
[Chapter 132] Have A Cube

I hand Liz the blade as I turn around to my follower, my hand still outstretched. The shadows gather as they form a cube on my hand, I hold it out to him as I explain, "This cube can communicate to me wherever you are, you just have to press this button on the cube." I point at a corner and a little square button is protruding out.

He looks at it with awe as he gently picks it up, as if unable to comprehend what I did before he kowtows before me, "Thank you lord for you kind gift, I will treasure this for the rest of my life!"

I nod as I walk into the kitchen, then both following behind me with stars in their eyes. I then realize something, 'Has Blossom been following me around the entire time?' I ask myself as I glance at the 6 legged creature quietly following.

'Is it even physically possible to be that quiet, she could of attacked me by now and I wouldn't of known.' I think as a shiver goes down my spine.

I walk into the living room to see all the adventurers still gaping. I sigh as I ask them, "Please follow me."

They look at each other but shrug before following behind me as I walk outside. Like they were going to refuse the request of a man who protected them from an onslaught. I walk a little ways from my house as they silently followed behind. I stop as I hold out my hand towards them, "Wait a second."

They halt and look around as I put my hand down and activate my transformation ability.I feel my bones crack as purple scales pierce from my skin. My face grows into a snout, my tail sprouting as two membranous wings extend from my back. Horns grow from my head as I tower over them, my transformation complete.

They look up at my frame, 70 ft tall and 120 ft long, my large tail moving back and fourth slowly. I lean down as I look at them with my head as I say, "Hop onto my back, I'll take you back to the Fang Kingdom."

Everyone looks at me with odd looks as Liz silently climbs onto my back, already knowing I have this form. As she sits down on my back, I hear my follower begin to speak, him shaking his head. "Lord, I could not do such a thing. It would be too disrespectful to ride on the lord's back like a mount."

I sigh as I look at him, "Do it, I can't lose any followers and I must go to another world so I can't leave you at my house, this is the quickest way so please just do it."

He nervously looks at me, then at my back before nodding and bowing, "I thank you for letting a lowly mortal like me do this." As he turns and climbs up onto my back. Seeing the other 2 on my back, the others follow, although nervous about getting on my back.

I crane my neck around as I tell them, "Hold on." They grab the ridges on my back as my wings stretch to their full 240 ft width. I pause for a moment as I look over at Blossom, "Stay."

She looks at me with puppy eyes before laying down, a sad look on her face. I feel the gelatinous substance on my head as Slime Winter still hasn't left his spot.

I push down with my wings as we launch into the air, I can see the large plain, the mountain, and the Fang Kingdom at this height. I flap my wings as we glide towards the kingdom, the sun finally rising, giving a glorious scene.

The adventurers on my back look around as they see the clouds and how high up they are in the sky, a look of wonder on their face on their face as if this is all a dream.

As we reach the Fang Kingdom, people are slowly beginning to become active as they walk around on the streets. I slow down as I begin to lower our altitude, not wanting to miss the kingdom. That's when one of them point up at the sky and yell, "Look!"

A few around her look up as their eyes go wide. "It's a Shadow Dragon King!"

This phrase catches everyone's attention as they all look up, people having looks of shock as I fly towards the common district, the district meant for the less wealthy and fortunate.

I see an empty spot on the road as I turn my wings back, slowing our speed as I widen my claws. I hit the street with a thud as a few people scream, dust flys up as the sound of rocks crunching is heard.

As the dust settles, people gaze at the large dragon that is tightly squeezed on the road. Some people carefully walk up to me while others stay back. Liz and the adventurers cough as they climb down from my back. Liz's adventurer group thanks me before waving at her as they leave, probably tired after everything that happened.

My follower bows to me before slowly walking away, the cube held in his hands carefully. Liz gets off and turns around, holding the blade in her hand. She clenches her hand tightly around the handle as she bows her head, still wincing slightly as she does so, "Thank you, I will train to become stronger so I can be worthy of this blade."

Before I can say a word, she has turned around and began walking away, leaving the crowd that gathered around me. I am going to fly away when I hear a little voice to my left.

"Um, excuse me."

I look over to see a little blue Dragonborn, her eyes sparkling as she looks up at me. She is about 3 ft tall, showing she is of a young age, maybe around 4 or 5.

I bow my head down as I look at her, noticing a small uniform on her, 'Must be in an elementary school.'

She asks me in a cute voice, "What are you?" I see who I presume to be her mother walk through the crowd and see her daughter talking to me. A look of fright flashing in her eyes as she quickly walks over to her daughter and picks her up before bowing her head towards me slightly.

"I'm sorry about her bothering you sir, please forgive her." I laugh inwardly as a smile forms on my face.

"It's okay, she was just curious is all." I say as I look back over to the young girl, "I am a Shadow Dragon King."

She has a pondering look on her face as she seems to be saying the word over and over again. She looks up as she asks with wondrous eyes, "Could I become a dragon like you one day?" She asks with wonderful eyes.

I think about my answer for a moment before nodding. "Train hard and learn well, and anything will be possible."

And before she can ask anything else, I push with my legs off of the ground and rocket into the sky. If you listen well enough, you could hear a distressed mew as it fades along with my figure. A few minutes later, I land beside Blossom as I transform back into a human. She looks over at me with happy eyes as she licks my face, a small sizzling sound could be heard.

I smile as I begin to walk back towards my house, 'It's about time I have a talk with the king. He may of treated me kindly, but left me to die in hopes I will become stronger. I shall grant his wish, and show him my strength!'

[How is everyone’s day?] Thanks for reading!

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