
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

Daoist6B2k5n · Fantasy
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31 Chs

The First War

Kaiwu gazed upon the chaos-stricken City of Alven. He sighed and closed the window. He then turned to look at two figures wearing masks of a dog and a fox. The one in the dog mask was a man, evident from his height, hairstyle, and the prominent muscles in his arms. Meanwhile, the figure in the fox mask was a woman with a well-defined figure, even beneath her large black cloak.

About 4 years ago, Kaiwu, a Class A mage, met the figure behind the dog mask who called himself Mighty Dog. Mighty Dog was just an ordinary person, but he had given Kaiwu a brilliant idea: to seize control of the Dreimus Kingdom.

Initially, Kaiwu had many doubts about the plan. However, slowly persuaded by Mighty Dog, he became intrigued. With Mighty Dog and his colleagues from the Beast Star organization, they began forming the Quiros Independence Organization. The plan progressed until finally, the Dreimus Kingdom was on the brink of collapse.

"Isn't it time you introduce yourself and explain Beast Star's goals?" Kaiwu asked.

"Revolution. We believe in the need for unity among humanity. The pressure faced by border countries against foreign races is immense, while other countries not in crisis are decaying."

Kaiwu furrowed his brow. Unity among humanity? No government in this world would agree to that! As far as he knew, there were a few people in the International Mage Association supporting unity among humanity.

"Are you from the Association?" Kaiwu asked.

"If I said yes, would you believe it?" Despite being concealed by the mask, Kaiwu was certain Mighty Dog was smiling.

"Never mind, if you don't want to reveal your identity, it's fine. But we still need to discuss the Clavender Kingdom; sooner or later, they'll send troops here."

"Take over this kingdom as quickly as possible and prepare a defense line. The effectiveness of Clavender's forces shouldn't be too high. Also, seek assistance from the Jorgun Kingdom to the east; both kingdoms have been enemies for a long time."

"Alright then, I guess it's time to usher in a new era," said Kaiwu before leaping into the streets.

On the 20th of the 8th month of the year 2955, the Dreimus Kingdom fell with the capture of the City of Alven and the imprisonment of its kings and ministers. A day later, the Quiros Republic was officially established with Kaiwu as its first president. It marked the first time a mage had become the leader of a nation.

The first response came from the International Mage Association, coincidentally located on the northern border of the Quiros Republic. They congratulated the establishment of the Quiros Republic and advised to treat prisoners well.

The International Mage Association also explained that they wouldn't interfere in human internal affairs as long as there was no severe harm to the power of humanity.

Meanwhile, on the 25th, the Clavender Kingdom declared the Quiros Republic an illegal government and declared war on the state. The following day, the Jorgun Kingdom also declared war on the Clavender Kingdom based on the agreement signed three days ago between the Quiros Republic and the Jorgun Kingdom, under Wassenberg I.

Thus, after hundreds of years, an internal war among humanity finally erupted.

In the distant City of Fiora, Adam sat listening to the report from the head of Beast Star. Beast Star was, in reality, a part of the Department of Intelligence Agency (DIA). Under Adam's formation, the DIA had a special stratum, and Beast Star was the core member controlling various intelligence agents under it.

For instance, in the Quiros Republic, there were fewer than 10 Beast Star members, but in reality, there were nearly 1000 Intelligent agents spread everywhere.

"My Lord, with this, we have succeeded in provoking a war that will change the era."

"You're wrong, we didn't cause this war; all we did was accelerate its beginning," Adam replied.

Previously, the International Mage Association prohibited wars and conflicts among humans. Due to fear of the Mage Association, various kingdoms chose peaceful means to resolve situations.

However, over time, the Mage Association found that the gap between nations opposing foreign races and peaceful nations that only provided aid continued to widen. Everything, from the effectiveness of the forces to bureaucracy, corruption, and societal development, was significantly disparate.

Finally, a theory emerged that these nations' lack of crises inhibited their progress. It could be said that an era of peace created weaker humans.

This line of thinking expanded until the Mage Association's leaders decided to change their strategy and secretly revoke the war ban.

As a result, some nations saw an opportunity, but those who had lived in a peaceful era were also afraid and hesitant to initiate it first. It was precisely for this reason that Adam started the Quiros Independence Movement. Now, Clavender, initially hesitant, decided to wage war, as did Jorgun.

The International Mage Association, as the root cause of this war, would also not release its monitoring of these kingdoms. However, even though they initiated it, they themselves did not know what would happen next. Would this change lead humanity on the right path, or the opposite? Only time would answer that question.

"Rally, observe the reactions of various other kingdoms," Adam instructed the Beast Star leader wearing the dragon mask.

"As you wish, My Lord."

After Rally's departure, Adam walked out of the room. Katarina and Wendy had left again. Based on what they said, the six countries bordering the Oziloth Forest would soon start a massive war.

The reason was to ensure that Arkmenom wouldn't take advantage of human conflicts and attack humans at critical moments. This war was essentially the Mage Association's initiative due to their changes.

Most likely, mages from peaceful countries like Clavender would also be involved in this war, ensuring that the majority of mages wouldn't participate in the human internal war.

Adam believed humans would have the advantage in this war, considering the six countries, with financial support from other nations, were enough to contain Arkmenom, especially with mage support from other countries.

The crucial aspect to consider was the severity of the price paid to win this war. Even with financial support and mage backup, the vitality of the six kingdoms, including Florent, might be severely wounded.

Adam also prepared to provide some assistance for this war since only by injuring Arkmenom could humans comfortably engage in internal conflict, while other foreign races were separated by the ocean, reducing the level of danger.