
Shadowed Reverie

This young man, once a human, in his early twenties, perpetually with a pair of sleepy eyes to the human world, lived in a busy, chaotic, corrupt modern city. He was in terrible disillusionment with humanity, maintaining unreconciled feelings of deep resentment toward it. Having incredible powers from a past life when he was highly revered as a deity, he now thinks humankind is undeserving of their world. Bitterness drives him to plot its destruction. However, fate has different plans for him when some accidental circumstances force him to rethink his past and the consequences of his actions. An accidental time travel ability he discovers enables him to get things right by going back into the past. With the second chance to edit history staring at his face, he was torn by the new responsibility that stirred in him. Could he still set aside his distaste for humanity and turn towards redemption? He navigates through a maze of challenges and dilemmas and finally discovers the true heart of power: not in acts of destruction but in the courage to change one's destiny.

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6 Chs

The Conqueror's Triumph and Regret

Below him sprawled the city, its once-majestic skyscrapers now twisted and broken like jagged teeth to the horizon, and bathed in the remnants of fiery battle that painted the sky deep crimson. In the smoking ruins stood the Conqueror: tall, imposing, and clad in dark armor hammered from the shattered remains of fallen enemies. His helm was engraved with ancient runes that glowed faintly in the dying light, casting an eerie macabre glow over his worn and weathered features.

Acrid smoke and reek of decay thickened the air, a grim reminder of the cataclysmic conflict that tore through city streets for days on end. The bodies of some fallen adversaries-anatomies of enemies-looked like cast-off dummies, their armor torn and bloodied by the Conqueror's might. His eyes, as cold and unbending as the steel that sheathed him, swept over the scene; neither triumph nor remorse showed there, only that hard, glittering determination forged from insatiable ambition in his eyes.

In the distance, embers of defiance alone now smoldered; the final remnants of resistance reduced to smoldering ash before the Conqueror's unrelenting advance. Every move had been calculated, every decision a strategic masterpiece leading inexorably to this moment of ultimate triumph. He had wielded power like a weapon, bending the will of nations and crushing all who dared oppose him. And yet, amidst the anguish of this chaos and devastation wrought, the shadow of doubt flickered within—a fleeting whisper of remorse that threatened to tarnish the proud moment of victory.

While the din of war filled his ears, memories danced in a gauzy parade across the mind of the Conqueror. The fragments of a life long past rose up into a distorted present, as hit at his bones by time and those bitter juices squeezed out from it. He saw before his mind's eye himself as he once was—a man who was impelled by ideals that now crumbled like castles of sand against which the relentless tides of reality beat.

There were times of betrayal, searing like brands upon his soul, where trust had turned to ashes in the crucible of frailty. It was those personal tragedies, too painful to bear and yet impossible to forget, that helped tip him into accelerating darkness. With each memory, another layer of armor now encasing him was revealed, forged in the fire of disillusionment and fueled by a growing, scalding contempt for flaws intrinsic to humankind.

He remembered the turning points—the soft, beguiling whispers that promised to imbue him with power in folds, immeasurable and unending, judgments that had been taken in the name of righteousness but, through incremental advances, reached an irreproachable threshold whereby corruption was the fullest realization. With every flash of remembrance, the Conqueror's will solidified, and his grasp of the present tightened viselike as, living through his memory, he faced the ghosts of his past.

As the echoes of battle sank into the silence of the shattered city, the Conqueror was pressed upon by an unsettling emptiness, like a shroud. The very throne of dominance, once so coveted, now weighed heavy on his shoulders, freighted down by the cost in countless lives and scarring of irreversibility upon the world forevermore. He stood amidst the ruins—all alone in a field of devastation and despair— Harbouring the realization: at too great a cost had come victory.

Doubt crept in like a whisper on the wind as he wondered if his cause was justified and the legacy to be left. He had followed this power with all of the zealot's fire, mastering what he perceived would be his master key to remaking a world which distastefully betrayed him. Now, though, haunting visions of the aftermath of his storm kept flashing across his mind—the faces of those whose lives had been brutally shattered by his ambition.

It was in those quiet moments, much removed from the roar of battle and alone with one's thoughts, that the shoulders of the Conqueror drooped and that veneer of impassiveness cracked. Under that veneer of steely purposefulness lay a heart heavy with remorse and regret. Tyranny became what he became—a despot whose insatiable thirst for dominion made him blind to the final cost of his conquest.

The fragment of memory bit into the mind of the Conqueror—a dagger to the heart—all amidst the ruins of his success. A fleeting image, a child's giggling face ringing through corridors of the past, the tight embrace of a lover that had once found solace amidst chaos—he saw, for that momentary instance of clarity, not the Conqueror but the man he once was: a dreamer whose ideals had been soiled but not wholly lost.

It was a memory that stirred emotions that were long buried under the surface of ambition and resentment. It was a reckoning, a coming face-to-face with the consequences of his actions and the suffering they had wrought on the world. For the first time, doubt gave way to introspection as the Conqueror stood at the threshold of a choice that would decide history.

With a steely heart, bound by regret and a glimmer of hope, it was the Conqueror's resolve to make a choice that would defy all those who had borne witness to his rise to power: reset the world and undo such devastation wrought in its conquest in hopes of finding a chance to atone for the sins of former years. It would be a gamble, a leap of faith into the unknown, one fueled by the belief that there might yet exist a redemption within one's grasp.

One morning the Conqueror awoke in a small cottage nestled amidst the quiet of nature. A Man within a time untouched by his conquests. There, with only leaves rustling or an occasional brook, he could begin to see a pathway towards redemption.

By his side was a lady whose eyes seemed to understand, to sympathize; a lighthouse in the dark that had hitherto engulfed him. She was a stranger, yet familiar—a reminder of good he felt was lost forever. In her existed different futures, ones of rewriting life's scripts and making new destinies.

With resolution on his weather-beaten face, he, the Conqueror, off he set on a journey to test his strength and fortitude. Pointed towards that sublime promise given in the horizon for a better tomorrow, he was to atone for past mistakes and create a world where power was tempered by compassion and redemption not just a far-off dream but an attainable reality.