
Shadowed Enchantment

シャドウドエンチャントメント (Shadowed Enchantment) I, Makino Toru and I've always been no good at talking to people. I had no friends until the day I decided to end my life. But as I was about to jump off the bridge, two mysterious figures appeared and saved me. They turned out to be students from the student council who help students who are about to give up on life. They offered to take me under their wing and show me how to live life to the fullest. I agreed, but as I woke up from passing out in their car, I found myself drugged and in an unfamiliar room with three strangers. One of them said, "So, you are the one we have to fix."

IzumiKoshiro · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 5: Travesty

"Makino… your late!"

"Also, who is that guy with ya?"

"You don't remember him? That's Sora Kobayashi, Saya Kobayashi's twin brother."

"She never told me she had a brother, let alone her being a twin."

"That girl really could be a mystery at times."

"Well… she was one of the keys to help me unlock my powers. So, I must give her props for that."

Sora joins in the conversation.

"My sister helped you?"

"Yeah… why, does that come as a surprise to you?"

"Sis, she never really helped me with magic or fighting. She just doesn't make time to help her family out, I've never understood why but she must have a good reason."

I wonder if the Kobayashi family is trying to make Saya do something against her will.

I should definitely keep a close eye on Saya whenever I see her again.

"Hey Sora… quick question, where is your sister right now?"

"I honestly don't know; I can shoot her a text if you want to find out though."

"Don't text her. Give me her cell number, I need to talk to her about something."

"It's nothing big, but I need to ask her something in private."

"Uh okay…"

"Tamaki! Do you know who owns this school".

"No… why?"

"I can't tell you right now, but can you look it up for me."

"Fine, only because you asked Makino."

"It says here a man named Sadao Kob-ay."

Sora jumps in.

"Yes, my father owns the school."

"Why did you want to know who owned the school."

"That's none of your business, I don't want my new toy to get hurt."

"Toy! Did you just call me a toy?!"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Sora just trust me, it's for your safety… and especially your sister's safety."

"Stay out of it!"

Does this little punk think he could really stand up to me.

"Remember what I told you before…"

"I kill you, so just mind your business if you want to be safe."

"But if you would prefer someone else to kill ya' go ask your father, I'm sure he'll do it for ya'."

"What the hell did you say? Now you are going to talk shit about my father!"

"He never did anything to ya' nothing at all."

Makino stood his ground, meeting Sora's anger with a calm expression. He knew he had touched a nerve, but he couldn't back down now.

"I don't intend to insult your father, Sora," Makino said, his voice steady. "But there are things you don't know. Things about your family, about your sister."

Sora's fists clenched, his face contorting with a mix of confusion and frustration.

"What are you talking about? What do you know about my family?"

Makino took a deep breath before continuing. "Sora, your sister, Saya... She's being used, manipulated by someone. I've seen signs of it, and I fear for her safety. I don't want her to get hurt, and I don't want you to get caught up in it either."

Sora's anger wavered, replaced by a flicker of concern in his eyes.

"Used? Manipulated? By whom?"

Makino hesitated, knowing the weight of his next words. "Your father, Sadao Kobayashi. He's involved in something dangerous, something that could put both of you in harm's way. I can't reveal everything now, but I need you to trust me."

Sora's gaze hardened once again, a defensive wall rising within him. "You expect me to believe that? My father would never do anything to harm us."

Makino's voice softened. "I understand your loyalty, Sora. But sometimes, even those closest to us can hide dark secrets. I've seen enough to know that Saya is involved in something she doesn't want to be a part of. And if you truly care about her, you should listen and help me protect her."

The room fell into silence as Sora wrestled with his emotions. Makino's words had struck a nerve, and he couldn't deny the growing doubts in his mind. Finally, he spoke, his voice laced with uncertainty.

"What..What do you want me to do?"

