
Seduction Mastery

Hello, this is just a story I did for fun, so don't expect a lot of updates. __________Story_______________ -- Alex was a normal gay person, though he's still a virgin, and he never had a boyfriend. One day when he was just walking to the story to get a sex toy to loose his virginity. 'Cause he can't get no boys, and he was feeling pretty depressed actually there's that, too. He was always a 'straight forward' person. So anyways, He was kind enough to help a poor cat out of the way when a plane suddenly appeared out of no where in the middle of a street. Turns out for him that the cat was a angel, The angel of Honesty. And that angel was also a pet of The Goddess of Wishes, and that so called Goddess is the one who caused his death. _____________________ And that's how the most cunning and manipulative person you can meet died. U-U _______________ Haters gonna hate 'Cause I ain't changing this! This is a Parent suggested novel!! Don't be all up on me, when ya can't guess that it's R - 18 when there's a tag there, too!! You chose to read, I didn't force no one! So don't gave me hate, I'm a very 'sensitive' person, but I welcome advice with open hands!

PsychoticTL · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 2 [Becoming an orphan~]

The first thing I noticed when I woke was trees. I can guess by this that I'm in some kind of forest, so the first thing I do, instead of panicing is calling for my mother, who's the source of all this.

'Mom! Mom! are you there??' I asked in my mind, cause if anyone is in this forest by chance, I would look like a crazy person. The good thing is it worked I got an answer.

'Yes, I'm here. What is it?? You just left??' She asked confused forgetting the part where she teleported me to a forest.. and that even tho- I made my customization with clothes, I'm wearing no clothes..

'Maybe, because you teleported me with no clothes and in the middle of a forest?! And you didn't even consider that, I could get Raped by some kind of barbarian! Tho, it would be kinda of hot... Anyways I'm your son you should be looking out for me, do you want your only son to be raped??' I thought, losing myself for a moment.

She took a long time to answer and finally said, 'Sorry, son. You're right, I sshouldn't have done that.. Well, I'm sure you didn't come to just scold me, what is it??'

I answered in a tone that said, 'your right, now give me what i want.' "I thought that since you I didn't want to disturb you all the time, for selfish reasons, Why don't you give me an ability that let's me create skills, that I want? And by the way, I want a skill that let's me make my pleasure hole as tight as I want, and let's me become a virgin when I want and when I don't want to be a virgin, I'm not. I also want it to let me increase my sex skills, and decrease them when I want to. I also want a skill that lets me teleport to anyone or any place, if i describe exactly what I want. And I want to have unlimited physical abilities, and be able to control, how much I want to show. And I want a instant mastery skill, that let's me master any skill that I create or learn."

Mom didn't answer quickly, 'cause she was shocked, probably. " Okay, but If you try to create a skill that can kill a god, it won't work, unless that god is just a got that was just created in a anime and not real, or is fiction. You can't kill a god, unless you're a god yourself." She said.

I was kinda of disappointed not gonna lie, but I quickly got over it since I didn't really mind, He said, "Okay, and how can I make my wings appear and disappear when I want it to? And can you give me, a skill that let's me get any information on a person, like there perference, or skills, and/or statues." The last 'question' was obviously not a question, but a demand.

She thought for a minute and answered, "For your question, you just have to will it to happen, like you can will for the elements, expect choas to do anything for you. And yes, I'll give you that skill, too."

"well, thanks and bye mom, I'll talk to you, when I have time." I said, and quickly cut m connection with her, off. Now, that I think about it, I have been talking to myself, I must have seemed like a crazy person if anyone saw me..

The first thing I did is look to see, my skills so far, for that, I used the skill I just got, I tried saying "show statues" or "statue" or "information" or "skill"!!! But nothing worked!!

'Mom!! Why are my skills not working??' I asked confused, and worried that mabe I can't use them at all.

'That because, you have to will it to work, and to will a skill to work you just have to want it to work, you have to know the name of the skill to will it to work, unlike the elements control and your wings, you can't just want it to work.' She said, like a wise monk, forgetting that i don't even know any of my skills names without the skill information.

'Okay, but what is the name of this skill??' I said obviously getting frustraded, the more she talks.

