had made significant progress, advancing their civilization to a high level. Everything seemed to be going well. However, what humans didn't know was that a huge universal disaster was on its way to their universe. Amidst this looming danger, an organization responsible for keeping an eye on different universes took action. The mysterious Third Prince, well-known for his exceptional problem-solving abilities, came to Earth. Now, as an outsider, he is on a mission to change the future of the universe. What steps will he take to prevent the approaching universal catastrophe? Author's Note: Hello folks! To those who have reached this synopsis, I want to express my gratitude for your interest. I realize I haven't adequately described what this novel is about in the description. Even if I wanted to, it's challenging to summarize it succinctly. Thus, I'm writing this note instead. If you clicked on the link to my novel, it likely means you're interested in two major themes: the 'system' and the 'apocalypse.' If you're here because of the tags, then perhaps it's 'kingdom building' that piqued your interest. Fun fact: this novel has all of this and more, but in a more intricate fashion. In this story, you'll experience a cast of diverse characters. The main protagonist invents the system himself. He doesn't merely build and conquer a kingdom; he aims for the universe. He's also privy to the reasons behind the apocalypse. My goal is to present a novel with fewer plot holes and a fresh narrative. I hope you'll give this novel a chance.

Msd_Zeroo · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Chapter 23: Cris

Chapter 23: Cris Venturia

 "Sir, an unidentified spaceship is requesting to dock at Spaceport 56," a soldier reported to the colonel who was managing the spaceport.

"Hmm, did you ask for identification?" the colonel inquired.

"Yes, I did, sir. The person sent us his ID number, but I am not authorized to verify the ID," the soldier replied.

The colonel took a look at the provided ID: SSB6538234. "Seems like a military personnel ID. Let me check," he said as he used his PC to verify the ID. However, an error message appeared on the screen. "You don't have enough permissions," it read.

The colonel's brow furrowed. "Solder, did you ask for his name?" he questioned.

"Yes, sir. He called himself Major Cris. I asked him to show his badge, but he claimed the badge was no longer with him," the soldier replied.

The colonel's eyes widened in alarm. "Did you just say Major Cris?" he asked, his voice tense.

"Yes, sir," the soldier confirmed.

The colonel immediately took out his phone and made a call. "Sir, someone who claims to be Major Cris is requesting permission to dock. What are your orders?" he inquired urgently.

After a brief conversation, he hung up the phone and turned to the soldier. "Activate the red alert, lockdown the spaceport to level 9. Bring it to the dock immediately," he ordered.

Chaos erupted at the spaceport as soldiers retrieved weapons from the armory, and anti-aircraft guns locked onto the hovering spaceship. The situation had taken a sudden and tense turn.

Inside the spaceship, Cris sat in the pilot's chair, with Ruvella, an orcish woman, and Rex, a guy, behind him. They were his current team, and a year had passed since he was last seen in Civarat. Everything had changed, including himself. He no longer had the demeanor of a major from the top military power in the entire solar system. He had been through a lot.

Ruvella leaned forward and asked, "Hey, Cris, do you have family on this planet?" Her question sent a shock of horror through Cris. Rex, who was beside him, quickly covered his mouth to stifle laughter. Ruvella had taken a liking to Cris and even mentioned the idea of marriage. However, Cris treated it all as a joke. At first, he tried to ignore it, but when he attempted to confront her about it, he ended up getting beaten and was taken to Ruvella's house against his will.

Two weeks later, Cris was discovered in a medical center in Civarat. Initially, everyone assumed that he had been beaten or tortured to the brink of death, given his emaciated appearance. However, the reality was different. Cris had become extraordinarily thin, and he could hardly move his thigh. Whatever had happened left a profound impact, causing a stir among the Civarat population.

In the aftermath of the incident involving Ruvella, a series of events unfolded that forced the authorities to take action. They implemented a rule that forbade anyone from engaging in "that thing" unless both parties were in complete agreement or were already married. This rule aimed to prevent such incidents from occurring again and to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved.

Cris cleared his throat, addressing Ruvella with a patient tone, "Miss Ruvella, please try to understand. I am human, and you are an orc. I've explained this to you countless times. Besides, I already have a girlfriend. In the human world, there's a rule that when a man has a girlfriend, he can't be with anyone else. Once a couple forms, they're together for a lifetime, and not even death can separate them."

As Rex attempted to interject with a denial, Cris swiftly drew his gun and fired, the bullet narrowly missing Rex's ear. "Oh, sorry, you two," Cris chuckled, lowering the gun. "I was just testing our new guns. We need to be ready; we have a mission ahead. Now, Mr. Rex, what were you saying?"

Rex, recognizing the gravity of the situation, laughed nervously, "Oh, I was just saying that I never expected Venturia to proceed slowly. They're quite cautious themselves, it seems."