Makino's expression softened, relieved that he had managed to break through even a small crack in Sora's defenses. "First, we need to find Saya. We have to confront her together and let her know that she has our support. Maybe she'll open up to us and reveal what's really going on."

Sora nodded, his determination resurfacing. "Alright, I'll help you. But if you're wrong about my father, I won't let you harm our family."

Makino gave a nod of agreement. "I understand your concern, Sora. Our goal is not to harm your family but to ensure their safety. Together, we'll get to the bottom of this and protect Saya."

With a newfound alliance formed, Makino and Sora set out on a mission to find Saya and confront her about the truth behind their family's situation. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to face whatever challenges awaited them.

As they ventured through the school halls, Makino's mind raced with possibilities. What could be the reason behind Saya's secrecy? What kind of power did Sadao Kobayashi hold? The pieces of the puzzle were scattered, and it was up to them to put them together.

Finally, they reached the school's rooftop, a place where Saya often found solace. The wind blew softly, carrying a sense of anticipation as they spotted her standing near the edge, gazing into the distance.

"Saya!" Sora called out, his voice filled with a mix of concern and urgency.

Saya turned around, her eyes widening in surprise as she saw her brother and Makino standing there. "Sora? Makino? What are you doing here?"

Makino stepped forward; his expression determined. "We need to talk, Saya. There are things we've discovered, things that involve your family.

Saya's heart raced as she listened to Makino's words. She had hoped to keep her family's secrets hidden, to protect them from the dangerous world they were entangled in. But it seemed that her efforts were no longer enough. She knew it was time to face the truth, no matter how difficult it might be.

With a deep breath, Saya motioned for them to join her at the edge of the rooftop. The trio stood together, the wind whipping around them, as Saya began to unravel the web of deception that had plagued their lives.

"My family... they're involved in a secret organization," Saya started, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination. "They possess powerful enchantment on magic that grant immense abilities, but these enchantments come with a great cost. They're sought after by dangerous individuals who would stop at nothing to claim them."

Makino and Sora exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and concern.

"Saya… I'm sure I could get you and your family out of whatever trouble you're in."

"But… the one negative factor is that your father would have to die."

Sora jumps in.

"Makino! You said you won't harm my family!"

"That's true.. but if your father is as dangerous as Saya says then he gotta go to the pits of hell or worse."

"Saya do I have your permission."

Saya thinking to herself overwhelmed with the answer she must give.

Is this the right choice? Is this right? Is there no other way?

As tears come down my face I give Makino the answer he was looking for.

"You have my permission to use whatever force necessary."

"Saya what are you doing, he is our father!"

"He is also the enemy Sora, accept it there are no other solutions he gotta go."

"If that's your answer I will be going now Saya… Sora."

"I am sorry for what is about to happen."

"If there are any remains after I am done I will bring them with me. No promises though."

I jump from the top of the school to go look for Tezuka. I wonder if he's in his room. Nah, it's to nice of a day to still be inside.

"Ingrell… open a passage to where Tezuka is."

"My lord here you go."

As I'm walking through the portal a sudden thought occurred, where did I leave Tamaki? Wherever she is she'll be fine.

Tezuka sees a orange glow appear in the bathroom.

"What is that thing, is that a person? Holy shit! Makino what are you doing here I'm using the bathroom.!"

"I need you to drive me to the Kobayashi shrine, and make sure you have a weapon. I'm gonna go get Tamaki."

"Ingrell… portal time."

Tamaki sees the portal open up next to her while she is sitting outside on a bench.

"Hey Makino! You left me on the roof!"

"You were up there with us? I totally thought you were still inside."

"How could you not even realize I was with you… dumbass."

"Hey there was some important stuff going on, give me a break."

"Tezuka is going to come with us to the Kobayashi shrine, we can deal with Saya and Sora's father there."

"Are you actually going to kill him?"

"Look I can already tell you that a fight between the three of us and Sadao will happen… there is no doubt it will happen."

