
Shadowed Enchantment

シャドウドエンチャントメント (Shadowed Enchantment) I, Makino Toru and I've always been no good at talking to people. I had no friends until the day I decided to end my life. But as I was about to jump off the bridge, two mysterious figures appeared and saved me. They turned out to be students from the student council who help students who are about to give up on life. They offered to take me under their wing and show me how to live life to the fullest. I agreed, but as I woke up from passing out in their car, I found myself drugged and in an unfamiliar room with three strangers. One of them said, "So, you are the one we have to fix."

IzumiKoshiro · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 3: Sides

As the rift opened up for us to return to the real world, I noticed Tezuka and Tamaki standing talking trying to figure out what had just occurred.

Tezuka was the first to speak, "Makino, what's going on? We felt a powerful surge of energy and then suddenly you disappeared with that creature."

"That "creature" saved my life his name is Grim, and he is my summon."

"Anyways, where did Yuki and Ishikawa disappear to, we still have some unsettled business to handle with them."

Tamaki rebuffs, "Why would we tell you; we don't even know what's going on and we don't even know why Yuki and you were fighting!"

"Tamaki, you gotta trust me! Yuki is a dangerous person."

"So, what! How do we know that you are not the enemy?"

"You' know that you are still as annoying as ever. How would you like me to prove my innocence to you?"

"Let me think! Give me that blade you are holding, and you will have my trust."

"Are you even capable of holding your own blade? My blade is pretty heavy and not of this world."

"Shut up, you brat!"

"Of course, I can handle holding it I'm not weak after all."

"Be my guest, little girl."

As Tamaki goes in to pick up Makino's blade, she feels a sense of shock once she touches the handle."

"Why can't I lift this thing, it looks so light, but it won't even budge."

Tezuka standing by laughs at Tamaki's failure to take the blade."

"What's so funny! Huh, if you think this is so funny how bout' you try to lift it."

"I'm sure I can lift it, you're just to small compared to Makino and I."

"I'm not small, it's just that blade has so much power in it, I'm unable to even lift it."

"Watch as the strong lifts this with ease, little girl!"

Tezuka grabs the handle of the blade successfully lifting it high above his head, just for the blade to come flying down back into the ground, as if the blade was being dragged directly into the earth.

"What is wrong with this blade."

"Look I told the both of you that it was a heavy blade, with that said I was willing to let you guys take it, shouldn't that be enough to gain your trust."

Tezuka and Tamaki come together and determine that they will pick Makino's side and trust him.

"Fine, Makino we will trust you, but one wrong choice and we will not hesitate to cut you down."

"I understand, I won't let you down!"

Makino feels a heavy glance from behind him shouting, "is that you, Yuki or perhaps Ishikawa."

"Wow.. for someone who isn't familiar with magic, you where able to sense me perfectly."

"Well I did train for a bit before your catalyst decided to reset me." By the way, where is your highness anyways I'm sure he's around here."

"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't I'm just here to deliver a message from him."

"A message, a fucking message that's all I get out of him. He resets me to the point where I started, right when I feel that life worth living and that's all I get!"

"A message."

"Look I'm just the messenger here, I have no intention on fighting right now."

Tezuka and Tamaki look cautious while I have my interaction with Ishikawa.

Makino shakes his head signifying that everything will be fine.

"Whatever you say, what has he said?"

This is getting annoying, I don't even know what I should do. Yuki practically owns the school, I can't even get close to him with an interference.

"Makino… Makino!"

"Oh, my bad I was zoning out."

"Go on."

"Ok this message states, "Hey Makino, just wanted to give you a friendly reminder that if you decide to not return to school, I and the rest of the Dark Chamber will be after you. I'd hate for anything bad to happen to you, so make sure you don't try to make a run for it. Cheers! Makino-kun."

"For collateral, we will be taking Tamaki back and you won't be seeing her until you return."

Tezuka sees a quick flash as if someone just took off with Tamaki.

"Who is there, where's Tamaki?"

Those bastards! Thinking they can do what ever they want, I'll show them how far I will go to kill Yuki.

"Tezuka, Yuki and the "dark chamber" said they are taking Tamaki as collateral until I return to the school."

"Makino! Let's go, we have to go get her I may be "apart" of the dark chamber but I'm not "apart" of the dark chamber, who knows what they will do to her we gotta go."

Tezuka slows down, you barely even know what's going on, and you want to jump right into the battlefield."

"Hey grim are you there?"

"My master, what do you require!"

"Do you think that you might be able to share my memories with Tezuka? I don't want to waste time that could be used on facing off against Yuki."

"I can... but you both must have a large amount of mana so I can make this happen."

"That shouldn't be any problem, Tezuka was able to lift the blade you had created for me."

"Very well then, he must be strong if he is capable of lifting an item not of this world."

"Let's begin."

