
Shadowed Enchantment

シャドウドエンチャントメント (Shadowed Enchantment) I, Makino Toru and I've always been no good at talking to people. I had no friends until the day I decided to end my life. But as I was about to jump off the bridge, two mysterious figures appeared and saved me. They turned out to be students from the student council who help students who are about to give up on life. They offered to take me under their wing and show me how to live life to the fullest. I agreed, but as I woke up from passing out in their car, I found myself drugged and in an unfamiliar room with three strangers. One of them said, "So, you are the one we have to fix."

IzumiKoshiro · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 4: Rest

It's now ten o'clock May 13th when I am waking up from my long night with Tamaki.

I start to hear footsteps come towards the room.

"Knock, knock."

"Come in."

Once the door opens, I see Tezuka with a smile on his face.

"Morning Tamaki! Oh, Makino you are in here too. I thought you would have gone to another room, after you and Tamaki talked about whatever you did."

"Yeah, but she allowed me to sleep in here, as you can see, she is still sleeping."

"Did you guys do anything indecent last night."

I quickly look away with me face beat red thinking about last night.

"No-no why do you ask that."

"Tamaki doesn't allow people in her room usually, so whenever she does the person is very special to her."

"Not to be rude but, just how many people has Tamaki had over?"

"Go ask her, it's not a weird thing to ask."

"If that's what you think, you might actually be the weird one."

"Well, what did you want Tezuka?"

"I was gonna ask Tamaki and you if you guys were up for some coffee."

Coffee doesn't sound so bad right now. Especially after last night I'm a bit tired.

"Alright I'll take you up on the offer let me go wake Tamaki. By the way please don't drug me this time."

"I won't drug you."

"See ya' in a bit."

Okay! Now to go wake Tamaki, I wonder if she actually enjoyed last night. I mean she is still sleeping, but ever since I met her, she's always been like that.

I open the door seeing Tamaki still sleeping.

I get closer to her to wake her up.

"Hey Tamaki, Tamaki! Wake up or I'm not going to have fun with you again tonight."

Tamaki's eyes slowly start to open.

"Makino, I thought I told you to call me by my first name."

"Sorry, Chisa."

"Good boy, Toru."

"Wanna go get some coffee with Tezuka and I."

"That sounds good, you had me up almost all night. I couldn't believe how good you were."

I'm now looking away while blushing. Chisa really has a grip on me.

I can't let there be any detractions getting in my way for my goals I must accomplish to rule this place.

"Alright let's get going Tezuka is waiting for us."

"Oh, by the way, Chisa um are we like together now."

"I don't know Toru… you had me up all night in a "chokehold."

"Please don't make it sound like that."

"Toru, what am I making it sound like? That's exactly what happened while we were having se…"

"I got your point Chisa let's get going."

Chisa and I make our way to the cafeteria where Tezuka is at with our coffee.

"I've never been to this part so "big girl" why don't, you show me the way."

"Toru you naughty boy. You really are trying to pick up from last night."

"Maybe so but, maybe I ought to show you more respect."

"I see the direction you are trying to go Toru and I like it."

"You win."

"By the way don't use first names around Tezuka, I don't want him to know that we a seeing each other."

"Why not?"

"Just listen to me."

I grab Chisa by the waste and give her a big kiss before entering the cafeteria.

"Think of that till' later."

Tezuka looked up from his coffee with a smile as we walked in. I couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed knowing that he knew we had spent the night together.

"So, Tezuka are there any other threats that will be a problem, just like Yuki because if so, it's going to be extremely stressful."

"Who knows, I'm still yet to even see the other two around Ishikawa and Kobayashi."

"Ishikawa is normally in here around this time too. I couldn't possibly k or where they are at right now."

"One thing is certain and that's, that we need to find Ishikawa since she tried to kill you."

"That's true but I think that Yuki had her under some sort of spell."

Tamaki grabbing my sleeve.

"We will find that bitch! I will not let her even lay one finger on you Makino."

"I can see you two have gotten closer since last night."

"Are you sure nothing happened Makino?"

"Maybe something did, maybe something didn't. It's not like it's your business to know."

"Makino, I didn't know you let your pet talk for you."

"Tezuka watch, your mouth. I don't want to have to hurt you."

"Hurt me, that's funny."

Tezuka looked at me with a smirk on his face, clearly amused by the tension in the room. Tamaki glared at him, but I could tell that he was also relieved to have someone else to focus his anger on.

Suddenly, the door burst open and in walked Ishikawa, her eyes wild and her hair disheveled. She looked around the room, her gaze falling on me and Tamaki.

"You!" she snarled, slowly walking towards us with her blade in hand.

"Grim, come forth."

The rift opens up right on the table with Grim ready with his scythe in hand.

"Makino it's that woman."

"The one that made us retreat."

"I want to kill her."

"Hold on Grim, let's she what she wants."

"Makino! Where is Yuki! Where is he!"

