
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

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55 Chs

Chapter 29): Northside Weekend (2)

Chapter 29): Northside Weekend (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[5+ Advanced Chapters for members on Buy-meacoffee/Flaminglines]


"Well I was thinking that we could set up an online store, as long as you can get the weed then we can sell it on the dark web. It would help us with being able to not get caught so easily too." Jordan said a small smirk on his face.

"Us?" Carl asked his head going through a million things as he was already thinking ideas as Jordan mentioned this.

"Well yeah, you are the supplier and I am the brains. We get this started online and then we get as much money as we can possibly get. My parents have already explained to me and my siblings that we need to pave our own way.

While they don't mind giving us money they refuse to buy us expensive things when we grow up, saying they didn't grow up with it so we should earn it too." He finished with an eye roll.

Carl's eyes twitched though as he heard that, the kid was complaining about not being able to use his parents money, he didn't say anything though as their problems were just different. Thinking it over he knew this wasn't a bad idea, all they would be responsible for is shipping really, other then that they could really do this, well that is they could grow their own plant.

Without their own plant it would be pointless, it would also be pointless to sell weak stuff, they would need to grow the best or it would just wouldn't sell well and this would all fail. He did know how to get the strongest stuff though, and it wasn't through the people on the Southside, it was actually from a lab in New York, but he wasn't sure if that lab had the same things.

In his past life he came across it as a big pot head, there was a doctor who was experimenting with drugs, it was a government owned facility and the weed was strong enough that it couldn't be sold legally. Him being a big pot head in his last life though he got some, it took a big hit to his wallet to get a seed though, like one small seed alone then doctor sold it to him for twenty thousand dollars, that was how good it was.

Of course after he sold it though he was arrested two months later for something that Carl couldn't remember, but by this time in his old world the doctor had been experimenting with the weed for at least a year. He would hope and try to contact the guy and see if he had the same thing, he was willig to buy two seeds this time so that he could start selling, he would need some help from Jordan though.

"Alright we can do this together, but first---" Carl smiled about to explain but a screech stopped him short.

"WHO IS SOPHIA!!" Kassidi yelled into his ear, her bright blue eyes wide as she glared at him her face red in anger.

Blinking Carl found the jealousy cute, unlike a normal person, like Jordan who had moved away some, he just smiled reaching over to pinch her cheeks, he knew kids could get jealous, "Oh calm down Buttercup, Sophia is my friend that I hang out with on my side of town."

Kassidi still glared, and a few tables still looked nervous that she would blow up again but she did calm down, "Do you like her better then me?!?" She demanded to know.

Carl chuckled finding her to cute, "Well I have known her longer, so for now yes. But who knows, maybe she will do something to make me hate her and you will take her spot as my number one girl best friend."

Kassidi frowned looking down at her food thinking whatever she was thinking.

Jordan saw she was calmer and went back to what they were talking about while thinking internally 'At least he can calm her down', "So what were you saying?"

"Oh! I was just thinking about how I know someone who has some non-street legal weed. But it is going to be expensive to buy, plus we will need to buy an indoor grower." Carl said already knowing where he would put it.

"That's fine. As long as everything isn't over fifty thousand it should be fine, my parents won't notice if it is less the that. Anymore and they will."

Carl shook his head, 'Rich kid problems' he thought to himself.

"Then we are good." 

For the rest of their lunch they planned out everything from website design to the planters, Jordan didn't need any convincing that it should be kept at Carl's place, he knew his parents were nosy and would allow him to keep it. And Carl knew he would just have to keep it away from Frank and everything would be fine, he could give some to him siblings every now and then but he really planned to sell it more then anything else, a gram of it could go for triple then normal price.


"Are you just going to stare at us for the entire time?" Carl asked as he ran on the treadmill looking at Kassidi who was staring hard at him.

"Yes, this is very fun." She said nodding her head seriously as she took a picture of him.

All he did was shake his head as he ran more, he wanted to make sure he always stayed in good shape despite being young, he was determined to keep it up in this life unlike his other where h had given up at twenty. "Well, if it is fun for you." He said.

Jordan was on the one next to him with headphones in paying attention to some show, he had tried to talk Kassidi into going to the spa, but one looked ended all that. Carl had laughed at the scene, it was funny to see Jordan so scared of a Twelve year old girl, granted they were all twelve but it was still funny to see.

After running for another thirty minutes they moved on to the weights, Carl spotted Jordan and vice versa, the two were determined to get in shape and work on basketball. Carl had decided to help him out in the gym next to work on shots and handling the ball, he would also be adding in some real life situations that would be in the game.

When Jordan asked if he wanted the same he only agreed to working on handles, that was his main problem after all, other then that he was going to do a three point shoot out with Jordan getting rebounds. He figured he could be like Chef Curry and be a threat beyond the arc, he could slowly work on everything else when he was confident he could just throw up shots and hit them sometimes.

"Are you ready?" Jordan asked as they finished the last set on the ab machine.

Carl nodded, "Yeah, though my arms are a little sore."

"Push through it man, no pain no gain."

Rolling his eyes he stood and immediately Kassidi was massaging his arm, "Don't worry Carl, I will buy something so I--you can massage yourself after workouts."

He chuckled some ruffling her hair, "I can just go to the spa Kass."

She frowned as they exited the gym, "No, those women don't need to touch you. I can just do it myself."

He chuckled, "Whatever you say."

She beamed as she got into it more rubbing his arm softly but with enough pressure that it felt amazing, maybe he would just let her do it from now on. It wasn't as if he asked her too, she volunteered and she didn't seem to mind it at all.

"Well look who we have here!" A familiar voice sounded as they walked out the gym.

Looking over Carl saw Cody and Brandon walking towards the gym, they were also dressed to work out, "Oh look, it's Cody and CF." He said.

Next to him Jordan broke into laughter hearing that, meanwhile Brandon (CF) went red in the face as he glared at Carl, "My name is Brandon!!" He shouted.

"Geez, no need to shout." Carl said while still smiling at them.

Cody rolled his eyes but didn't focus on Carl his enemy was Jordan after all, "I see that you are finally working out, you should just give up though. The starting shooting guard position is mine next year."

"Whatever you say Cody. I don't have time for your villain like lines today, I am going to go practice. We can deal with your obsession with me later." Jordan said waving him off as they all passed by the two.

"I don't have an obsession!" Cody shouted after them but they all ignored him.

"Remember my name is Brandon for next time Carl!" Was shouted right after.

Carl shook his head laughing some, "Those two are funny."

"Yeah you laugh now. But you keep messing with him like that and he will be claiming you as his rival soon, it only takes one little thing." Jordan said shuddering at the thought of how Cody proclaimed him his rival/enemy.

Carl didn't take it to heart, it was harmless fun that he was messing around with here, he didn't think Brandon would put much into this especially since they went to different schools, there was no way they would fight that often.

How wrong he would come to be.