Grim then creates a magic circle with his scythe and makes Tezuka and I stand in it to start the memory share chant, "Let the past be unveiled, all forgotten memories to be detailed. With this spell, I make it so, Memories once lost, now aglow."

Grim in doubt wondering if his spell worked.

"Makino are you ok? I felt that take a abundance amount of mana from you."

Makino smirks.

"I'm fine, Grim go check on Tezuka and make sure he isn't dead we still need him alive."

"As you wish my amoral master, he's alive what should we do now?"

"Wake him, let's get this over with I no longer want to entertain Yuki."

Tezuka wakes from being unconscious seeing Makino and Grim waiting for him.

"Makino, I now see what has happened, Yuki has a power to reset someone to a point in time he desires."

"That's exactly what happened, so you are all caught up to speed now right?"


With Tezuka now caught up with what has happened to Makino, and the current situation at hand. The team makes their way under the school to face off against Yuki.

"Tezuka here we are, back at those doors."

"Are you sure you are ready Makino? You still don't have nearly enough experience using magic, especially to go against Yuki."

"I will be fine, back when I was with Grim in his dimension, he gave me that blade you and Tamaki tried to hold."

"Plus, I have you and Grim by my side if things go south."

Tezuka, Grim, and I enter the room where I first encountered Yuki and the other members of the dark chamber. Yuki waiting in his chair just like our first encounter, speaking in a dull voice.

"Makino-kun, I see you have decided to come to end this. You know I can just reset you if I please to do so, right?"

"I'm sure you could if I weren't right in front of you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that you aren't able to reset me."

"I had come to realize something when you reset me, I was in a room with no windows or opens and I was about to go sleep."

"You can only use that power when your foe has not made contact with you. You had so much time to reset me from the moment we met but, I was always with Tezuka or Tamaki, so you never had the chance to do so."

"But when I was all alone you decided to pounce."

"Oh... oh Makino you have it all wrong, I just wanted to see the happiness you were slowly gaining drain from your heart and soul."

Yuki with a big smug grin starts to laugh.

"Heh hahahaha! I can't believe you were the poor excuse that actually excepted our "help." No one in this world actually wants to help others succeed or find their place in this universe."

"Hell! I get pleasure out of seeing the pain on people's faces."

"My power which you think you have figured out, doesn't have the weakness you think, even I don't truly know if it even has any weaknesses."

"Why, I've been waiting so long to use that ability since I learned that technique, that I had to use it on someone that was all depressed and innocent like you."

Tezuka in awe from the vial things Yuki has spoken.

"Makino didn't ask for any of this and you go ahead and make him feel like a toy!"

"I'm sick of this game."

"Makino if you are ready, I'm ready too!"

I moved so quickly that no one was able to see me, not even Yuki. As I flashed right behind Yuki's chair, I was ready to begin the fight.

In a soft calm voice, I had started the battle.

"Flame Control: BLITZ."

Those were the words that whispered from my mouth as my fist ripped through Yuki's back appearing on the other side facing Tezuka.

"Yuki, with a smug grin, turned to face me. "I see you've finally decided to fight back. You should know that it's futile. My power is unmatched."

"I don't care," I said, my voice cold and determined. "I won't let you hurt anyone else."

Yuki chuckled. "You don't understand, Makino-kun. You're just a pawn in this game. You have no power, no control."

"Maybe not before," I said. "But things are different now. I have friends who believe in me. And I won't let you hurt them either."

"Oh, is that so, how about' you go take a look over there."

Yuki points to the darkest corner of the room where we see Tamaki holding her left arm in her hand.

"Oh shit! Tamaki! You bastard, you are going to pay for this!"

"There it is the pain and anger I so long to see, the pleasure I am feeling right now is almost enough to make me cry of happiness."

Tezuka becoming enveloped in rage getting ready to unsheathe his sword.

Tezuka… I will handle this; you go help Tamaki.

"Manifest… GRIM."

"My master how shall I help?"

"Go stay with Tezuka and help Tamaki recover, I will finish off Kazura Yuki."

"As you wish, my master."

"Ahh Kazura, my first name I have not heard that in such a long time, so how the hell did you find that out… Toru Makino."

"Oh, nothing really it may just turn out that Tezuka may or may not have known it."

"After I finish killing you, I'm going to finish off your little friends over there."

"If that's what you stay, I'm sure you won't even be able to get past Grim."

"Are we just going to continue to talk or are we going to fight anytime soon. You've already lost a mass amount of blood duo to the whole in your body."

"You want a fight; I'll give you a fight."

Yuki stood up from his chair, his expression turning serious.

"Fine. If you want to die, I'll give you the fight you desire."

Yuki charged towards me with incredible speed, his movements erratic and unpredictable. I dodged his attacks, countering with my own spells, trying to land a hit. Yuki was clearly skilled in combat, but I had an advantage – my determination to end this once and for all.

