
Self Control: Demonated Hybrids

Rain. That's what my mother named me. I am born tough and strong but extremely pretty. My one and only weakness... Life in middle school wasn't easy. Between the fights and the bullying.... Dealing with the winks and the flirts.... Dealing with the harassments and the abuses... Dealing with my parents. I should never have found out about me or about them. I shouldn't have loved the bad boy! I shouldn't have cared about my best friend! I shouldn't have got involved in a passionate love triangle! If those were going to be the things I was going to destroy without realising. My mom being one the most powerful Witches worldwide. My dad being the greatest Vampire feared in the downworld. Also having a step dad who's one of the most popular Warlocks. I need to find my place between the three... What am I supposed to be then? But most importantly... Who am I? ×××××××××× TRIGGER WARNING Read at your own risk. Some scenes may seem inappropriate for certain readers. I'm not saying the book is full of that but a few chapters may contain it. Enjoy reading x

DaisyMeka1864 · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Chapter 004

He speeds up to me with his Vampire speed and chokes me against the wall.

" If you dare repeat this to anybody, I will kill you and rip you apart with no remorse. You don't know me Rain and I don't think you want to find out what I'm capable of."

"... " I ignored him and that made him even more mad.

He pushed me on the bed and stared at me as if he wanted to kill me. 

He did the unexpected. 

He put his lips on mine and started kissing me with passion. I was shocked. His eyes turned pure gold until he started touching my waist. 

I don't want him to stop.

Is this what it feel like to love somebody?

  All I want in this very moment is to protect him.  Protect him from everything which is why I'll keep my mouth shut. He is a Vampire. I am kissing a vampire.

He caresses my cheek and keeps kissing me.  His kisses are warm and passionate.  He starts kissing my neck then my chest and my waist.  He pins my arms up and starts kissing my shoulders. 

After awhile he stops.

" Please don't say a word to anyone. Not Even to Elly.  Not about this and not about what you found out.  I'm begging you."

He got off me and left the room.

He left me confused.


Well that's what I thought.

To be honest that's what I thought was going to happen.

Fuck you Rain for your stupid imagination!

This guy had a serious effect on me. He created some dirty thoughts I never thought I was capable of actually having.

Matt zooms up to me and chokes me against the wall again!  This time his grip tightened leaving me with no more oxygen to breath.

" get off m-me y-you bastard" I said with my remaining breaths.

He got madder.  He threw me against the wall banging my head on it.  I had no strength left. He got closer to me and pinned me on the wall. I forced myself to wiggle out of his tight grip but my body couldn't afford that. He stared at me with his glowing red eyes. With the small energy I had left, I stared at him.

" Matt what are you doing? "

This guy was crazy.  He needed help.

He zoomed into the guest room and shut slammed the door shut.

My head was banging. I couldn't do anything.  I crawled back on my bed.

I closed my eyes hoping this was just a nightmare and that I wouldn't do one of those again in my sleep.


I woke up this morning with sunlight in my eyes. I turn my head around to find myself facing Matt really closely. Fuck!

What is he doing here back in my room?  Did he forget what he did to me last night?

I admired his beautiful face and tan. For once he was shutting the fuck up. It felt good seeing him asleep. I rested my head back on my white pillow, looking at him. His lips.

I stopped my thoughts right away. No more dirty thoughts!

He woke up and threw on a smirk.

" I hope you understand what I mean now baby"

"What, the fact that you're a monster on the fact that you're a bastard" I answered back.

"Stop with the attitude"

He went to the gym down in the basement and started punching his punching bag. I walked down the stairs with my pj's and slippers and couldn't help but peek at how he was punching it. Weirdly my head stopped banging.  And no trace of bruises were seen on my body.

What the-

He had a hot way of punching the punch bag. He was topless and I think he realised that I was peeking.  Maybe staring just a little.

What the fuck was going on in my head? I was literally STARING at the mf punching a punchbag.

" You can come in you know! "

I stepped in the gym and he looked at me emotionless.

" Are you okay? " He asked me

" Y- yes I guess"

" I'm not talking about physically,  I'm talking about mentally. "

" Apart from telling myself that you're dangerous,  I'm fine thank you. "

" Im sorry for what I did last night I-"

" It's okay you don't need to apologize! I told you that I'm okay "

So I got beat up last night. Annnddd I let it slip?

" Good"

He carried on punching and then went on to the ropes. I stopped staring at him as I didn't want him to think that I loved seeing him workout. 

" I'm gone to Elly's. I'll be back in an hour"

He stared at me and approached me.  He kissed my forehead.

" Don't tell her about what happened! "

I left the house and walked over to Elly's. I knocked on her door and she opened it hysterically. She was real hyper.  I could tell her parents weren't home.


" You are fucking going to explain everything right now plus how dare you hang up on me."