'Oh, yeah! sorry! The skill's name is 'Exaxt information' well bye, now!' She says, and then just leaves after that.

I really hope this works, cause if it doesn't I really don't know what i'm gonna do, I really want to use those skills.. calming down I said, softly, and carefully, "Finally! now then, Exact information - skills!"

I was really nervous, I closed my eyes hoping that it works cause if it doesn't I don't know what I'm gonna do. I opened my eyes and looked..

it worked ! This is how my skill information looks -

_________[Skill information]__________

• Skill - Exact Teleportation -

Let's user teleport to any person or place with the same preference or looks as described by the user.

• Skill - Will's pleasure -

Let's user adjust the size of their pleasure hole, or dick. Let's user also modify any place that gives

pleasure to someone else (examples: asshole, pussy, and dick)

• Skill - Pleasure's guilt -

Let's user be able to get the skills of the person they give pleasure to, and / or seduce if they, so desire.

• Skill - Ultimate shapeshifter -

Let's user change, or shape-shift into anything, as long as they can imagine it, but the abilities of appearance won't come along with it.

• Skill - Elemental Child -

Every element, that isn't used by the gods / goddesses will treat you like their child, and would be more then happy to do what ever you want.

• Skill - Creation -

Let's user be able to creat any skill, limited to not being able to kill a god, and let's user create any object imagined by the user, also limited o not being able to kill a real god.

• Skill - Instant mastery -

Let's user master any skill that is created, or gained by the user instantly.


'Yes! It's working and I have so many amazing a skills!! I can't wait to try them all out later!! Right now I. Red to get a temporary family, a path to take, and a temporary / first lover.' I thought making a plan for what I'm gonna do.

I thought about what kind of personality I want to have in my first lover, In the end I decided on a 'sweet and caring motherly attitude, but scary when someone hurts their child or friend' personality, because I have always respected people like that, and my best friend in my last life had this personality actually!

He created a acting skill first which he instantly mastered, and then used the skill 'ultimate shapeshifter' to have the appearance of an angelic beauty, with silky black hair that ends to his neck, Snow White skin without any flaws, pouty reddish pink lips, cute dimples that appear when he smiles, Diamond blue eyes with a tint of light green, A stunning figure that anyone would either be jealous of, or drool over, slender hands with white nail polish, and a height of 4 . 8 feet.

He was wearing a black hoodie, that ends to his mid thigh with long sleeves that almost cover his whole hands, and tight skinny white jeans, with black sneakers. He also wore a black choker, and a cute white bunny backpack on his back.

He looked around and thought,'Now that I'm ready let's teleport to a orphanage, first what path should i take??'

I could take the superstar path since I can instantly master singing, dancing and I already mastered acting, and I have the looks for a model. The superstar path it is! I'll start with modeling. I created the skill modeling, and instantly matered it, which sends a flood of information on modeling in to my brain, it was refreshing ina strange way, just like when I mastered acting.

I'll teleport into an orphanage that's just about to get rich parents looking for a child, I wonder what country, it'll be? Just to be careful let's get a all - language skill. I created the skill and instantly mastered it, and like before I flood of information on how to use it were send into my brain.

I tried willing the skill ' Exact Teleportation' to send me, by an orphanage, that's like how i described it.

[using skill - Exact Teleportation - to teleport host by an orphanage, a day before the rich parents, arrival??]


I touched 'y' and as soon as i did that was suddenly in an alleyway. I created the skill duplication before I did anything, instantly mastered it, and imagined a black mask in my hand. I wore the black mask and walked out of the alleyway. I saw the orphanage in front of me, I knew that 'Cause it said 'Orpanage' on it in big letters. I slowly walked to it. I knocked on the door, and waited.

A woman in ordianary clothes opened the door, she was probably surprised by my looks, because I must have still looked beautiful even with the mask on, cause she took a while to talk, she said, " Oh, I'm sorry how rude of me! come in!" She invited me in, so I came in. And took a sit, I probably look like a girl but who cares I'll make use of.

I looked around the place, and saw five little kids looking at me like they were amazed, I smiled at them, and they all ran away I was kind of disappointed, but oh, well.


And that's where the chapter ends.

This is 1,604 words, and I'll do another chapter because I'm bored.


Next Chapter HInt-

= Target =
