
Self Control: Demonated Hybrids

Rain. That's what my mother named me. I am born tough and strong but extremely pretty. My one and only weakness... Life in middle school wasn't easy. Between the fights and the bullying.... Dealing with the winks and the flirts.... Dealing with the harassments and the abuses... Dealing with my parents. I should never have found out about me or about them. I shouldn't have loved the bad boy! I shouldn't have cared about my best friend! I shouldn't have got involved in a passionate love triangle! If those were going to be the things I was going to destroy without realising. My mom being one the most powerful Witches worldwide. My dad being the greatest Vampire feared in the downworld. Also having a step dad who's one of the most popular Warlocks. I need to find my place between the three... What am I supposed to be then? But most importantly... Who am I? ×××××××××× TRIGGER WARNING Read at your own risk. Some scenes may seem inappropriate for certain readers. I'm not saying the book is full of that but a few chapters may contain it. Enjoy reading x

DaisyMeka1864 · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Chapter 002

I couldn't believe it.  He was talking to my mom. And my mom literally seemed to appreciate him.

" Um, Rain are you okay? Meet Matt, Matt Rivera he is new to this town and I want you to make him feel like home.  I've already discussed with his mom, he can come and go whenever he likes. He also volunteered to be your babysitter when I'm gone to Africa for professional vacation."

" Right..."

Okay I was shocked, like literally shocked. I was shocked about three things. One, he was talking to my mom. Two my mom and his mom seem to be getting along and three he was going to be my fricking babysitter and at the same time he was in the same school as me and he was a total freak. 

"Great,  Rain seems to agree with this.  I will pay you 30$ every time you stay with her.  She's not really complicated to handle, I just want you to make sure she doesn't go out.  She can only invite Elly on weekends. I'm trusting you on this Matt please don't mess it up.  I'm counting on you!"

" Yes Miss Salaya,  I will take my duty very seriously... "

" Oh please, call me Tchiya."


I didn't want to stay any longer listening to this crap.  Starting from next week he would have to boss me around and piss me off.  He will have to enter my bedroom (which is a no boy zone). Whether he likes it or not, I will invite Elly any day of the week and he won't enter my bedroom.  How did my life just turn into total mysery in just one fucking day. After my mom went in the kitchen, Matt was staring at me with a smirk on his face. Until he spat:

"I guess we are going to have to get to know each other more now, I didn't know you were friends with Barbie."

" Her name is Elly by the way... "

" To get to even better good news,  I was elected school captain of fitness club today... "

" You're lying."

"He retired during summer vacation. I'm happy you are happy that I am going to be your new personal trainer. And specially for you I borrowed a gym and some new outfits for you. You will try them out Sunday night and we will get started on Monday."

" I'm not going to work out with you. Who do you think I am?"

"No not my puppet, I am your master and you must obey my orders. "

His eyes turned really dark red.  I thought I wasn't seeing well at first but then it was true.  Who was he?  Who's eyes turns red when they are angry. 

"You? My master? What else? Don't approach me ever again understand.  I would rather go commit suicide than stay with an asshole like you! "

I screamed at his face. I hated him.  Always thinking they can tell over people what to do. Like... Does he mind? First you're an asshole in class then you dare step in my house to-

His eyes turned bloody red. I had to stop my thoughts. My myopia was probably playing tricks on my ass.

Personally I really hated bad boys. I just hated their attitude.

After I said what I said to him, his jaw tightened , I felt like he wanted to break a wall or something and he did.


"What's going on Rain what just happ-"

She stared at the wall in horror.  I couldn't explain what happened, Matt left the house like wind.  In fact, I didn't even see him leave at all. He was just gone.  Great,  now I had to find out what I was going to say to my mom.

" What did you do Rain? Answer me! "

I didn't know what to say so I just made it up on the spot.

" I was mad so I punched the wall, I mean kicked the wall"

I mean it was the truth.  Kinda...  Just that it wasn't me who did it.

" You know Rain if you need a punching bag you can ask me.  Is this about Matt? "

"No Mom. I have to go... "

I quickly ran up in my room.

What the-



  I'm standing in a hallway. Red eyes are staring at me.

It's dark. I see them turn bloody red.

I can see my mother leaving to Africa leaving a note for me to open on my 18th birthday.

She looks desperate to leave leaving me all alone In the shadows.

