
Shadow Hunting

Nathan Price had spent the last 10 years of his life fighting, whether that be to survive, to protect, or to hunt. A choice he made himself when he was 12 after his family was killed by a Rogue paranormal, after he was found by his father’s friend he planned to take life in his own hands and fight back to make sure that he would never feel that pain ever again. Now after spending 10 years training in magic and combat, fighting on battlefields, and hunting down Rogues. He wants to stop to start a life without all the bloodshed and try a normal life starting with going to school. But when he finally gets accepted for the college he wants, his father’s friend asks for him to take on one more job while he’s going to school, to protect his wife and daughter. What will his new life entail? Will it be all he hoped for? Will he find friends and someone to love? Or will his mission ruin his plans for a new life?

AshLawrence · Fantasi
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8 Chs

New Home

AN: Hey guys! thanks for checking this story out so far hope you enjoy the new chapter! I know it's a bit small but I plan to make up for it in the next one.

The drive into Houston was quiet and peaceful, Nathan was enjoying the radio and AC in his car while the blistering summer heat as he drove down the highway. Looking at the map he saw that he only had another thirty minutes of driving left and thanked all the gods he knew of for that.

Finally pulling up to the gate that was the start of the property he pulled into the key punch next to the gate typing in the numbers given by Darron. Watching the steel gate slowly swing open, he put the car in drive and moved down the paved driveway. The trees following the winding drive gave it a mysterious feel as the trees and brush grew thicker until he finally came upon a light at the end of the tunnel of wood.

The house, if it could be called that, was more like a small mansion that sat on a small hill with the woods cut back in a perfect circle around it for almost five hundred yards in every direction. The house was stunning with a mix of bricks around the foundation that moved to wood all in a dark gray and black that made it really stand out with all the greenery around it.

The driveway broke off at the garage with one side going closer to the front door before circling back around to head away from the house the other heading to the three car garage. Pulling up to the front door side, Nathan parked his car and took a deep breath preparing himself for what he knew would come. Turning off his car he got out and walked up the front door, taking one last breath he rang the doorbell and waited.

Hearing a rustling coming from the other side of the door Nathan assumed someone must be looking out of the peephole, He stood up straighter wanting to make a good impression after such a long time. The door flew open to show an older woman with deep red hair and green eyes of Irish descent, he couldn't remember how old Mrs. Frey was but she didn't look a day over 35 and as she saw him her smile lit her face up to make her look even younger.

Shannon Frey took in the man at her door and was stunned for half a second before breaking out into a huge grin. It had been so long since she'd seen Nathan and to see him all grow up now made her almost want to cry at the passage of time. Reaching out she hugged him and laughed while speaking. "Nathan! Oh my you've grown so big! I know Darron said you'd be staying with us but it's so crazy to see how much you've changed! I swear you look like a mirror image of your father and with your mothers eyes too."

Laughing Nathan patted her back she had always been such a kind soul, it always threw him off how her and the Commander had got together. "Thank you ma'am, and yes if that's okay? I know I didn't get the chance to ask you first but Darron said it was okay." slapping his chest and backing up she replied. "Of course it's okay! I only wish you had come sooner. We haven't seen you in so long! I know after all that happened you needed time away but we're always here for you."

Breathing in deep to keep his emotions in check he looked down at her and gave a genuine smile. "Thank you Mrs. Frey. It means a lot to me that your family is here for me. I hope Cass will feel that way as well. I know we haven't seen each other since we were kids but we used to be best friends."

"Oh, call me Shannon! Not Mrs. Frey you make me feel my age when you call me that. And I'm sure Cass will see it the same as me. She missed you a lot after you left and when we couldn't get in contact with you we were really worried. Though to let you in on a secret… she doesn't know that you're back, figured it could be a surprise for her." Nathan's eyes widened as she finished talking trying to rush out his words as she winked at him and laughed.

"SHE DOESN'T KNOW! What if she doesn't want me to stay here? Or doesn't feel comfortable with me being around? I am a grown man, you know?" Shannon just laughed at him as she started walking back into the house. "Oh I could tell you've gained some muscles since we last saw you not to mention your height, what are you six foot?"

"Six-two but that's not the point! Are you sure she'll be okay with this?" "Oh sweetie it will be fine! She already knows someone is gonna be moving in, she just doesn't know it's gonna be you." Nathan's eye twitched as he followed her inside, closing the door behind him he finally got a good view of the house, the rich cream colored walls with hardwood floors lead to a living room with two brown leather couches.

Scanning the room he noticed the 80 inch tv on the wall above the fireplace with cables running from the tv to its side where a small built-in cabinet seemed to house the sound system and anything else the family wanted connected to the tv. The rest of the walls held some pictures of the family and a couple hanging bookshelves filled with books and photos.

He took all this in as he continued talking to Shannon. "Well if you say so I'll trust your word for it. Your home has changed so much since I was last here, it looks good, just different." "I mean that was ten years ago, trends and styles have changed since that time. Do you really think I would let my home not look its best?"

Giving a small chuckle he answered. "No, I can't imagine your house being anything other than perfection." "Exactly! Now would you like a quick tour? It's been sometime since you were last here." Nodding, he replied "Yes please." Following behind her as they went though the first floor of the home from the kitchen with its granite countertops and black stainless steel appliances. Then on to the mud room with its washer and dryer that led to a door that went to the garage that currently had a single car inside, a blue BMW SUV that seemed like it could seat 8.

After they left the garage they went back out to the living room walking through it to a back room that seemed to be a workout room with a full set of gym equipment. Moving on to the last rooms on the first floor was a bedroom that had been converted into an office that definitely had the Commanders touch to it and the master bedroom.

The first floor over they walked back to the living room where the stairs sat, taking them up until it opened up to what looked like a separate living room. A couch loveseat combo sat in the center of the room with another tv, this one 72 inches hanging on the wall beside another entertainment center. "This is the pajama lounge, Cass is the only one that really uses it right now but you're of course welcome to as well." Shannon said as they walked past it to a long open hallway that went in two separate directions from the lounge.

Taking a left, Shannon started speaking as they passed two doors in the hall arriving at the last door in the hall. "So the first room is a full bathroom with a shower and the next is another guest bedroom. This final door though is Cass's room, just a heads up it's a mess so I wouldn't go in there if I were you." she finished her statement with a wink which only confused him.

Heading back down the hallway they went to the right this time Shannon stopped at the first door they came to and opened it to show a large bedroom that would be considered a master in most homes. "This is your room. Darron just had it fixed up last week for you so I hope it will work." Looking around the room it was spotless with gray walls, a writing desk in the corner, and a king size bed in the center of the room with two matching night stands beside it. The last thing of note was the closet door that matched his bedroom door. Smiling Nathan said. "This is perfect. Thank you again for letting me stay here."

"It really is fine dear, you are family and we always help family" she smiled sweetly before continuing. "Well then don't let me hold this all up. The next door beside yours is the last guest bedroom and another full bathroom is at the end of the hall. Now I know you need to bring all your stuff in so here you go!" she said as she handed him a set of keys. "The keys are for your room, closet, and the front door. If you need any help with anything just let me know okay?" Nodding, he replied. "I can get it all myself, thanks for the offer though." "If you're sure. Oh also you can park the garage while Darron's gone."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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