
Self Control: Demonated Hybrids

Rain. That's what my mother named me. I am born tough and strong but extremely pretty. My one and only weakness... Life in middle school wasn't easy. Between the fights and the bullying.... Dealing with the winks and the flirts.... Dealing with the harassments and the abuses... Dealing with my parents. I should never have found out about me or about them. I shouldn't have loved the bad boy! I shouldn't have cared about my best friend! I shouldn't have got involved in a passionate love triangle! If those were going to be the things I was going to destroy without realising. My mom being one the most powerful Witches worldwide. My dad being the greatest Vampire feared in the downworld. Also having a step dad who's one of the most popular Warlocks. I need to find my place between the three... What am I supposed to be then? But most importantly... Who am I? ×××××××××× TRIGGER WARNING Read at your own risk. Some scenes may seem inappropriate for certain readers. I'm not saying the book is full of that but a few chapters may contain it. Enjoy reading x

DaisyMeka1864 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 003

I needed someone to answer me right now.

What was going on?

"Mom your eyes,  they are a-all r-r-RED!!"

" I know darling this is why I have to do this... "

I felt a hit at the back of my head, again, but this time I black out completely...

This is what happens to curious girls.

Just don't ever be too curious okay?


I woke up feeling really dizzy. I felt marks on my face and arms probably meaning I've was asleep for a long time.

I looked around looking for my phone until I heard my bathroom door slam open and Matt came out of it, all I could see was water dripping on his eight pack.

I screamed and hid under my covers to avoid any " awkward" sight feeling my face get red again.  Don't judge me,  just because I'm not really "Light skinned" doesn't mean I don't  "blush". Just saying.

" Stop acting as if you don't like this Rain.! "

" No!  Matt!  You're in a TOWEL.  Get. In.  The.  Bathroom. And. Close. The. Bloody. Door! " I screamed under my blankets sounding utterly ridiculous.

" No!  Rain!  Nobody cares!  Get. Out. Of. Your. Blankets! "

I finally decided to get out still feeling a bit flushed by the scene. 

He was staring smirking at me with a white towel nicely tied around his lower abdomen. 

" Are you going to carry on staring at me or... " he gushed.

" Shut up! "

I sat up again and hugged my knees trying to think about my mom.

" Your mom called me,  she said she had an emergency in Congo.  She told me to take care of you until she comes back"

"Oh " I sighed under my breath making it barely audible.

I was speechless. My mom was hiding something from me and she hit me in the head in order to get away from it. 

That's all that happened.  She had no damn emergency in Congo. She lied to him or even worse,  he is hiding something from me as well. She thinks I'm a fool doesn't she?

"You seem confused Rain, what's wrong?"

"Just move I need a shower"

I zoomed past him until I was stopped. He grabbed my arm. 

I turn around and he was staring at me.


He finally lets go and I hop in the shower.

This was one of the best showers ever taken. It had a different smell. 

A fresh smell of almonds. Then I realized this was Matt's sent. I used my soap in order to get his scent away. Hot water was dripping on my body. I felt my tense muscles relax but I was scared. I didn't  know what my mom was doing, where she was and certainly what she was hiding from me. I wonder if Matt knew anything. But there was no way I was going to go and ask him.

After a lot of thinking under water I left the bathroom to land in my room again.I dry my body until I notice in the corner of my eye a pile of clothes dressed on my bed including underwear.

Oh no he fucking didn't.

I zoomed out of my room,  in my baby blue towel and searched for him.

" Who told you you could put your filthy hands in my pantie draw? " I screamed

" Myself. I want you to wear all of it including your red lace underwear. I am your master and you must obey my orders."

" You are not my master Matt! Stop saying that or I'll shove my red lace in you mouth!!"

" Didn't you hear your mom speak on the phone baby? "

Suddenly I calmed down.

"What do you mean? Are you trying to say that what she was saying is true?"

" Stop asking questions, just know that I am your master"

"Stop talking shit Matt,  I need to know what is happening!  Why do you guys have red eyes when you get pis-"

His eyes were doing it again. That mix of different shades of red and that tingle of gold in the middle. 

Was he an Alien?  Or worse an animal? 

What a fool!  What animal even does that.

He began to laugh so hard that he needed to hold his stomach to breath properly.