Something isn't right.  I can feel it.

My birthday is a week away and I feel the changes already. 

It's happening.  It's coming...

You won't survive this hell...

I sat up gasping.  I slid my hands in my hair in order to figure out what had just happened. It was a nightmare.  The same nightmare that kept coming again and again. Those eyes. The voices...

You don't know him enough...

There was a voice at the back of my mind who would just say that.  As if I needed to find out more about someone. Probably Matt. He creeped me out yesterday. Maybe my nightmares were coming after me. I got pretty scared all of a sudden. 

I finally stood my sweaty body off the bed and hopped into a hot shower. It felt good. Showering was something I always did to calm my nerves down.

After a long shower I finally decided to wear a short pencil skirt, knee highs and a plain top.  I grabbed my bag and I left for school.

Elly wasn't going to come to school today.  She had a family meeting at the town hall. Which meant I would be alone all day and I would have to do everything to ignore Matt.

We had P.E and ignoring Matt wasnt  easy.  We had tennis and after everyone finished getting changed.  We all left outside to get started.

I was looking everywhere, but I couldn't see Matt. I was disappointed and sad all of a sudden. Why was I even sad anyway, wasn't I trying to ignore him all day?

After a while I end up giving up on searching for him. He wasn't going to come and I knew that.

Did yesterday happen at all?

I picked up my tennis racket and served against my opponent. I was mad so I served it real hard.  Just then in a split second I saw Matt, he was wearing black shorts and a V-neck top where we could see his 8 pack.  He was looking at me and I showed a bright smile. I felt heat heading up to my face. 


I shook my head to concentrate all over again but that didn't stop me from smiling like a donkey. I felt it.

I saw the way he was walking, I never knew walking could be so sexy and elegant.

Okay shut up!

Just then a tennis ball hit hard the back of my head. I fell to the ground and my sight started to blur. I could see a shadow approaching me until I saw total black.

I woke up to know that Matt was staring down at me. His eyes were calmly green and the Hazel showed some interest.

 He looked hot and to make matters worse, he was topless.  He used his top as a cold towel to put on my forehead.

Just then I remembered my dream.

Those eyes. ..

Oh no.

"Are you okay? " he asked

"...  Why are you doing this Matt? "

" You fell to the ground. I think Lena did this to you. "

He stopped talking and stared into my eyes back and forth.

His eyes were green with a bit of gold.  I never knew eyes could be so damn interesting. How could green eyes turn into red? 

I finally forced myself to think that I saw wrong.

"I saw the way you fell.  You really do fall like crap. I think I felt the world shake when you collapsed...  Damn Rain how much do you weigh? Next week we will have a lot of working out to do!"

Am I dreaming?  Was he making fun of my weight?  How juvenile of him.  Two fricking seconds ago he was so innocent and now he was cold and an asshole all over again.

What a bipolared bitch!

" I never knew walking could be so sexy and elegant. Wow Rain next time be careful where you stare and hide that huge smile you have on your face when you see me.  You look like a duck."

"No way, how do you know th-"

This guy was a freaking mind reader.

And unfortunately for me, he especially reads the twisted thoughts I have on him.

" For the moment just rest and then go home. I already called your mom and she expects you home by 4:00pm. Don't worry I didn't tell her that you weren't paying attention to your tennis game because you were busy drooling over the eight pack under my top! "

He smirked and left.  He knew just way too much. 

Was it that obvious?

I hated his attitude.

When 3:30 pm came,  I walked home still feeling lightheaded.  I couldn't wait until 4:00. I didnt even get changed from physical ed. I just wanted to sink into my bed.

I took the key in my pocket and opened my house door.  My mom obviously wasn't expecting me home 30 mins early as she was talking on the phone and seemed to be whispering.  Her bedroom door was closed but I could just about here what she was saying. Curious as I was, I chose to eavesdrop.

"Listen to me okay, she can't find out now,  she's only seventeen...

"No I don't think she dreams those kind of things...

"Yes well he will be careful I chose him on purpose. He will protect her against them I promise..."

I'm sure the "he" she was talking about was Matt but what was she trying to say?

What am I not allowed to find out?  What am I not dreaming? Protect me from what? 

My head was gonna explode. I heard my mom hang up phone really mad. What was going on?!?

She opened her bedroom door and saw me standing in front of her.

No way.

Those same eyes...