
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

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55 Chs

Chapter 4): Tutor (1)

Chapter 4): Tutor (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


Read advance Chapters there!! Up to Three as a Supporter and Up to Five as a Member.]

Migrai and Zavien have become my first members on Buy-me-a-Coffee. Thank you so much for the support!!!! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!!!


"So how far do you live exactly?" Carl asked as he skated alongside Sophia who was whistling a tune as she played with her phone, an iPhone he might add.

"Not to far, you know the house with the gate around it?" She said with a small smile.

Carl had to think about it before he got a memory of it in his head, he began to nod, "Yeah, I remember that place... Though asr you talking about the one I think you are?" He asked at the nervously.

She laughed lightly while nodding her head, "The sound of your voice tells me all I need to know, you are thinking about the one I am talking about then."

Carl sighed, there was nothing wrong with the place, well there was, but it wasn't something that was talked about out loud in the neighborhood. The house they were talking about was basically the house of a drug lord, or minor one, and apparently that happens to be her father.

He could only shake his head at that, he didn't expect that she would be the daughter of that man, he was someone that the other gangs in the Southside didn't mess with. Really it was because they got all their product from him, so it was more of a respect thing then anything.

"So what? Are you scared now?" She asked teasing him again as they were getting closer to her house.

He shook his head as he followed her, "No, I mean don't get me wrong I am always going to be scared passing it, but when you know the owners...well it becomes safer. At least as long as we are friends." He smiled at her.

She laughed a little bit nodded, "Yeah, just keep that mentality then, also don't try to play any tricks and it will stay that way for us."

At that moment they got to the house, the place was a two story red brick house, around it was a brick wall with two gates, one for the car and the other to walk through. From the sidewalk Carl could see a man sitting on the porch, it was hard to notice but he could see the pistol that was on the man's hip.

The man caught him looking and glared some, well that was until he saw Sophia next to him, the man relaxed and sat back watching them with a raised brow, he said nothing as they walked in the gate. Carl wouldn't admit it out loud but he did stick close to Sophia, who he noticed rolled her eyes as she took his hand leading him in.

Although the other Carl was a psycho, he wasn't, he was actually scared of people who carried guns and watched over a house like this, because people who carried them usually used them. Passing the man Sophia opened the door sending them both smiles as she did so, the man nodded at her while eyeing him slightly.

Once they got inside and the door was closed Carl let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, the house was actually pretty normal he noticed as they walked inside it. "Oh, take off your shoes. They aren't allowed past the doorway." Sophia said slipping off her red and black Jordan's.

Carl nodded and took off his shoes, which had a hole in the bottom, of course he was embarrassed but there was nothing he could do about it, most his things were hand me downs. Sophia didn't comment on it, and he knew that she saw it so at least she was giving him a reason not to blush more.

"Come on my dad is most likely in the kitchen." She said walking that way, as they passed the living room there was a woman sitting on the couch holding a baby, "Hey mom, this is my friend Carl, he is here to be my tutor."

The woman looked like a slightly older version of Sophia, though she didn't look no older then thirty at most, she sent him a smile while adjusting the baby, "Nice to meet you Carl, call me Mrs. Vegas. Please help my daughter she is not...smart." Mrs. Vegas said the last part as a whisper laughing some, her accent was thicker then Sophia's though.

"Mom!" Sophia said her eyes growing wide as she glared at her mom some.

He laughed shaking his head, "Well I will try my best, that is all I can promise."

Mrs. Vegas laughed lightly and he was relaxed by the sound of it, he had never really been calm around parental figures thanks to his own, but she seemed nice. Sophia embarrassed took his hand leading him off while mumbling something about her mom under her breath.

Carl shook his head and allowed himself to be pulled away, the more he walked around the house the less scared he became, the place was just to homey for him to find it scary anymore. If anything it looked like the inside of a home you would see in a sitcom, it had family pictures and Sophia's old school work lined along the walls, it was clear they loved her a lot.

That slightly changed though as they passed by the door which led to the basement, because the door was deadbolt and had a key pad with a giant sign that said 'Do Not Enter'. It was clear that is where the 'business' was being taken care of from, he wondered where they left out from.

"Dad! I'm home!" She shouted as they entered the kitchen.

Carl would have looked over to the man but at that moment he stopped and fell in love, sitting on their counter was a double sided deep fryer, stainless steel it was beautiful. He didn't hear their words as he walked over to it looking it over, see in his past life his thing that he loved to do the most as a hobbies was making donuts, and this fryer was perfect for it.

Since he had been back he hasn't seen anything at home to make them, but that was more because they were poor and the closest thing to use there was a pot filled with oil. This deep fryer though could set the perfect temperature without him having to do anything, which is what he really wanted but seeing as he was picky his cost more then $2,000.

"Are you okay?" Sophia asked him breaking him from his thoughts as he was running his hand over the deep fryer.

Carl snapped out of his daze and glanced at her, he smiled sheepishly noticing that it wasn't just her standing there, it was also a hulk of a man who was covered in tattoos all the way until his hands. The man had a brow raised and arms crossed as he was looking at Carl, making him feel embarrassed about being caught doing that.

Stepping back her rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry about that. I am a big donut maker, and the moment I saw this instantly thousands on ideas popped into my head about the kind to make."

Sophia giggle but it wasn't mocking, "Really? Maybe you can make me some sometime."

He nodded, "Yeah sure. As long as I can use this beauty here then I will gladly make them for you."

"Great. But for now I would like you to meet my dad, Aaron Vegas, dad this is who wants to be my tutor Carl Gallagher." Sophia said gesturing between the two of them.

Carl gulped as the man set a glare on him, "Gallagher huh? You wouldn't happen to know a Frank Gallagher, would you?" The man said lowly with growl in his throat.

Carl sighed his shoulders slumping as he nodded his head, "Yeah, he is my dad."

There was no use hiding it really, all he would need to do was have people go around and ask about it and he would figure out the truth, so why lie about it. Carl knew from memory how many people Frank has screwed over, and from the way Mr. Vegas had just asked him that question it was clear that he had something against his dad.

Mr. Vegas nodded his eyes still hard, "Alright well then, that changes a few things then. Let me set some rules and conditions before I decide if I want you to be my daughters tutor."

Off to the side Sophia smiled as she went to grab something out the fridge before she went and sat at the table setting up her school work. Apparently he was on his own for the next part, swallowing hard he looked back at Mr. Vegas who had noticed him looking at his daughter c

ausing him to get a scowl.

'Well this is a bad start.' Carl thought to himself.