"If he dies… he dies, if he doesn't end up dead then I'm imprisoning him in Grim's void."

"Ya' know Makino, I still don't know anything about Grim's world, but you seem to leave to go there quite a lot."

"Why don't you ever bring me with you… am I that much of a bother?"

"No, it's just that, it's dangerous in there… I don't want you to get hurt."

"What could be so dangerous that you don't want me in there?"

"You know what?!"

"How about this, if you kill Sadao I'll bring you the next time I go. But if I kill him you have to do whatever I say for twenty-four hours."

"Deal! You're on!"

Tezuka finally exists the school and heads over to us.

"Makino, why exactly are we going to the Kobayashi shrine and bring weapons?"

"We have some unspoken business to take care of, let's put it that way."

"Is this about Saya?"

"It's about her and her brother, their father is a dangerous person from what they have told me."

"Supposedly he can enchantment magical abilities, and I don't want that being spread around."

"Imagine something like that getting into the wrong hands, for example what if Yuki had that ability."

"I doubt I would have been able to stop him."

Tezuka nodded in understanding. "I see. So, what's the plan?" Makino laid out the details, explaining their mission to confront Sadao at the Kobayashi shrine. Tezuka listened attentively, nodding as he absorbed the information. "Alright, I'm in," he said finally. "Let's take care of this once and for all." The trio made their way to the shrine, their steps purposeful and their weapons at the ready. Makino's mind raced with anticipation, knowing that the moment they stepped into the shrine, there would be no turning back. As they entered, they saw Sadao standing there, a smirk on his face as he observed them. "Ah, Makino. I was wondering when you would show up," he said. Makino glared at him. "Cut the small talk, Sadao. We're here to put an end to this and protect your children." Sadao's smirk faltered for a moment, his gaze flickering with concern. "Saya and Sora? What do they have to do with this?" Makino stepped forward, his eyes determined. "They have everything to do with this. They deserve a life free from your manipulation and schemes." Sadao's expression hardened. "You think you can save them? You're just a fool meddling in affairs you don't understand." Tezuka stepped forward, his voice firm. "We may not fully understand, but we know enough to know that they deserve better than what you've given them." Makino's gaze never wavered. "Sadao, this ends now. We won't let you harm them any longer." Sadao's face twisted with anger. "You're mistaken if you believe you can stop me. I am their father, and they will obey me." Makino's grip tightened on his weapon. "They are not your possessions. They have the right to live their lives without fear, without being controlled by your dark influence." With determination in their hearts, the battle unfolded, each strike fueled by the desire to protect Saya and Sora from their father's grasp. The outcome of this clash would determine not only the fate of the Kobayashi family but also the possibility of a brighter future for them all.

Makino's magic surged, crackling with raw power as he unleashed his attacks. Tezuka fought with unwavering precision, his blade cutting through the air with deadly accuracy. And in the midst of the chaos, Sadao fought back with an intensity fueled by his own twisted desires. As their powers clashed, the shrine trembled under the strain. Makino gritted his teeth, pushing himself beyond his limits, refusing to yield. He couldn't afford to lose, not when the safety of Saya and Sora hung in the balance. "Sadao Kobayashi!" Makino shouted; his voice filled with determination. "Your reign of darkness ends here! The time for justice has come!" With each strike, Makino felt the weight of his words, the conviction in his heart. The battle raged on, the clash of their powers echoing through the shrine.

"Hey Tamaki! Can you here me.?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Are you not going to honor the deal we just made, because I have and opening."

Tamaki looks on with a focused gaze.

"Oh, don't think I forgot about it, I was just letting you have your fun with him."

"Now it's my turn!"

Tamaki screaming as a dark purple aura erects from her body.

"Watch Makino, I will win against you… I will see this world!"

As Tamaki charges towards Sadao, Sadao quickly vanishes behind Tezuka.