I look at her ready to tell her what has happened.

"He's dead… I killed him."

"You should have your memories back, so you know exactly why I had to kill him."

"Even so…"

Tamaki jumps into the argument that is occurring.

"Look I don't know who's side you are on, but you better make your choice very quickly."

"I will not hesitate to fight."

"Tamaki calm down there is no need for bloodshed. I want to finally "rest."

"Ever since I met any of you my life has been a nonstop battle… so please for one day let me have that."

My mind constantly going insane while trying to figure out why Ishikawa is here and wanting to maintain some type of peace.

"Ishikawa… speak."

"I just wanted to know exactly where Yuki has gone, but you say he is dead."

"Can you show me where you left his body so I can bury him?"

"No… I cannot."

"You can't! Why!"

"During our fight there was nothing left of Yuki to exist."

"You are more than welcome to go to the student council room to say goodbye to him though."

"I'm sure his pile of ash is still there in the middle of the room."

"Ash! You turned him into ash."

"I thought that you were weak to magic and had no skill."

"I thought the same."

"Now please leave us be, I just wanted to enjoy a drink with my friends."

"Whatever… but don't think that this will be the last time you see me."

"This isn't over."

Ishikawa angrily leaving the room, while I have a smirk on my face.

As soon as she was gone, the room fell silent once more. Grim vanished into the rift, leaving just the three of us together again.

"That was intense," Tamaki said, breaking the silence.

"You're telling me," I replied, taking a deep breath.

We sat in silence for a few moments, both lost in our own thoughts. Finally, I spoke up.

"I wonder what she'll do next," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Tamaki looked at me with a serious expression. "We'll be ready for whatever comes next," she said, her voice filled with determination.

I nodded, knowing that Tamaki was right. Whatever came our way, we would face it.

Tezuka, who had been silent this whole time, spoke up.

"You know, Makino, I may have underestimated you. You're a lot tougher than you look."

I raised an eyebrow at him, surprised by his admission.

"Thanks, I guess?"

"Don't get too cocky, though," Tezuka added with a grin. "I'm still not convinced you can handle yourself in a real fight."

I rolled my eyes at Tezuka's comment.

"Well, luckily for me, I don't need your approval," I replied, trying not to let his words get to me.

Tamaki spoke up, sensing the tension in the air. "Hey, why don't we change the subject?" she suggested. "I heard there's going to be a school festival soon. Have you guys decided on what to do for it?"

Tezuka shrugged. "I don't really care about that kind of stuff. But I heard they're doing a battle tournament, and I'm definitely signing up for that."

"A battle tournament?" I repeated, intrigued. "That could be interesting."

A place for me to show off some of my old techniques, nothing to big but not to small too. I like that, a great idea indeed.

"Count me in guys! I'll join in but Tamaki must be on my side."

Tezuka looks at me with one of his sarcastic smirks.

"Fine may the best win!"

Tamaki pulls me over to the side.

"Toru… are we still going to keep on having fun together."

"Of course we will."

"I'm never going I'm never going to leave your side Chisa."

"How about when we are done here, we go have some fun."

"I like the sound of that."

"Tezuka we are going to head out, let's start training soon."

"Okay! I'll see you guys later."

As we leave the cafeteria I lift Chisa carrying her back to her room.

"Let's have some fun… Chisa."


As the day of the tournament approached, Makino found himself growing more and more anxious. He had never fought in a competition before, and the thought of revealing his true strength to others made him uneasy.

He spent his days practicing in secret, honing his techniques and preparing himself for what was to come. He also struggled to keep his mental instability hidden, fearing that it would be exposed in the heat of battle.

On the day of the tournament, Makino arrived at the arena with Tamaki by his side. Tezuka was already there, his arrogant grin in place as he watched the other competitors arrive.

Makino could feel the eyes of the other fighters on him, sizing him up and judging him. He tried to keep his nerves in check as he made his way to the registration desk, signing himself and Tamaki up for the tournament.

As the first round began, Makino found himself facing off against a formidable opponent. The two of them circled each other, both waiting for the other to make a move.

Makino was surprised by the rush of adrenaline that surged through him as the battle began. His instincts kicked in, and he found himself moving faster and striking harder than he ever had before.

As the fight continued, I felt myself losing control. My mind raced, and I struggled to keep my mental instability hidden. I could feel my grip on reality slipping away, and he knew that he was on the verge of losing control.

But then I heard Tamaki's voice, calling out to him from the sidelines.

"Makino! You got this."

Her words were a soothing balm to my frayed nerves, and I felt myself calming down. I took a deep breath and refocused his energy, determined to win the fight.

In the end, I emerged victorious, much to the surprise of his opponent and everyone else in the crowd.

"Even the weak should try, may they know they will not win."

"You put up a good fight, may you please tell me your name."

"My name is Sora Kobayashi."

"Kobayashi where have I heard that before."

I remember when I first met the student council.

