
You Said You Don't Want her...

🥀Happy Reading💓🌹

What's wrong with Fern? I thought I told her to stay at home and even the doctor suggested the same for her. Why would she even kill herself waking from her bed and coming here? This was not okay. Claire said she doesn't want her at the wedding and I don't want to ruin her happy moments when she is exchanging vows with Dominic. This wasn't their day and the same day that Fern decided to be one hell of a disturber and barged into the ceremony.  She can't even walk, she is in a wheelchair and her Lyft driver doesn't even care, all he did was bring her here in this situation? What type of person does that?

Excuse me, gentleman, why would you even pick someone this sick and bring her to the party? Couldn't you have asked? She can't even walk?

The man just glared between Fern and me. I don't know why but I was impatient with all this.  

I looked into the purse in my hand and called her nurse. She was supposed to be taking care of her while we were gone and not leaving her to come here. If she doesn't know her job then it will be of no use instead, send her away and bring in someone who wants to work. 

                      "Dee, who are you calling?"

Why is she asking me whom am I calling? She needs to go back to bed and let the drip be replaced in her hands. I don't want to see her walking all around the place like this.  Her nurse was not picking up my call instead it went to voicemail. I won't be surprised to know that she stole the nurse's phone and maybe threw it or switched it off because she can do it. Maybe she doesn't have any energy to hold food and feed herself but it doesn't look like she can't hold a phone because that Lyft didn't order itself.

Where is your nurse, Fern, I need to talk to her?

Fern just gave the empty eyes, smiling while playing with her clothes. Does she think this is a joke? Unless she doesn't want to get better and wants to be pushed in that wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Dee, don't worry about her, I gave her off because her husband broke up with her. She didn't need to take care of me, she also has problems that need to be taken care of and not some lady who has rugged breathing in the tube. 

Speaking of the tube, I didn't see her oxygen tube with her, maybe she can breathe without it now and that was a good thing. Though you know what's not a good thing, crushing at someone's party without an invite 

     "So, are you going to introduce me to your friends or what?"

Fern, you know many people dont know you here. Claire is still mad that you once tried to play me and get one hundred thousand dollars from me. They all need time and this is not the best moment. I didn't want to ruin it by bringing you in. You were supposed to be calm and let them know you first willingly. You spent the way Jake wanted to know you and he even suggested that I bring you home?

Fern raised her head and the once beautiful slender neck was only left with a skeleton, looked at me. Her face changed, she was not the happy person that was smiling here some minutes before. 

"What do you mean, you don't want to ruin their best moments? I am like a sister to you Dee, you can't tell your friends about your sister even for a minute, why? Are you afraid that I look skinny and can't even take my shit and I need to be helped to do that? You used to flaunt me when I was wealthy, talk about me to your friends because at that time I could get you some expensive burgers and chicken wings from an expensive restaurant. I made sure you never drank plain coffee in the morning because my bakery was there to supply you with endless cakes. My family took you in even though you were not my sister, right now you dont remember that? All that you remember is how I am going to ruin your friend's wedding by showing my face. Do you know how I have been fighting to win you back? I wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I thought that you have all the wealth that was going to make you proud and forget about me, maybe you forgot about me but you were never full of yourself. I just want to be included in something Fern, into people's lives just like anyone could. You remember you imprisoned my mum and dad and now, I have nothing, !"

What did I do? Am I this bad? I thought that mum and dad were a nuisance? I didn't imagine she would be missing them this much?  Maybe I am bad, I am a bad sister. I don't give people an opportunity in my life, I tend to shut them away. 

Fern, I didn't know you felt this way? I thought I was doing the right thing and I was protecting you. This whole time you were hurting and couldn't even tell me about it?

"Tell you about it? you were being worshipped by a man who loves and adores you?  He respects you in every way. I never got that. It was either someone who wanted to fix me so bad and when they were done, they discarded me like some trash. I never got to experience love at all the way you did."

Why is she so mad? I felt like I overlooked her life. She was not getting anything. Why would someone just use you as a punching bag, a cum storing factory and not appreciate the beauty in Fern? She has it all, unlike me who never had it all. 

This still won't make Claire accept her to the wedding. I didn't want her to go on her honeymoon mad that Fern came. 

Fern, I am sorry to say this.  I know you have been through a lot but you also know that you can't eat at the stable that you were not invited to? This is going to be hard but you need to go home.

I knew the next thing she was going to do was call me names and even spat on my face which surprisingly she didn't do but instead, called Jake who was also walking in our direction.

                      "Hun, what Is it?"

She kissed my cheek and was surprised to see Fern as well. 

"Fern, I thought you were supposed to stay in bed? You can't be walking out at this time, this is so bad."

Why is Jake not using his stern voice? He is supposed to be mad at her and ask her to leave. I hope she is not trying to make her join the party because that is the last thing I want her to do.

"Guess, all of you don't want me here, I wanted to look for somewhere I could come and spend time apart from my lonely room that is never visited unless someone wants to feed me a jelly cake or insert another hundred and one tubes in my arm.  Also, I want to know people, I want to feel loved."