"You think I'm an Alien? Thanks for the complement baby.  It's true I look green with black pools in my eyes. "

"Get a grip you're so full of yourself aren't you gonna tell me what the hell is happening.  Please tell me I need to know what's going on with my mom and with you"

" I'm going to the grocery store.  Want somethin?" He ignored me again I hate that.

I realized that talking to this coward wasn't going to lead me anywhere so I chose to stop begging for answers.

"No thanks I'm fine..."

I sat down on the edge of my bed and sighed, lost for words. Matt approached me making me move over to sit away from him.

" You know Rain...  I really want to tell you but for the moment nicely live your last days as an innocent and pure girl. "

What the-

He stood up and headed towards the door.

I heard him close the main door. He was gone to get some food.

What did he mean by "pure and innocent" girl?

I didn't like the sound of that.

I felt like turning eighteen was going to be the worst birthday of my life. Knowing my mom and my dad wouldn't be there to celebrate with me.

My dad never called me to any of my birthdays.  I never knew him. All I had was a name, Marcel but again I never knew what happened to him.  My mom was constantly telling me that he was on professional vacation or something but I guess I never thought it through.

Who has professional vacation for 17 years without calling or showing proof of actually being alive?

Now that I thought about it it made more sense.

He was gone to buy milk.

And decided to keep doing that again and again.

I snapped out of my thoughts and stared at the clothes Matt layed out for me.  I finally chose to wear them. After a quick look in the mirror I understand why he wanted me to wear those.

He chose short shorts and a crop top.  I never wore those kind of stuff. 


 I decided to take them off and just keep the laced underwear. I chose to wear my sweatpants and the dark blue top that was way too big for me. I looked around my room for my Afro comb until I saw it, lying on an envelope.

"Dear Rain, open this on your eighteenth birthday,

Your Mom,


I was really scared now,  my dream was reality. My nightmares were chasing me.  It actually happened. 

Which meant that I had to find out more about who Matt and mom were. I took the envelope and I dropped it in my memory box under my bed.

I took a look at the date on my phone and realised I blacked out for 3 days meaning that my birthday was 2 days away. I was really anxious?.

What was there to come?

Matt was still not back, so I chose to call Elly for distraction. 

" Hey Elly can you hear me?" I asked with a small voice.

" Yes I can hear you. What's wrong Ray?

" My mom left to Africa and I have to stay with...  Matt fucking Rivera."

"WHAT?  How come?! " she screamed.

" It's a long story my mom met his mom and he volunteered to-"

I hung up on my best friend.  Matt was back and I didn't want him to catch me talking on the phone with Elly. 

" Where are the clothes I asked you to wear? He says serious for once.

" I'm not going to wear them, they show my curves too much. "

" Why?  Are you scared to show your fat to me. "

" Are you done talking shit or are you gonna carry on pissing me off? "

" No I'm not done until you wear these clothes. "

" You can't force me... "

Mistake, I should never of said that.

  He took me by neck and zoomed me against the wall with a lot of strength. His eyes were firery and his jaw clenched making it look like it was about to snap.


I tried to get his hands off me but he wouldn't let go. He took a look at my top and then calmed down.

" You are trying to act all 'you're not gonna listen to me' but at least you are wearing the lace underwear I picked out for you. That's a good start. I'm going to go and make food. "

What the-

How can someone be sooo bipolar?

Then I realized he actually looked at the bra I was wearing... This guy was a total ass.

That aside, I needed answers like literally.  My mom hit me and disappeared when I realised she had red eyes. And I had a feeling that Matt wasn't telling me something.  Or maybe he didn't know the truth.

This guy was beyond what we could call weird and strong but he will never be able to force me into doing anything. I don't think he ever realized that I would never live up to his expectations.

I joined him downstairs whilst he made dinner.

"I'm making porridge with dried raisins" he said in an actual calm voice.

"I'll leave the dried raisins thanks" I said calmly.

" What do you want for your birthday baby?"

" I never told you off for that.  STOP CALLING ME BABY!  And I don't want anything from you! "

" Are you sure? "

To be honest I wanted one thing in particular.  It was something I probably never would of asked until then:  I wanted to call my mom just to know where she was. I was so worried, scared and lost.  I didn't feel safe being in a house with a hot bastard with red horns and a tail.

