
The animals

Once Maxwell left the coliseum he met Adelaida who was looking at him with bright eyes.

"You were nice!!" He yelled as he jumped up and down in excitement, "How did you do that? You just disappeared. Come to think of it, you also did the same thing when you helped Filip." Adelaida touched her chin thoughtfully.

"I didn't disappear, I just ran really fast." Maxwell responded with a smile.

"But still. How are you so strong? Our age is almost the same but the difference is brutal." he asked curiously.

"It's a secret." Maxwell responded. But Adelaida did not stop staring at him. Maxwell could only sigh imposingly and slowly approach Adelaida's ear.


Before Maxwell could say anything, someone called out from behind him. Turning around he found Jacob looking at him with a smile.

"Could I talk to you for a moment?" he asked him.

Maxwell hesitated for a second and agreed.

"I'm sorry Adelaida, I'll tell you later."

Adelaida puffed out her cheeks cutely and left with angry steps.

"Hahaha." Maxwell couldn't help but smile at his behavior.

"What did you want to talk about? If you come looking for a fight, believe me I'm not afraid." Maxwell declared.

"No no no no!!" Jacob moved his hands in front of his face a little nervously. "It's the opposite, I want to be your friend."

"My friend?" Maxwell asked intrigued. In any other bubblegum novel, the thugs and losers came later with reinforcements and a desire for revenge. In fact, it had already happened once with Jeremías.

"Yes, your friend." Jacob nodded. "You may not know it, but within the order there are different groups. Men are few and a minority compared to women, so we created a kind of club where all men could interact and make friends."

"Interesting." maxwell nodded.

"Our club is called the animals."

"Animals?" Maxwell stopped walking and looked at him in surprise.

"Yes, the animals. Surprised?" Jacob laughed. "It's not a very noble name, right?"

Maxwell nodded in agreement with him.

"The reason why we are called like that is because each member when joining receives a code name belonging to an animal and its respective ring." Jacob lifted his chest proudly. "We're kind of like a secret society. Nobody knows each other's identity and we share our likes and dislikes."

Maxwell now understood the name, it had its own meaning plus they weren't ashamed because no one knew who they were.

Jacob led him behind the coliseum for about 20 minutes before a large, luxurious mansion appeared in the distance from behind a small forest.

"Take." Jacob handed her a black hood with two holes for the eyes. "You better take that shirt off or they'll recognize you right away." He said as he pointed to the blackwater family crest.

Maxwell nodded and got out of the truck, putting on one that Jacob had lent him. Together they walked towards the mansion where two guards stopped them.

"I am mantis." Jacob yelled as he showed off his silver ring with a mantis inside it.

"Okay you can come in." One of the guards who also wore a hood nodded.

Jacob led Maxwell straight to the mansion, but instead of heading to a large room or office, he led him down to the basement.

Or so he thought since after going down and down stairs, he still hadn't reached his destination. After descending his number 5 staircase, Maxwell found himself in a large hall with many hooded boys drinking and dancing to their laughter. In the center of the room there was a large table with all kinds of delicacies of which several fat boys seemed to hoard them.

"Mantis?" One of the hooded boys asked once he saw them.

"Hello cat. How are you doing?" Jacob asked.

"Wonderful." The boy replied as he downed a large bottle of liquor. "Who is this? Your boyfriend?" asked cat.

"No. He is someone I want to recommend to go into the animals." His words silenced the party and all the boys looked at the three of them.

"Hmph." One of the taller boys spat on the ground and scoffed. "He's just a kid. What qualifications does he have to be one of us?"

"Boar, my friend here is very strong and he was able to defeat me with ease." Jacob answered.

"Shut up mantis, you know what the rules are to get in. He has to defeat one of us who didn't recommend him, I'll take care of it myself." Boar pushed several boys out of his way and eyed Maxwell greedily. "Children as cute as you are the ones I like the most."

Maxwell couldn't see the boy's face, but he could imagine what kind of expression he was making. A tremendous disgust came over him as he raised a hand and unleashed a very strong bolt that sent the boar flying across the room and embedded in the wall.

The room was briefly silent before Boar climbed out of the hole in the wall and clutched at his chest in pain.


"Hahahahahahaha." One of the guys with a turtle in his ring started laughing like crazy. "Boar you just got beat up hahahahahahaha."

Maxwell on the other hand was very surprised, he didn't hold back from attacking Boar. He wanted to teach the boy a lesson and set an example for others, but aside from damaging Boar's shirt and causing him great pain, Boar seemed completely fine.

clap clap clap

"Hahaha the boy has proven his worth." A boy with a tiger on his ring and hood clapped his hands as he laughed. "You are now officially one of us." The boy pulled out a small box from under the table and rummaged around for a while before tossing a ring in his direction. "Fox."

Many boys in the room cheered to welcome him but others just ignored him.

"Now the most important part." Tigre got up from the table and walked towards the wall behind them. The wall looked like a mural with different animals with something written next to it.

Tigre approached the wall and drew a simple and crude fox. He stepped back with open hands and invited Maxwell. "Now fox, write your greatest desire or perversion."

Maxwell walked towards the wall but didn't know what to put on it.

"What do you want most in the world?" Tigre asked behind him. "Money? Riches? Land? Power? Or... Do you want to murder someone? Do you want to be tortured? Torture? Do you like children? Maybe you want to do it with a corpse? It doesn't matter what it is, Write it down. No one here will play you and who knows maybe you will find someone with the same tastes." Tigre whispered tempting him like the snake tempted Eve.

Maxwell didn't have big aspirations or anything, he just wanted one thing that he wrote on the wall.

"Sex." After thinking about it and a little more I add. "With women, I want to have any woman in my crotch."

Satisfied with that, Maxwell nodded and moved away from the wall.

"Guys...we have another animal in our midst." declared tiger.



"Ha ha ha."

They all celebrated and drank alcohol together.

"Take fox." Tigre passed him a sheet of paper.

"What is it?" Maxwell asked.

"It's a list of everything on the mural."

Maxwell nodded and went on to read the list. Almost instinctively I look for Mantis.

Mantis: dressing in clothing of the opposite sex to achieve sexual arousal.

Maxwell shuddered at the thought of Jacob in women's clothing but he remembered that Jacob lent him a T-shirt before he got here.

Because he had another article of clothing on him?

Under Maxwell's shocked eyes, Jacob or Mantis removed the clothes he was wearing to show that he was wearing a skirt and blouse underneath. it was even clearly visible as a bulge rose from the skirt.