"See it may seem that you have no weaknesses but, your weakness will be each other."

I shout for Grim and Ingrell to jump in.

"Grim! Ingrell! Now!!!

Sadao goes to strike Tezuka but stops right before he connects his attack sensing Grim and Ingrell's presence."

"Really you needed two more, people, creatures… whatever they are just to face me… pathetic."

"You can call me weak but at least I don't rely on false power."

"False power you say, I'd rather have "false power" than be a weakling like you."

"You haven't seen anything yet!"

"Ingrell you go right, Grim you go left."



My whispers from my mouth were one of my favorite magical abilities.

"Flame Control: Reversal"

My body engulfed in my purple and orange flames spreading around the ground surrounding Sadao.

"Do you see it now; this is the reality you will never have."

As Grim and Ingrell charge towards Sadao, a flash of dark purple zips across my face.

With the next the I see being Tamaki holding Sadao's head in her arms.

"I told you Makino… I will win."

"Tamaki, that was incredibly dangerous… were you not aware of the fact that I had my flames surrounding him."

"Plus, Grim and Ingres were charging at him."

"Look I saw the opportunity and took it; I couldn't let you have all the fun."

"Now I get to travel to the other dimension with you!"

"Tezuka, you hear this crazy bastard over here… Tezuka."

I rush over to Tezuka as he hasn't moved since Sadao almost connected with him.

"Hey Tezuka… are you ok?"

His face pale and eyes bloodshot as if he had seen death.

"Tamaki! Get over here now, we need to get Tezuka back to the school now!"

"No playing around."

"Ingrell, portal now!"

"Yes master."

"Tamaki let's go!"

We leave through the portal entering the school's nurse's office.

"Miss, we need to get Tezuka help now!"

"We need help in here… quick!"

More doctors come on out to help.

"Do whatever you must do to help him, he was nearly killed, and he's been like that since."

"We understand… we'll make sure he is fine; we'll give you a call when he is stable."


"Tamaki, come on… we have to go."

"Tezu… Tezuka."

Tamaki in disbelief seeing how Tezuka was so easily nearly killed.

"Tamaki! Look he will be fine! I trust they will do everything in their power to help him."

"Toru, are you sure… Chisa I'm sure he'll be fine."

I placed a reassuring hand on Tamaki's shoulder. "Tamaki, we have to believe in Tezuka's strength. He's a resilient fighter, and the medical team will do everything they can to save him. Let's have faith in their abilities."

Tamaki's eyes welled up with tears, a mix of worry and relief.

"You're right, Makino. Tezuka is strong, and we have to trust that he'll pull through."

Suddenly, an idea struck me.

"Tamaki, I have a way to bring us to Saya and Sora. Hold my hand, and we'll use my portals to reach them."

Confusion mixed with hope flickered in Tamaki's eyes as she tightly gripped my hand. I focused my energy, summoning the power of portals that I had mastered over time. An orange-hued portal materialized before us, shimmering with otherworldly energy.

We exit the portal leading us to Saya and Sora talking about if we were going to survive facing off against their father.

"Hey Saya, Sora… Tamaki and I have brought you a little present."

Tamaki revealing Sadao Kobayashi's head to Saya and Sora.

Sora looking saddened by what he has seen, while Saya comes over to Tamaki and I giving us a giant huge.

"Thank you, you guys."

"No one got hurt right?"

"Unfortunately Tezuka is out of commission, no physical damage but I think he saw something when your father was going to attack him."

"No… no… no, that's not good my father has put Tezuka into a situation where his mind is stuck replaying his worst memories."

"The medical team is working on helping him, I'm sure Tezuka will be fine he's quite the tough guy."

"That may be true but when he awakes from the state he is in it won't be good."

"Tezuka, has had quite the rough childhood as well."

"It's up to you to deal with what comes next only the people he trusts can do this."

Peaceful people have dark pasts.

IzumiKoshirocreators' thoughts