                    But we love you, Fern.

I was trying to reason with her. She didn't need to make people love her, they already did without even trying. Clairee is not one of those people and she won't hesitate to have the guards throw her out of the place.

"'We?' Who is the 'we?' The last time I remember you didn't even call me. Jake was the only one who was willing to listen to me. Why are trying to look good right now? so that Jake won't see your bad side? We all are bad in someone else's story and I agree with it, just don't fake the fact that you never showed me any love. All you cared about was you, Dee."

Jake was now shocked, looking at me. Why is Fern trying to make me look bad in front of him? I haven't done anything bad and the truth was I still love her. That is not going to change because we have been siblings ever since we were young. 

"Ignore her, one thing I know, Dominic will chop off her head if he sees her here." 

So even Dominic doesn't want her around? The way I thought he would. This is going to be messed up, I think it will be good to escort her home and let her rest.

    "Who drove you here Fern? And how did you pass by my the guards?"

That was the same question that was bothering me. How she managed to do all without being noticed by the guards.

"I used my mouth, what do you think, that I used my flat and sick boobs or my useless ass?"

This was now awkward, did she blow job each one of them? This is not okay and that will call for more examination of the guards' people we hire in our premises. They can't be hiring some useless people who got cornered by blow jobs. 

              "Don't look at me like that., I have some decency too."

"I think I am calling someone to pick you up, you are not going anywhere near the party Fern."

At this point, I could easily believe Jake is on my side about her going home which she had to do once the guards arrived and were asked to take her back into the vehicle but she was adamant.

"I don't even know why I came to you two, I just wish I could have taken my own life because right now, I have no hope. You are trying to take everyone away from me. I can't even see a celebration? This is unfair, I also want to be at the wedding."

She was shouting over when the guards tried to walk closer to her. I couldn't imagine that she wanted to take her own life. Because of something like this?

.                   "Let her be,"

Jake protested making the men leave her. He couldn't be serious and was thinking of introducing her to the party. 

"Dee, what are you guys doing, I thought we were supposed to be at the table?"

 I heard Claire's voice. This was not going to be good. She strode towards us and as much as I tried to walk up to her my legs and feet couldn't match her steps and she reached me before I could even take a step.

"What in the fucking hell, what is she doing here? I thought I said I don't want to see her face at my wedding? You guys are destroying my wedding. Jake, I hate you!"

"So you didn't want to tell me that Claire didn't want me at her wedding? Claire, I am sorry for barging in like this, I didn't mean to offend you or anything. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am."

"Do you know what Fern, I don't appreciate any of that gesture? Sick people are in the hospital bed trying to be comfortable and heal. You are not doing anything to suggest that you want to heal, you don't have mercy on yourself and all you keep doing is showing yourself in this place so that people can sympathise with you? Do you know what you can do? Use your wheelchair and beg for some cash in the street like anyone else. I don't want your presence at my wedding. 

I was lost if words to say. I knew this was going to bring in a big conflict and the way Claire was angry told me otherwise. She won't be speaking to me for a while and that hurts me a lot. Though I also didn't love the way her tone was angry at Fern. She is sick, can't she show her some empathy?

       "Claire, can you be fair, that's not cool."

Jake was reasoning with her. I also felt that was uncool. She can't even express her sorry attitude and quick recovery words to Fern.

"So, this is all about sympathy? Even at my fucking wedding we can't celebrate it in peace apart from showing sympathy? Do you know what? I am tired of all this bulshit and drama. Even if for once you expect me to be happy about her, I will never be instead I will always be mad that she got to ruin my one happy moment. I wanted to be happy and excited that finally I am starting a new chapter but look now, I have to look at the fact that I do t want to look and be cool with it? Fuck you all I think this wedding has to end."

Claire, Claire, please don't do this. I know I messed it up. I know we don't agree on a lot of things but please show some mercy and understand it's not my idea to mess you guys up. She wanted to come here and has always wanted. She said she has heard about you and wanted to come to see for herself. She is my sister too and I can't get rid of her. She has taken me through a rough patch but that doesn't mean that I get to abandoned and leave her to be. I know she deserves a second chance in her life Claire.

"How nice of you, Dee, do you even want her here in the first place? You didn't even want to see her face to start with. You said Jake was forcing you to help her, how come now you are you g to say that if her?"

Jake and Fern both looked at me. I know I had said that, but why would Claire use that against me? Did I annoy her that bad to throw me under the bus?

"Dee I thought you wanted her here and I was not pressuring you to bring her home. Why did you say that? "

I am sorry guys I didn't mean for any of that to happen. I know I did a very bad thing, please, forgive me. It's Fern, I thought that she was here to ask for another favour in form of cash or even swindle me using pictures again.

"She is still coming here for money favours dont you think? I am done being a nice person. I don't want to see Fern right now and I don't even care where she is going. Just not my house. The way she is behaving acts like she knows what she is doing. Plus I thought you were supposed to be in bed sleeping and trying to gather more energy so that you can get better? Turns out you don't want to and it doesn't bother you at all."