" Ouch that hurts Rain, I agree with being  hot but hot with horns and a tail... "

" Stop acting as if you are hurt by my thoughts you are much stronger than that aren't you?"

" Don't underestimate me Rain."

He served me a bowl of porridge without raisins. 

One point Rain, you made him listen to you.

We ate in pure silence, all we could hear was our spoons and bowls making noise as we were eating. 

When we finished eating he was heading to my room when:

"Wash the leftover dishes baby"

He dashed upstairs leaving me no chance to answer.

I washed up and walked upstairs.

He was sleeping on my bed.

Wow this was great, I had to sleep with Matt. I thought about it once, twice but then I chose to go and sleep in my mom's room. 

It was Saturday day night and I could see the sun set. The last sunset I saw was with my mom.

Was she seeing it where she was?


Just then arms grabbed my waist from behind me. 

"It's beautiful isn't it? " he whispered in my ear.

Heat rose up to my face. Why was I feeling this way?

I was supposed to hate him, for being rude and trying to boss me around and not respecting me.

Why was Matt suddenly having such an effect on me?

I felt turned on real quick. Fuck me for being aroused so easily. I didn't ask for it, it just happened.

" Am I having an effect on you Salaya? You seem flushed."

I turned around and looked at him in the eyes, his eyes shimmering with the glimpse of sun slightly shadowed by with my hair. He looked down at me with such passion, our breaths started synchronizing. His right hand still on waist, pushing me towards him our eyes still locked together. All we could hear was the noise from the cars driving outside the house. His thumb started swiftly caressing my waist.

I enjoyed it, every part of it.

What was Matt doing?  Why was he doing this?

I had never been this close to a guy before.  I never let ANYONE touch my waist even when Elly was doing it to play.

"I...Uh...Y-yeah it's b-beautiful"

I could feel his warm breath close to my neck. His nose sliding down my neck as a cold sensation slid down my spine. He stopped on my neck for a few seconds before kissing my collarbone slightly.


"Yes Rain?"


I stammered and couldn't say anything. I closed my eyes wanting to hug him as a sudden wave of worrying feeling concerning my mom invaded my brain.

I needed Matt more than anything.

I couldn't focus on anything but why he started acting all boyfriend material all of a sudden.

Matt smirked and closed the window leaving me alone, standing in my mom's scented room.

Bastard one day, bastard always. Never forget it.

But it wasn't the time. He couldn't act like that. I needed someone, I needed him.

But all he enjoyed doing was playing with me.

After a few minutes I lied down on my mom's bed thinking about her. Why was she hiding secrets away from me? I'm not a kid anymore I'm seventeen.  What's the difference between seventeen and eighteen years old?

If my mom had a secret in her mind, then she probably had the secret in her room as well.

I chose to search through papers through her wardrobe and under the bed, nothing.  She had a diary where she would write with runes.  I didn't understand anything of it. 

She constantly told me she wrote in runes so that no one would try and read it.

By no one I think she meant me.

I carry on searching through her diary until I found a medical prescription. I unballed the piece of paper.

It was for a member of the Rivera family but the name was erased.  Which meant that my mom knew the Riviera family long before Matt moved in Chicago. 

"Medical Prescription of blood tablets and blood bags. The patient has to come every 2 months for a refill. By 6 months the treatment will expire."

Who in the whole fucking world needs blood tablets or blood bags?

Then I found a huge scrapbook with a lock on it named "Vampirism"


Vampires exist?

I immediately thought about Matt.

Those eyes.

Reading my thoughts.

The strength.

The sudden vanishes.

The neck brushing.

It doesnt need a genius to figure it out.

That couldn't be possible I was probably dreaming. I put everything back and headed to my room to see if he was sleeping.

"You found out didn't you? " he said sitting on the verge of my bed.

I stared at him confused.

" Why didn't you stop me when you knew I was going to search for answers? You knew! You can read my mind!" I screamed at him with tears in my eyes.

He came close and I stood still. I wasn't scared nor afraid. I just wanted him to tell me himself. His eyes grew red and I understood that this was the end for me.

"This is what happens to bitchy girls who are too curious"

Now you can rest Rain, you've got the answer, you didn't have to play his game to find out...

Y’all I know this chapter is long I’m so so sorryyy :(

Hope you enjoyed it though!

DaisyMeka1864creators' thoughts