"Let me explain..." i say touching my head with pain.

" You okay?" she asked.

" Yeah I'm good, anyways, on the first day back, Matt came to my house and started talking to my mom,  I wasn't even aware until I opened the frickin door.  My mom told me that he would be my babysitter when she will go abroad. Then things got real complicated. The next day I got hit hard on the head with a tennis ball hit by Lena then Matt came to save me. He took... care of me and called my mom. "

" So what you are trying to say is that your mom and the bad boy know each other? "

" Yes,  I know it's not the first time they met,  I'm scared they know each other long before Monday... "

"What makes you say that? "

'Don't tell her about what happened'.... Was he talking about the fight or what I found out yesterday? Neither way I didn't want to risk getting chocked again.

I mean I don't mind being choked but just not the way he had done the night before.

"I don't know just a feeling." A lie.

" Okay and then...?"

" Then I came home and my mom was talking on the phone and because of the tennis ball hit I got on the head I collapsed on the floor again and then I wake up 2 days after with Matt coming out of the shower. "

" So where's your mom now? "

" Matt told me she had an emergency in Congo don't worry I called her she's fine."

Honestly I hated lying to my best friend but I would do anything to protect Matt.  He was the only one who could take care of me and I didn't want to ruin that.

Talk about choking on the wall,  getting thrown across the room.  Welcome to the worst babysitter in the world!  I'm not supposed to protect him.

What's going on with me!

" So do you like Matt?  Does he like you? "

" No Elly don't worry im not interested into guys you know that. I'm not a lesbian either by the way. I just hate men's ways of... doing things"

" Okay fine... "

My phone rang,  it was a call from Matt. I never thought I would have said this but, thank god!  I didn't want to tell another lie to my best friend.

" Sorry El I have to head home. Matt is waiting for me at home, lunch is ready.  See ya tomorrow!"

" Yea right see ya"

I felt horrible lying to Elly.


Back at home.

I stared at the plate in front of me hoping there's no poison in it.  I even smelt it and I think he thought I was a weirdo.

" I don't like pepperoni Matt"

" I didn't know you were so weird Rain.  Everybody loves pepperoni on pizza.

" And you put too much tomato sauce under the cheese! "

" Okay baby what's wrong? "

" You wanna know what's wrong?  I lied to my best friend four fucking times. She doesn't deserve it. "

" Good then. You did it for a great cause.  There's things she just shouldn't know about okay? I beat you. I fucking beat a girl last night. I would do anything to protect you but here I am letting my anger get the best of me. I don't want Elly to know that I'm capable of such thing"

" Wait. Since when do you care what Elly thinks of you? Fuck it if you beat me last night, I deserved it"

" What the fuck?! You deserved what exactly? What the actual-"

" Don't what the fuck me. I'm confused okay. At the time I would never let anybody fucking touching a single cell of my skin and now? You beat me? And I'm okay with that? Should I be concerned about something? Why do you hate me so much like what did I ever do to you! You hate me yet you act like you care"

" What makes you say that? "

You touched me, seemed to care about me but then what did you do? About an hour later, you don't fuck me but instead you fuck my head. I thought I was gonna die, you didn't care.

What I just thought about him never should have came out.

" Your thoughts are stupid Rain seriously.  The only reason why I hugged your waist was for practise.  Nothing else.  Nobody likes a girl with so many imperfections who spends their time lying to the ones she loves! Elly just got lied to by her very own best friend."

Ouch!  That hurt.  But I knew that he was telling the truth.  He was right, I was a liar.  I had lied to my best friend when I could have told her the truth.

I left the table without saying anything. I was nothing to him. I was just his puppet and he was just my master. That is what he wanted anyways right?  Well I won't let him get what he wants.

I walked to my room thinking about how messed up my life turned out to be. 

I was living with the devil himself who just tended to use me and play with my emotions.

Then I realised something.

If Mom and Matt were the same people,  didn't that mean that my mom was also a vampire?

And if my mom was a vampire wasn't I supposed to be a vampire too? 

Half vampire anyway because I don't know where my dad is in the story.

I just couldn't wait for tomorrow to come. I had so many questions but I don't think they will all be answered.

Just then Matt came into my room. 

" You're gonna need to prepare mentally, tomorrow will be your first day of training and trust me I'm not planning on making it easy"

" Rot in hell obsessive jerk! "

He was about to leave, but he turned around.

" What did you say?

" I said ROT. IN.  HELL. OBSESSIVE. JERK. I'm not scared of you Matt you are nothing to me"

" Remember why I am here Rain,  I have to babysit a seventeen year old because she can't behave herself! "

He zoomed downstairs leaving me in the urge to answer.

I had a nasty plan for him.  He just had to wait.  Not only tomorrow is my birthday, but also the day he'd learn to look at me not as a puppet,  but as Rain Salaya...