"Kobayashi! Are you related to that girl in the student council?"

"You mean my sister, Saya Kobayashi. Yeah I am."

"Why do you know her?"

"No, I've seen her briefly though, I heard that she is "quite the mystery."

"Yeah she is…"

"Well I got to go I'll see you later."

"Get strong."

"Good luck."

I gotta get back to Tamaki before Tezuka's matches start.

"Hey Tamaki! I'm back."

"I told you to call me by my first name."

"We are in public so I will not, I told you that I will only call you that when we are alone."

Tamaki with a pouty face.

"Fine, be like that."

I come closer to her ear.

"Chisa, we can't do this here."


"Yes, much better."

"Look Tezuka is fighting."

Makino and Tamaki watched as Tezuka easily defeated his opponents, his skill and power on full display. They knew that they would eventually have to face him, and they were determined to come out on top.

Finally, it was time for the final round, and Makino found himself facing off against Tezuka.

The two of them stood across from each other, both ready for the fight of their lives.

The battle was fierce, with both fighters giving it their all. Makino used his agility and speed to avoid Tezuka's powerful attacks, while Tezuka used his brute strength to try and overpower Makino. As the fight went on, Makino felt his mental instability creeping back in.

He struggled to keep it at bay, but he knew that he was losing control. But then, he heard Tamaki's voice again, calling out to him. "Makino! Don't give up now, you've got this!" Her words gave him the strength he needed to push through.

He took a deep breath and refocused his energy, determined to win the fight. In the end, Makino emerged victorious, much to the surprise of everyone in the crowd, including Tezuka. "Well done, Makino," Tezuka said, a small smile on his face. "You're a lot tougher than I gave you credit for." Makino grinned back at him. "Thanks, Tezuka. It was a good fight." Tamaki ran over to Makino, throwing her arms around him in a hug. "I knew you could do it!" she said, her eyes shining with pride. Makino hugged her back, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him.

He had faced his fears and come out on top, and he knew that he had Tamaki to thank for it. As the tournament came to a close, Makino realized that he had come a long way since he first arrived at the school.

He had found friends, faced his fears, and discovered a strength within himself that he never knew existed. And as he looked out at the cheering crowd, he knew that this was only the beginning.

After the tournament, Makino sat down with Tezuka and Tamaki to talk about how they had brought him to the school. "I never really got the chance to thank you two properly," he said, looking at them both gratefully.

"If it weren't for you, I'd be dead right now."

Tamaki smiled at him warmly. "We saw something in you that made us believe you had the potential to be great," she said. "And we were right. You proved that today."

Tezuka nodded in agreement. "We're proud of you, Makino," he said. "You've come a long way since you first arrived here. We knew you had it in you all along."

Makino felt a surge of emotion welling up inside of him. He had never had anyone believe in him the way Tezuka and Tamaki did. They had seen something in him that he couldn't see in himself, and they had helped him unlock his true potential.

As they sat there talking, Makino realized that he had finally found a place where he belonged. He had found friends who believed in him and a community that he could call his own. And as he looked out at the school grounds, he knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

From that day forward, Makino continued to train hard and push himself to be the best he could be. He knew that he had a lot to learn, but he was determined to keep improving and growing stronger.

And as he walked through the halls of the school, he knew that he had a bright future ahead of him. He had found his place in the world, and he was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Grim, come out."

"Yes master."

"Is the world coming together nicely in their?"

"Yes, my master."

"Good, it's all going exactly how I expected."

"If you would excuse me for one moment master, it would be a lot easier and quicker if I had help."

"If you think it would go faster then I shall get you some help."

"Come forward, Ingrell."

"This blazing creature will help you Grim. His name is Ingrell and he shall help you execute my new world."

"I see so you had this up yourselves the whole time, and never thought to offer me help."

"Well if you put it that way."

"Master you truly don't know how to think sometimes."

"Aye, watch that mouth of yours, both of you go get to work."

Ingrell and Grim both leave through the rift and proceed to work on my new world project.

"I will rule this world even if it kills me."

I see Sora in the distance walking all by himself.

"Hey Sora, what ya' doin all by yourself. You don't have any friends?"

"No I don't unfortunately, all because of my sister always over shadowing me."

"I understand how that could be difficult."

"Why don't you come take a walk with me, I'm going to meet up with my friends."

"I don't know if I should, am I allowed."

"By the way I did lie to you about not knowing your sister. I didn't want to scare you away."

"No worries, I'm just happy you acknowledged me."

"Oh okay."

"Well let's go, we don't want to be late."

"Tamaki will kick my ass again, and I really wouldn't want that."

"Who's Tamaki."

"She's my partner… my partner for life, but that's a secret so you must keep that… okay."

"Cause if you don't I'll have to kill ya."

"You'll kill me."

"You bet I will, you wouldn't be the first so please keep that little mouth shut."

A bento box sounds really good right now.

IzumiKoshirocreators' thoughts