Ruvella gazed at both Cris and Rex, letting out a resigned sigh. Then, her attention shifted to Rex, and she spoke with a hint of wistfulness, "Well, Rex, if it weren't for you being tied up with Vina, that skinny elf, I might have given you a try. But you know, the elves and orcs have an agreement not to fight over mates. So here I am, feeling so lonely. I hope I can find a mate here. You two promise to help me out with that now, okay?"

Rex, for a moment, appeared stunned, but then he managed a bitter smile. He muttered to himself, "Looking for a mate, huh? Orcs are real monsters. Who could marry you? Especially someone who's not another monster... My luck is terrible. I joined this group because there were so many pretty elves hanging around with Rex, and now, for this mission, the higher-ups choose an orc to test the waters. What the hell..."

The message came in, granting them clearance to dock. However, it also requested them to disable all their weapon systems and provide an explanation for the animal traces found in their ship. Ruvella, visibly angered, unsheathed her long sword. Both Rex and Cris quickly moved to restrain her, trying to calm her down. This wasn't the first time they had faced such a situation.


The Orc had a heat signature resembling that of an animal called a "Pix and Ox." These creatures had feet similar to those of a baby elephant, and their hands had a human-like structure with eight fingers.

After some time, the space ship successfully docked at the space center. As they exited the ship, they were immediately surrounded by military personnel, all aiming their weapons at them. Ruvella prepared to draw her weapon, while Rex had his flashbangs ready. However, the tense situation took a different turn when an elderly man stepped forward.

"Welcome home, Major," the old man greeted them. "Let's grab a coffee and talk in my study." He introduced himself as Colonel Darrik, in charge of the port. He conveyed a message from the General, stating that Cris's father was delighted to know that he was alive.

Cris felt a mix of emotions as he followed Colonel Darrik through the space center. It had been a year since he was last seen in Civarat, and the events of that fateful day still haunted his memories. He had gone through a transformation of sorts, both physically and mentally, during his time away. The weight of responsibility and the horrors he had witnessed had etched themselves into his soul.

As they reached Colonel Darrik's study, Cris couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. The room was filled with mementos from his past, reminding him of the life he had left behind. The colonel gestured for Cris to take a seat, and as he settled into the chair, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at being back on Venturia.

"Thank you for seeing me, Colonel," Cris began, his voice tinged with gratitude. "It's been a challenging year, to say the least."

Colonel Darrik nodded in understanding. "I can only imagine what you've been through, Major. We were all worried about your well-being. Your father, especially, was deeply concerned."

Cris thought of his father, a man who had served as a respected general in the Venturian military for decades. The thought of his father's worry and relief upon hearing of his survival warmed his heart.

"Tell me, Major," Colonel Darrik continued, "what happened in Civarat? The details have been sketchy at best, and we've been eagerly awaiting your return to shed some light on the situation."

"Sorry, Colonels," Cris began, choosing his words carefully, "I can't divulge too much about Civarat. Sharing certain information could do more harm than good. However, I can provide some insights. Our knowledge is limited, and we're not the only inhabitants of the universe. Countless races and universes exist. The impending apocalypse is why I'm here on behalf of Civarat, even though it came at a great personal sacrifice. What I carry with me are significant secrets that only leaders should be privy to."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "As you can see, one of my team members isn't even from the human race. She belongs to a race known as Orcs, which was previously considered a fantasy race. I'm sharing this with you, Colonel, because I know you personally and believe you can be trusted."

Colonel Darrik nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Thank you for sharing what you can, Major. We'll do our best to prepare for what's to come. As for the game you mentioned, we'll ensure that our people are informed and ready to join when it's released."

after the conversation Cris was led to a room guarded by military 

Cris entered the room, he found Rex and Ruvella were waiting. The atmosphere was tense, and they exchanged knowing glances, aware of the delicate nature of their mission. As they began their conversation, Cris couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in Cris's mind, startling him. "Mission accomplished. Set foot on Ventura. Mission rewards: Qi gathering stature. This is a team mission."

Rex and Ruvella's expressions mirrored his own as they received the same notification from the system. It was a signal that their mission had reached a critical juncture. Cris knew they had to proceed with caution.

He tapped into the system menu in his mind and sent a text message to both Rex and Ruvella: "This room might be bugged. Don't discuss sensitive matters here. We'll find a secure location to talk."

Ruvella nodded in agreement, and Rex, though visibly frustrated, complied. They exchanged small talk for the time being, biding their time until they could move to a more secure environment.

Cris couldn't help but reflect on the significant changes that had occurred in the past year. His role as a major in the top military power of the solar system had been replaced by one of mystery and secrecy. The impending apocalypse hung over them like a looming storm, and their mission was fraught with uncertainties.

They knew that their actions would shape the destiny of not just their own people but potentially countless others across the universe. With the weight of their mission on their shoulders, Cris, Rex, and Ruvella remained vigilant, waiting for the right moment to discuss their next steps in securing the future of their world.