I noticed the wound I had inflicted on Yuki earlier, and it seemed to have slowed him down a bit. Taking advantage of the opening, I charged at him, my hands glowing with magic energy. Yuki met my attack with a fierce blow, but I managed to dodge it by a hair's breadth.

I saw an opportunity to use the dark blade Grim had given me. I called out to it, and it appeared in my hand, pulsing with dark energy. I knew that it was a dangerous weapon, but I had no other choice. I swung it towards Yuki, and it cut through the air with a terrifying speed.

Yuki managed to block the attack, but the force of the impact knocked him off his feet. I followed up with a barrage of small spells Tezuka taught me, trying to keep him down. But Yuki was no pushover – he managed to evade most of my attacks, countering with his own.

We clashed for what felt like hours, neither of us able to gain the upper hand. But I refused to give up – I had to end this. I saw an opening, and I charged at Yuki with all my might, Flame Control: CHECKMATE."

I look at Yuki in the white eyes and start laughing as flames engulfed Yuki burning his whole body.

"You see Yuki, you may have never knew this but I have used magic way before I met anyone of you."

"Back before I killed my parents, they used to have books filled with spells and when they weren't around I would go read them, so when the time came and I went to try out the spells out my parents had gotten home."

"So I decided who would be the best people to try these spells out on but my parents."

"You may have thought you were evil, but let me tell you. You and I are not the same you're evil, and I'm insane maybe in the next life we could be buddies. But as if today you turn to ash."

"Now perish."

"Grim come here."

"Restore the magical powers I once had."

"Master… are you sure, that's not a good idea to restore them all at once."

"You're body will crumble along with your mind."

"Fine, restore whatever fire abilities I had back from ten years ago."

I can feel this sensation of being powerful enough to do anything I want to. Nothing is going to stand in my way from getting me what I want.

"Master, I must wait until you recover the mana you lost with the fight against Yuki, it's to dangerous to do so with you running on empty."

"GRIM!" I said to restore them didn't I."

"Master I mustn't you are out of mana, unless you want to look like Yuki, you must wait until your mana recovers."

Tezuka and Tamaki walk over to Grim and I.

"Makino, that way very impressive I would have never thought you can take down Yuki all by yourself."

"Yeah it surprised me that I had enough power to take him down and kill him."

"Shorty are you ok!"

"I'll let it slide this time Makino, but stop calling me shorty! I should be fine although I am missing an arm now."

"When my mana recovers, I will restore your arm Tamaki. I can't bare to look at you while missing an arm."

"Makino, that is a low blow you already made fun of me and you had to go ahead and double down on it."

"Indeed I did."

"Well let's get out of here before the others return."

"Fine, let's go"

"I'm crashing in your room Tamaki, I need sleep."

"How long was I fight for."

Tezuka with a chuckle, "Makino you were fighting for a total of three hours. It's now one o'clock in the morning."

"Let's go guys carry me like the king I am."

Every starts to laugh seeing how exhausted I am and at my attempt to lighten the mood.

"We're here Makino."

"I'm going to stick around with Makino, Tezuka you can head back to your room."

"Alright, have a goodnight you two."

Tamaki and I both scream down the hall to Tezuka "goodnight!"

"Tamaki I wanna get some rest ok."

"Makino can we talk, about earlier? About what happened during the fight with Yuki."

"Fine… lay it on me what's bothering you?"

Shit! Did she see me laughing and gloating to Yuki about my past and how I'm a messed up person.

"Makino, what you did was very impressive on how you handled Yuki. But I thought you had no knowledge of magic."

"Wait a minute, do you remember everything from before I got reset."

"You know my head has been spinning since Yuki died, yeah."

"You must have gotten your memories back, because I never told you I had no knowledge of magic in this universe."

"Makino! Stop side tracking, how did you do it."

Tamaki comes over to the bed and sits on my chest as if she is trying her hardest to get information out of me.

"Makino-kun, come on tell me how you did it."

Tamaki then reaches forward towards my face and starts to kiss me.

Tamaki continues to kiss my continuously for the next five to seven minutes. What is this feeling is this what is called "love."

"Tamaki… what is this."

"Makino-kun, wanna do it."

"Do what?"

What could she possibly want to do with me I'm all tried and she's all over me.

"Makino-kun do you want to have something that is called s-e-x."

"I know what sex is Tamaki! Are you sure you want to do something like that with me.."

"Look Makino, I'm asking this once do you want to do it? This is my reward to you, as for you saving my life and for you restoring my arm on the way here."

"Why not come here Tamaki."

As we shut the lights Tamaki rips whatever is left of my clothes and gets underneath the blankets."

"Tamaki, one last time are you sure about this."

"Makino-kun, call me by my first name Chisa."

"Then call me by my name too, Toru."


"Toru-Kun, I love you."

Who else likes wasabi!

IzumiKoshirocreators' thoughts