
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

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31 Chs


Since the rise of the human race in the central continent, human history could be summarized by the ascent and fall of the Quiros civilization. The Quiros were noted as the creators of the first human kingdom. They were also the pioneers in forming the Mage Forces, marking the genesis of mage associations.

However, their rise wasn't beneficial for other tribes. The Quiros kingdom implemented a strategy to capture young talented mages from other tribes, brainwashing them to obey the kingdom, then utilizing them to expand its territories.

With this strategy, one by one, tribes were conquered, and the Quiros kingdom continued expanding until it encountered Arkmenom in the west, Orcs in the northern continent, the Monster Kingdom in the eastern continent, and Devils in the southern continent.

Although contributing significantly to human territorial expansion, the Quiros kingdom treated other ethics arbitrarily; almost all other ethics were considered slaves, except those with mage talents.

Resistance against the Quiros persisted until their eventual downfall. Their kingdom shattered, and the central territories they occupied were taken over by other kingdoms. The Quiros, now faced with the same discrimination as other ethics, except for those with mage abilities.

Dreimus, a small kingdom nestled among larger ones, had a population of 7 million, with about 5 million Quiros and the rest was Clavenish. Surprisingly, the Claven, a minority, became the ruling class in this kingdom.

The royal family and many influential figures were Clavenish. Rules were imposed, prohibiting Quiros descendants from marrying Clavenish, among other restrictions limiting Quiros' political rights.

Centuries of oppression and discrimination made the Quiros accustomed to their plight. As long as they could feed themselves, they refrained from causing trouble. The glory of the Ancient Quiros Kingdom faded into oblivion. Yet, as a resilient people, they would eventually rise again; a mere spark was needed to ignite their flame.

"…We've endured humiliation for centuries, never treated as human, scorned, insulted, marginalized. Will we continue to stay silent? Don't you want to see a brighter future for our children? It's time for us to rise; it's time for us to fight back!..."

Hank Xin listened to the impassioned speech delivered by a young Quiros individual. The spirited speech sparked whispers and shouts of agreement among the other Quiros. The village buzzed with fervor because of the young man's speech.

Hank knew the young man belonged to the Quiros Independence Organization. Formed around three years ago, the organization was immediately labeled as terrorists by the Dreimus Kingdom. Those who met with them had to report to the local city security forces.

Initially rejected by Quiros accustomed to peace, the organization's unexpected members were all skilled in combat. Consequently, most of the time, it was the city security forces that were defeated.

After much persuasion, the Quiros people began joining and supporting this organization to fight against the Dreimus Kingdom. Chaos ensued, and in recent years, in response to the rampant unrest, the Dreimus Kingdom responded aggressively.

Massacres were carried out by the Dreimus Kingdom against anyone associated with or aiding the organization. In the past month alone, over 10,000 people were killed under the accusation of being part of the organization.

Seeing such fierce resistance, the independence organization redirected its targets to various villages inaccessible to security forces. Now, after developing for so long, the independence organization began planning a large-scale movement set to start tomorrow.

A while later, the young man finished his speech. Hank approached him, extending his hand.

"I'm Hank Xin, the village head here."

"I'm Loyd Deng, a member of the Quiros Independence Organization. Nice to meet you."

Hank inquired about his concerns, "Does the organization have a solid plan? If we fail, millions of Quiros people will be victims."

Loyd nodded, "We do, and we've considered various aspects like the Mage Association, intervention by other kingdoms, and so on. Essentially, there's a good plan in place; you just need to follow it."

"Alright then, let's fight for Quiros' freedom!"

"Quiros freedom!"

The next day, chaos spread throughout the entire Dreimus Kingdom. Quiros people swiftly took control of various cities. They raided weapon warehouses, disabled city security forces, and seized government buildings.

These actions were executed simultaneously by the Quiros Independence Organization. This chaos quickly angered King Belleron II.

"You useless! Gather all our forces and exterminate these rebels! Show no mercy, cut them all down!"

One of the ministers immediately left to carry out the king's orders. Another minister asked the king, "Should we contact the Clavender Kingdom and the Mage Association?"

"Of course, we need to eliminate these rebels as soon as possible!"

The Clavender Kingdom was a large kingdom situated in the western part of the Dreimus Kingdom. Unlike Dreimus, where Clavenish were a minority, the Clavender Kingdom had around 45 million inhabitants, 90% of whom were Clavenish. Because both kingdoms were led by the same ethnicity, the relationship between Dreimus and Clavender was excellent.

Following the king's command, a messenger mounted a horse and rode through forests and hills towards the Clavender Kingdom. Suddenly, amidst the dense woods, an arrow swiftly flew towards the messenger. It pierced the messenger's neck before he could evade the attack.

The messenger's body fell from the horse, while the horse ran aimlessly.

Moments later, a young man emerged from the woods, wearing a smiling rabbit mask. He walked over, picked up the fallen letter, and read its contents. After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems I've got the right person. It would be quite troublesome if the Clavender Kingdom got involved. I must report this to the leader."

In the end, due to the slain messenger, aid from the Clavender Kingdom never arrived, and the Mage Association declined involvement in Dreimus Kingdom's internal affairs. Meanwhile, the small mage forces serving the Dreimus Kingdom were stopped by Quiros mages.

The royal family and various Dreimus Kingdom officials were imprisoned, and power in the Dreimus Kingdom was seized. Once again, humanity was poised to face an era of change.